A Question To All Healers who have completed Assault & Battery

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rasta, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. Rasta Committed Player

    I recently went celestial and I'm standing at 4100 Resto with the current gear I have.

    My question for the healers who have completed Assault and Battery when WOTL was first released, what was your resto and do you think 4100 Resto is enough or if I should consider getting more healer gear before trying to heal it.
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  2. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    I've seen it solo heal'd at 2900 resto. The healer isn't the only person keeping the raid alive. If the rest of the raid follows the 5d's of dodgeball it can most likely be done without a healer. You're fine.
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  3. Tikkun Loyal Player

    4100 is enough. Paradox could be done with that much and it's way harder than AnB.

    Edit: If you need a mentor or have questions, hit me up in game. :)
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  4. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

  5. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    You will be fine with that! Be aware and heal tank first!
  6. Tikkun Loyal Player

    Unless they're rage and can't manage their crash. In Celestial it's best to keep your rotation going. It's all about group heals. Once you start clipping to save a single person, you deplete the power bar quickly putting the group at risk. ;)
  7. Rasta Committed Player

    I had full vestments troll gear modded and just wanted to try something new to keep me entertained. I'm familiar with how Celestial operates I just was curious about what resto is good since I've healed nexus and paradox but not AB
  8. Tikkun Loyal Player

    If you've solo healed EO, AnB will be a breeze for you.
  9. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    Of course! Rage is a nasty one to heal. And I don't mean to spam heals to the tank.
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  10. Club Idiot New Player

    You'll be fine, especially because you have already done wave and dox. A lot of it depends on the group and like Jeazy said, they need to follow the 5 d's of dodgeball. With almost 5000 baseline restoration, I couldn't solo heal a group once because you can't heal through stupid. And they were stupid, believe me.
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  11. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Its good enough. The reason being that raid is very very easy. You will have people drop but shouldnt have any wipes. For some reason I can't remember what max resto is for the life of me but I can say I was solo healing at probably close to 99-100 cr when the raid came out. I was 101 but that was due to my DPS gear.
  12. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    I completed it with 2300 Resto the first time I ran my Healer alt through, but we had another Healer in the group that was in the 4000 Resto range.

    EDIT: I was 86CR at the time.
  13. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    A nature heal can solo heal stupid, don't know about cele never healed with it, but sorcery is hard imo to solo. That's when smart play is important
  14. Feenicks New Player

    Noob healer question. I don't really heal but I have a nature healer alt collecting dust that I might want to play one day. How do you direct heals to the tank? I was under the impression you couldn't really "target" your heals.

    Just a noob question. Just curious.
  15. Club Idiot New Player

    For electric healers, you can throw arc lightning which heals people around the bad guy you hit with your power. You can target the tank that way.
  16. chubbychase New Player

    4.1k resto is a stupid high amount of resto and you should be able to complete A&B with that restoration no problem. You will not be able to carry or heal stupid 100% of the time regardless of the amount of resto you have, though.
    I healed it with 2.1k back in the day, these days I heal with 3k. In both cases solo healer, because that's how things are these days. I also am celestial, so there you go for that part.
  17. Tikkun Loyal Player

    Most healing powers heal the member(s) with the least health. In Nature you want to place pheromones on the party in order to power up your group burst heal, Blossom. Two pheromones are good, but you can have up to 4 different pheromones out. When the tank gets low, you can use Blossom for a big burst.

    Shields help to keep healthbars stable and provide extra time for healing.
  18. Deranya Dedicated Player

    Really depends on the group. Your resto is fine, but it will be tough if you have a rage tank with you that doesn't know how.
    I think I was at 4.2k at the time, probably higher because I had marks saved up to buy the gear from the vendor right away, but either way it isn't like this is another Paradox raid and you get blasted every second you are in there.

    I think AnB is a good place for teamwork, and with your Resto your group should be more than fine :) I wish you fun in there.
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  19. Rasta Committed Player

    Thank you ILY
  20. Fruity Reaper New Player

    Dude I solo healed with no wipes on one of my other chars with 3600 resto and not all affinities modded, and base mods were not on then either, so you are absolutely fine ;)