Accomplices & Sidekicks in PVP

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by jarkin, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. jarkin New Player

    Well, Im just gonna come out and say it. Accomplice trinkets or consumables with sidekicks in the pvp fields is not appropriate. First of all, this is PvP. For those who dont know (obviously the Devs) this means player vs player, not player vs player vs pve buddies. I suggest taking these guys out of the pvp aspect entirely or, as this has been much talked about, having hardcore maps for each arena where these consumables and trinkets are not allowed. You are completely defeating the purpose of PvP. PvP is supposed to be can my guy kill your guy. Why should this include little guys that are doing more damage than you can do? The other thing is that they cost PVE marks....What the heck? So your telling me that because you PVE more than I do you can afford accomplices that you can use in PVP? This makes no sense at all. My personal opinion is to get rid of them entirely in the PVP aspect of the game. However, if this is unacceptable for whatever reason (even though you have ruined PVP in my eyes) atleast make these consumables purchasable with influence as well. This way, the people that prefer to be PVP based are not excluded from the benefits that PVE players receive.
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  2. Mista E New Player

    i agree,

    i wonder how many more threads like this have to get made for the devs to act.
  3. Itazuki New Player

    Devs don't care. They are making money, why should PvP players be happy?

    The best thing to see is someone losing horribly, then they pop out 4 pets and start winning.

    ^ Real skill.
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  4. Mista E New Player

    lol exactly,

    good by to skill and hello to op gimmicks.

    but hey Defiance is coming out next month, and the devs there actualy invested in pvp.
    They have a leaderboard, match making lobbies and open world pvp at launch.
    Defiance has more content right now before its launch, than dc has in 2+years of being live...
  5. Itazuki New Player

    Have to check it out.

    Though I played the Alpha testing for Scarlet Blade (I know it looks perverted) and it has amazing PvP 80v80 battles that are very fun. The Beta starts very soon so may be playing that some more.

    Though it's another point and click game so...Kind of a downside. The only reason I stick with DCUO is how unique the gameplay feels, I've tried other action MMOs and they feel too stiff.
  6. Daemonic Visions Committed Player

    I do lairs once and awhile, I wont start off using pets, but they are on my belt loadout. I see any pets at all used that are not power related, I leash out mine.

    Funny part is, I'm fire, so their pets can be burnt down easy, mine usually last longer than theirs. Their Mistake, now their cheap tactics gets turned back on them, and all I wanted was a 1vs1...
  7. Mista E New Player

    you might like defiance, its a 3rd person shooter mmo,

    It is kind of like id between halo and borderlands.

    If you are a fan of eathier of those games you will most likely enjoy Defiance,
  8. Itazuki New Player

    More of a CoD and Battlefield type of person hahah.
  9. Itazuki New Player

    Unless they are a healer and heal their pets... That's the worst lol.
  10. Yallander Loyal Player

    (This is not a defense of the current status, just a "devil's advocate" of the situation.)

    PVP marks can now be transferred for dismal amounts of MOT, but they are still transferable. I have less issue with sidekicks than back-up because it is just 1 pet where as back-up are 3 pets doing counter mechanics, messing with targeting and damage. Mepps has alluded to something in the works for competitive PVP. I have great expectations tempered by reality on what the end result will be, but there is no fee for hoping right?
  11. Aqua New Player

    Yeah sidekicks are most ridiculous thing ever, they heal your entire health bar, so now I gotta kill a guy the 3 times the sidekick heals him added in with the cola he no doubt has and the likely boo or sea creature trinket.

    If I knew my opponent wouldn't use these things or wasn't able to use these things I could actually finish my T3 suits instead of paying rent just to keep up.
  12. Loadingscreens Committed Player

    dont hold your breath.

    the devs promised PVPers somethubg "very special" in the works before the last laugh came out.

    and we are still waiting for it. Cause all we got were poopy maps with poopy NPCs and poopy immunities, and poopy pets and poopy consumables and poopy sidekicks and now we cant even synch.

    its funny cause the devs struck gold with the pvp mechanics. insane fun. now its poopy and we are mad cause we loved what pvp was, not what its become.
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  13. Itazuki New Player

    That line is pretty much how I feel as well... The PvP mechanics in this game has the potential to be the most competitive and amazing PvP in any MMO. It's just amazing... Though SOE seems hellbent on destroying it.

    The PvE in here is fun... Really though it's similar to every other MMORPG out there and could easily be replaced. The PvP is why a lot of us stick around though, well those of us that like uniqueness.
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  14. Predicament Well-Known Player

    The thing with the pets that is the most annoying is if they are following counter mechanics allow us to draw immunities from countering them, it is unfair that pets can spam interrupts or block breaks and we should counter them but get no immunities from doing so...
  15. Loadingscreens Committed Player

    yup. i only pvp. I hated the mainframes at first, but i only gotta run the high tier raids once a month, so that works great for me.

    but now i dont even care. a lot of my league quit/left, cant synch, and the sidekicks are just dumb. i mean really, wow.

    but ya, i think this is the best PVP of any game ever.

    thanks for ruining it devs
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  16. Itazuki New Player

    Like Yallander said though... Mepps has been hinting at some PvP changes coming soon... So there is some hope there...Not much but still a little to hold out for hopefully.
  17. Mista E New Player

    Honestly what ever they add to pvp is already way too late. Lobbies, custom matches, leaderboards for pvp and pve should have all been added at launch, this game gas been ran in a lazy and lukewarm fashion, all the soca have either been average or below average, and the honest truth is that this game had it's peak in beta. The beta version of this game is by far the best version. And that is just sad.

    Some will stay, with
    This game in hope if more attention to pvp, but the reality is that everyone pvp gets attention it is for the worse.
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  18. PaperGirl New Player

    So naive ..
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  19. Itazuki New Player

    Yeah each "update" to PvP has made me like it a little less so far... This will probably the last try for myself though.

    May just be time to move on after this new PvP tweak if it doesn't go well.
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  20. jarkin New Player

    Pay attention Devs and Mepps!!!! The people that pay for your game are speaking. It is us that keep your developments coming and allow you to make more updates. Listen to the comments and the feedback of your work and actually put this information to good use. If no changes are to come then whats the point of renewing a membership to a game that is no fun. Customers will be lost, and the future of DC will be lost. You'll be left with free to play players that care not about the potential of the game or what you want to do with it. Theyll just make lvl 30's and be done. No recommendations towards your game will be given and no one will purchase future games that will be made. Listen to your paying customers and take advice from what we would like to see. PVP is what makes this game unique from any other PS3 game. I cant run out in a world and kill random people from around the country on CoD or Battlefield. I like this game but you need some changes. PVP IS YOUR MONEY MAKER. Dont let us down.
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