Accidental Perfection & the logic behind feats

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Volkenraider, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    Alright guys this isn't a rant post, I want to be as objective as I can with this

    First of all its true Skill Points doesn't equal skill in game, never has never will. That being said I do believe that working towards feats and earning them makes you an overall better player.

    Think of feats in their respective tier that require team work, skill and overall awareness and not every group can complete

    - Most Speed Feats
    - Epic Odyssey (and its speed feat)
    - No Tag Out
    - FOS 3 Medic and Sniper Feat
    - Pick One (one of my favourites)
    - Four Corners (to some extent)

    Heck even Ka-Boom Tubes and Urgrund Energy Conservation require communication and skill

    Yes I get style feats and "complete content x amount of times" also gives you feats but those are long term feats with a lot of variety. (not just 1 alert or 1 duo etc) - Some styles are tedious to run but most of them reset daily or are now in the vendor. Also quite a few styles drop in both roles and in different content.

    But this feat takes the cake for me.. I have a better shot at playing best of 3 of russian roulette Deer Hunter style (pun intented lol) than ever getting this

    I'm not asking for a nerf or for them to change it, I'll still run Artifacts 5 times a day and maybe get lucky but for the future don't add feats that require no skill to achieve -

    If any Dev can comment on this it would be greatly appreciated, I think theres a 3% chance they might see this xD

    Thanks for reading if you did :)

    TLTR: Don't add feats that require no skill to complete, feats should be earned on how good a player/group is, not some random combo
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  2. HazeTA New Player

    Agreed and it doesn't help when you cant unlock it with replays between villains and heros even though its the same feat with the EXACT same description.
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  3. ChuckLess New Player

    I like having things in game that you are not guaranteed to obtain. Feats or otherwise. In fact, we really need ALOT more. Especially gear and weapons.
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  4. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Style Feats
    Collect Feats
    Salvage Feats
    Creation Feats
    500 Grinding Feats
    Treasure Chest Feats
    and so on.

    Accidental Perfection is really a grinding feat rather than anything else. Just rush to the artifacts, requeue, rush to the artifacts, requeue and so on.
  5. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    I did address that ^^ those are long term and have variety in them and are soloable for most part
  6. kawe Loyal Player

    Since Artifacts is an OP, and we have no idea if we get portals for these one day, to enter with a small group or to enter it solo, it will always require 8 people for you to get into this instance.

    I'm all for long time feats, I'd personally would wish for feats past the 500 alerts, solos and 25k gathering feat, but that is because i can do that on my own at any time. But the AP is limited in farming.

    Compare it what they did to the norseman style. That feat was really hard to obtain, because (if you didn't use replays) you had to get a 8 man group each weak for for a tiny weeny chance to get the random piece of gear you still need from a ridiculous big loot pool. They had to give it to us in the style vendor eventually.

    Grind feats? YES PLS. But less restrictions pls.
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  7. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I see what you did there ;)

    The point ... is to make it so you'll run it again even if you don't reset it or need the marks.
    There are three kinds of feats:
    luck based
    I wholeheartedly agree ... skill, obviously, is not only the most fun, brings people together, and is what we'd like to see the more of.
  8. kawe Loyal Player

    I love styles that are hard to obtain. I LOVE the Digital Invasion style. Or let's say i loved it.
    It was perfect, rare, pretty and NOT bound to a feat. So it was simply a thing of vanity, love for grind and a boredom killer to get it. Now it is in the style vendor. And everyone who happens to have 70 spare MOFs (wich isn't much currently) can have it without even knowing what it is, or where it drops.
    If it had a feat attached I would have said to ad it to the style vendor too.

    We need more rare styles/weapon styles that make us grind, but are not required in any kind of form to have. imho of course.
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  9. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    What Pen said above, if youre gonna make a luck based feat add less restrictions to it

    I can use the Happy Hyppolita Feat as an example. This one took a while cause you had to get the right combination first which took quite a while (8-10 mins cruising speed to get to last boss) and then you had to pull off the execution

    This feat was luck, grind and skill all in one and it was soloable so you didn't rely on 7 other people either

    Luck and grind go hand in hand but you have to draw the line somewhere. This feat is making me hate Artifacts From The Past and probably never set foot in it again when (if*) I get the feat.

    Think I clocked my 70th run today since I started counting so go figure lol
  10. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    I'm still not a fan of the style vendor but not much can be done now, and yes they should deffo add feat-less stlyes/weapon

    I'd grind them with you lol ^^
  11. kawe Loyal Player

    I'm still of the opinion that they should have just tweaked the loot tables instead of creating the style vendor. Sure random luck would still be a mean little b*tch to some, but the grind wouldn't be as devastating as it is for them. So I'm yay n nay.

    And I share your love for the Happy Hippo feat. It has the perfect mixture, as you said above.

    I think I will start to grind this feat too... locked and all, so hit me up anytime... for some reason I doubt they will ever retouch it, even though I'd personally would welcome it.
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  12. Greenman_x Steadfast Player


    I really like the feats in this entire DLC besides that one and the stupid Insect raid style. I always want more skill based feats rather than luck ones.
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  13. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    I'm pretty sure this feat was a joke aimed entirely at the opinion of there being too much luck involved in feats.

    "Oh yeah? You think there's too much luck? Wait'll ya see this one!"
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  14. ChuckLess New Player

    It would have been hilarious if they had come out and said that! :D
  15. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    The imperial insect style is also available at the rare style vender for 70MoF per piece. I wouldn't consider that luck based.
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  16. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    Hound and I are always setting up runs in League, problem is not many can hack running it more than 3-4 times lol

    Expect a ninja invite sometime then ^^

    As for what you said, I would have done the same.. Tweak the loot tables don't simply hand it over to us
  17. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    I think most feats besides the standard "kill x of this" and "complete x styles" are actually pretty good, off the top of my head

    - Pick One
    - Urgrund Enegery Conservation
    - Necro Speed Feat
    - Ka-boom Tubes
    - Wait for it

    and then they kill it with Accidental Perfection

    I don't mind the approach of making content for everyone to finish but at least give out hard skill based feats that challenge us to keep us on our toes.
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  18. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    If i had any hair I would've pulled it all out due to this stupid feat. :mad:
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  19. Remander Steadfast Player

    Even the feats that require skill and good communication at tier can usually be achieved by most when overgeared. Ultimately, few, if any, of the feats actually require skill. Skill points are more like grind points. Grind the x number feats, grind the marks for style feats, grind the gear for overgearing tier feats. It's all a grind. That's not to say that achieving certain feats at tier doesn't require skill, though.
  20. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    You can achieve anything when over geared lol.. getting Epic Odyssey or Flash Duo speed feat at their current tier was a pain the ***

    Ofc now you can 3 man EO and solo flash speed feat haha