Adult League (US PS/PC HEROES)

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Bruce’s Slippers, Nov 5, 2022.

  1. Eruiken New Player

    Sorry about that. I didn't even see this had been responded to.
    My game name is MGANN MISS. If possible, I still wish to join you guys lol

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  2. Robinton Well-Known Player

    I might be interested. But I am only CR 200....
  3. The Hoon New Player

    I am interested in joining, unfortunately I don't meet the required 300sp. Currently only at 178sp.
    CR 386
    Electricity DPS/Healer. Have maxed artifacts for both roles.
  4. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    What is your hero name? We will help you with SP
  5. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    What’s your hero name? Will add you tomorrow!!
  6. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    Thanks for responding! I’ll add you tomorrow!!