
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Saiyan King, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. Saiyan King New Player

    This game is different from most games, because everyone cries for nerfs on anything unique. Im surprised Q tunneling didnt get the back flip treatment. Anyways I think powers/skills should have more trade offs in advantages/disadvantages. Because honestly right now every power right now (dps wise) feel just reskinned. Kind of said when support roles have more diversity and trade offs. IE: elec healing short range but powerful. Rage tank timing based but powerful. Ice tank casual yet strong. Squishy without a shield up tho. I'd like to see each power have unique-ness rather than reskins
  2. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

  3. Saiyan King New Player

    Im saying when ever someone sees a certain power has something unique they always call for a nerf
  4. Abisial Committed Player

    So you're telling me Celestial feels like a reskin of Nature? lol
  5. Saiyan King New Player

    ohh Rage can melee? Nerfed outrage. Ohh acro has back flip and can get out of combat Nerfed. Ohh quan has a cool limitless am Nerfed. You seeing the trend?
  6. Saiyan King New Player

    most powers feel reskinned. Celes is unique. But wm nature is just like any other wm burst.
  7. That guy New Player

    WM + anything feels like everything else because of the unified power durations. The beauty lies in the minor things. If you dive into a power deep enough, you won't find another that is quite the same or as you say reskinned.
  8. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I'm sorry but HL isn't like any other power. Infinite combo when not interrupted. That is unique. Celestial is unique as its combo require the power from the other tree in the exact same spot to complete a combo. Most of range combo are a single button press and the animation is completely different, and Rage is melee focused compared to other power sets.

    Nature is the core DOT power in game with up to 6 dot moves, it is horrible burst damage but is fantastic with DOT.

    The Pet AM are unique, but they stink; would be cool if the Pet AM actually did a bit more damage.

    I really don't see how you can state ALL Powers. Not all are the same. Each has a different element.
  9. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Each power is unique, each dps is unique in a sense.
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  10. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Are you honestly complaining about an AM that hasn't even made it to live yet being nerfed? For crying out loud. The Quantum AM was vastly overpowered on Test, and possibly still is. Don't cry about something being nerfed when it is still on the dang test server. My main has been Quantum since the day Quantum was released and even I could see how ridiculous its AM was when I played around with it. People are so quick to cry nerf these days but not so quick to say it's a rebalancing. I'm not saying everything is balanced, far from it, but an effort to balance a mechanic that is still in the testing phase is not always a damn nerf.
  11. Ghostof91 New Player

    This game has just started getting into combo powers ever since Hard light was released, All powers are unique but it's how they are used which brings them together quite close in comparison.