A Simple Change That Could Make This Game a 10/10

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Musashi Starblade, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. Musashi Starblade New Player

    Have you guys ever thought of implementing a system in this game where regardless of your role, you will be a DPS? So a troll, tank, and healer will be a DPS. You will not choose your role as a troll, tank, healer, OR DPS.


    I started playing this game 1 year ago as a fire DPS, and i thought that doing damage would be the funnest thing. Now i am a CR99 celestial DPS, and i am slowly beginning to understand that...


    Although people who have tons of fun providing defense, power, and heals to the group would disagree with me, I know that there are tons of people who would DEFINITELY agree with me on this one.


    I do understand that there may be a few flaws with my idea, but that is because i could go on and on with this.

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  2. Statman New Player

    Geez, it's really a DPS hate-fest this week.

    And no. I don't think is a good idea. Many players focus would be split between doing one role and doing damage, and splitting focus is a horrible idea. Most players can't even focus on one role, let alone complete parts of two. The current set up is just fine, it's the community that's the issue.
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  3. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Brother have a thick skin for what comes next.

    DCUO DPS are like wide receivers in football. Always taking, over inflated self worth, loud, and generally obnoxious.

    If this is not you, you are an exception and carry the torch well and have my apologies.
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  4. crimeware New Player

    Unfortunately this would be WAY to big of a change maybe for in the future for DCUO 2 if that ever happens. Unlikely though because I don't believe it really fits the kind of "standard mmo set up"
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  5. RageQQ New Player

    Id go play GW2 if I wanted that.
  6. ZramTA New Player

    People on this forums with there ideas..LOL. The thing is your so confidente this would better the game. Thx u made me laugh
  7. Archangel Rafael New Player

    'cause this thread is the same as the other one
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  8. Musashi Starblade New Player

    I never implied that i was confident, especially considering i included the fact that my idea had flaws and was wondering what people thought. You obviously have poor reading skills, MADE ME LAUGH to be honest lol.
  9. C3alix Committed Player

    I swear every time I come across a thread like this, people just want this game to be easier and easier.

    Everybody can be a dps depending on how they mod themselves. I remember a while back a little after HoF DLC came out and I had pugged with a hybrid ice tank through Gates. Everything he had was mixed modded with precision and dom 4's and near the end of the run, he was only 100k below me.

    That being said, lrn2customize yourself.
  10. Welcome2TheNhk New Player

    I just kinda played this game for the first time in months.. Trust, it needs alot more then you are saying to be a 10/10 =/
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  11. Archangel Rafael New Player

    uh ... but really the OP is asking for players to be nerfed thus makin the game relatively harder
  12. Fightingbudha New Player

    No way would this work. People are all caught up in damage numbers as it is now could you imagine if everyone was contending for doing the most damage? It would turn into a FPS where everyone could do the same thing. I like that you need to do some strategy (unless you are overpowered of course).
  13. IdontDps Committed Player

    if they did this most of they're community would leave to play final fantasy, and war frame for ps4 users i would completly leave and not look back..and considering the fact that people are leaving dcuo everyday i dont think they would do something this stupid....
  14. QuaTumTroLL Well-Known Player

    Rename this thread to "How to make DCUO die.."
  15. Swamarian Committed Player

    It could be doable. Eliminate the role penalty for the roles, and give everyone the DPS damage bonuses from their powers. It'd make the scoreboard more interesting, and you'd have fire/ice/earth DPSes suddenly learning the joy of tanking.
    And Sorcery's Circle would be AWESOME!
  16. Mirai Well-Known Player

    Tank + DPS = Tankmage
    Yes, Superman in the comics is a tankmage, but that kind of thing doesn't work too well when you want to balance a game.

    My preference would be to do away with roles entirely. Make each powerset balanced and self-sufficient. Of course, that would require making some important modifications to enemy AI, so enemies don't concentrate fire on a single member of a team.

    Short of that, no, getting rid of DPS alone wouldn't work out well.
  17. Tvuski Well-Known Player

    Plus, many powers function as one or another in different roles.
  18. TroEL Dedicated Player

    I've never seen a thread like this before. Thought provoking AND timely...I hope this topic gains traction.
  19. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    With the raised average CRs/def, solo-heal-4DPS raids being standard now and T5 nerfed to the point that hardly any PUG sees the business end of an Enrage Timer everyone is back on "Why do we need DPS?" trip... Let's wait until new challenging content drops and people need to be carried again - I'll bet everyone will be kissing up to good old, "elitist", "score-chasing" DPS - just like not so long ago.
  20. Tweek New Player

    I like the idea of a self sufficient roles:)
    OP watch out the pitchfork welding mobs will come for you if this ever happened:p