About the Time Capsule Collection Pieces...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DanPhyronix, Jun 19, 2017.

  1. DanPhyronix New Player

    Since some style feats require you to obtain certain pieces that can either be bought for obscene prices at the auction broker or by spending an absurd amount of time / irl money on stabilizers, are those styles going to be available at the rare style vendor(s) after the time capsules stop dropping? Or are they becoming an un-achievable feat in the near future? I'm not sure if it's worth it to spend 30 mil+ on an item that only brings 50 feat points...
  2. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    The TCs will not stop dropping. From time to time there is a Resurgence event where all the old TCs drop alongside the current TC. Any of the older capsules opened during a Resurgence event contain a bonus Anomaly capsule that gives you either a collection, enhanced style or mote (I think that's all of them but if I missed something someone please correct me) on top of the loot you get from opening the capsule itself.
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  3. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    no what needs to happen is what was originally said, remove the feats and add a vendor to trade in items from time capsules towards items that you really want.

    they said they would do this how long ago but have yet to do either of the above. Its pretty sad if you ask me. I suppose they want to further kill the population due to styles and feats that are out of majority of the player bases reach. Im sorry but a loot picker is useless if you get nothing of value or items that you already have. Which again would make the vendor they said would happen more useful but have yet to do.

    Yet they listen to feedback though right?
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  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    to add on to my post above, the same thing needs to happen with seasonal and major events, the 'styles' they bring out in those need to be just that, styles not actual gear. Theres content if you want to progress play it, stop allowing people to out right buy seasonal currency off MP then boost their CR again its no different then the time capsules atm, is why that gear in time capsules should be nothing but a style.

    Because last I recall when time capsules were introduced thats what they called them not GEAR, b/c had it been called gear people would of been against it from that day on. Not when it went live.
  5. recoil Committed Player

    agreed. some of the styles from capsules should be in a third vendor. not the auras and other stuff just plain old styles.
  6. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    the TC'S are a waste of time and money. I have none of the feats that have a rare piece with them. I NEVER got a rare drop. NEVER will. I have the in game cash to buy them. but wont. why? I will not feed the greed of the people and DBG. I have plenty of SP. don't need them. would like to have them, to close them out. but don't need them.

    will they ever put them in a vendor??? nope. think of the up-roar they would get from the people that spent sooooooooooo much real money on them...