Ace Chemicals went Willy-Wonka

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ElderX, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. ElderX New Player

    Did someone gave Joker and Harley painting contract of Ace Chemical? It appeared after today's hotfix! Funny thing is that it went normal after I was back from Nexus run. Many people confirmed they too saw it just as I did. Any idea what this is all about?[IMG]
    P.S The title credits to friend
  2. Poo New Player

    Graphics glitch? You on PS server I bet.

    P.S. I like it :)
  3. ElderX New Player

    Yup EU PS3 to be specific. Wish it was permanent:p it kinda attract attention all the way.
  4. Bloodartist New Player

    I think this is a graphic glitch. I remember seeing same texture on some pipes at Arkham Asylum this morning (EU PC), but now the texture has been changed back.