Adjustments to speedster abilities & gadgets vortex cannon

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Raijin1999, Dec 11, 2023.

  1. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Cyclone push is Speedsters only ranged AOE, and it's got horrendously short range and is off balance compared to flight/skimming and acrobatics, which have down/spindraft and throwing knives, respectively, which are full range. The range should be extended to full range, imo, as it does similar damage to its counterparts in the other trees despite the range nerf.

    Similarly, speedsters had their shoulder tackle, the movement's dash type attack, turned into a supercharge. Imo that really wasn't needed, and the power has been lacking a dash attack that flight has with swoop and acro has with forward flip attack. (Phase dodge could have been used instead, allowing the player to avoid all damage for x amount of time, and potentially hurt enemies by moving near enough or through them).

    Just the same, Gadgets Vortex Cannon is a dud power for having the exact same properties of Cyclone Push. Same mid-short range limit. Gadgets is severely lacking stronger ranged attacks, as too many of it's ranged attacks are low end 'cantrip' types that underperform in damage due to their PI applicator status and very short cooldowns. Vortex Cannon does the damage that Gadgets needs, but has that horrendous range that has resulted in the power being neglected since it was added to their powerset years back.

    Lastly all 3 movement type powers have a pull attack, but some of them single target pulls and flight has the 360 pull. The cooldown timings of these pull attacks are too high compared to standard pull attacks from core powers. These could use rebalancing and it's likely that they were simply overlooked, just as movement powers were overlooked when tooltip information was added to core powers that showed their power cost, etc. The movement and iconics trees don't have any of those details, either.
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Wait… are you asking for a speed movement mode buff? And a buff for gadgets? Gadgets neglected?
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  3. sebfm Well-Known Player

    I think we read the exact same way that topic. Gonna need some popcorns for the next answers this topic will get :D
  4. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Since you skipped it the first time, please read:

    Cyclone push is Speedsters only ranged AOE, and it's got horrendously short range and is off balance compared to flight/skimming and acrobatics, which have down/spindraft and throwing knives, respectively, which are full range. The range should be extended to full range, imo, as it does similar damage to its counterparts in the other trees despite the range nerf.

    Similarly, speedsters had their shoulder tackle, the movement's dash type attack, turned into a supercharge. Imo that really wasn't needed, and the power has been lacking a dash attack that flight has with swoop and acro has with forward flip attack. (Phase dodge could have been used instead, allowing the player to avoid all damage for x amount of time, and potentially hurt enemies by moving near enough or through them).

    Just the same, Gadgets Vortex Cannon is a dud power for having the exact same properties of Cyclone Push. Same mid-short range limit. Gadgets is severely lacking stronger ranged attacks, as too many of it's ranged attacks are low end 'cantrip' types that underperform in damage due to their PI applicator status and very short cooldowns. Vortex Cannon does the damage that Gadgets needs, but has that horrendous range that has resulted in the power being neglected since it was added to their powerset years back.

    Lastly all 3 movement type powers have a pull attack, but some of them single target pulls and flight has the 360 pull. The cooldown timings of these pull attacks are too high compared to standard pull attacks from core powers. These could use rebalancing and it's likely that they were simply overlooked, just as movement powers were overlooked when tooltip information was added to core powers that showed their power cost, etc. The movement and iconics trees don't have any of those details, either.
  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    No, I’ve read everything. Speed and gadgets already have advantages over other movement modes/power sets that put them and (arguably) the best of each one. And you want to buff them?