A noob guide to newbies

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Zado, May 12, 2013.

  1. Zado New Player

    Right now I am making my first alt, my main one is an ice tank CR as low as 48 and the alt is level 20. Now you know a little about my dcuo experience, here is WHY I decided to make this guide: since starting the ice char, I read A LOT, searched A LOT about this game, and there were very very basic information that, no matter where I looked, I did not find.
    This guide attempts (with the help of free will contributors I hope) put in here direct answers to the basics most basic questions for begginners (redundancy intended):

    1- Leveling: There is NO miracle
    The best way I found is: Do the main storylines of Metropolis, Chinatown and Gotham, along with the ! missions around those. Keep repairing your equip at vendors and trading them with quest rewards. There will be times where you will think you are weak, especially against some bosses like aquaman and Bruno Mannheim will test your patience. My solution: On the toughest ones, call for help, and insist on it using the shout/lfg channels. Usually there will be 1 or more level 30s willing to help. Then, use the /invite command so they reach you. On level 9, be SURE to get the "acceleration" skill for your movement mode, it will save up A LOT of time while travelling

    2- Just reached level 30: This is where you will see if you really want to keep on playing this game
    As everyone says, the game starts when you become max level. There are, right now, 5 tiers of equipment, and no station cash will give you what it takes to become strong. Go do the alerts, raids, everything you have unlocked and are strong enough on the "On Duty Menu" (Y default key on PC). Patience and perseverance are the keys here. Also, note the yellow sun-like icon next to some of them and prioritize them, as they will give more Marks of Triumph, which you will need to buy better PVE equipment (at wings on watchtower). The sun icon changes everyday, meaning you won't be bored if you don't wanna them all everyday or just don't have the time for it.

    Tip from contributor:

    2.1- FEATS: The true key to success
    More experienced players keep telling me Skill Points (used for weapons and movement skills) are what I should be aiming for as the main goal, and feats are what will allow you to accomplish it. You can access the menu through the "Deeds" option ( Press Esc on computer and look at the bar on the bottom of the screen - don't know the hotkey). Everytime you get 100 points through feats, you will get a new skill point. *As a note, power points are limited by the ones you get up to level 30. The conditions are all there and this is where I suggest you do the exploration missions, as those, even with the level 9 "acceleration" skill, are pretty boring in my opinion.

    3- PVP: to be done. I have almost no experience here aside from legends, which I am beggining to do something (like ending a duo or 4v4 dealing out most damage and healing the least), so I hope for contributions. But one thing is for sure: it takes time to learn and master fighting techniques, there are good guides for clipping out there, but nothing overcomes "keep trying, analyze, test style"

    For now, this is it. I really hope for contributions from more experienced players, and will try to keep this thread up to date, at least for a while or until I think my goal with it is done. Constructive criticism is welcomed aswell.
  2. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    Guy with lazers is Bruno Mannheim from Temple of Crime mission :)
  3. OCRanger117 New Player

    I would add to your leveling part. Superman Mentor....start out by doing all the blue and greens in Little Bohemia...that should put you at lvl 5. Once done, do the Brainiac mission first, get those EXP. points...then you should have enough to start the Grodd missions. By that time, you should be at about either lvl 6 or 7. Once done there, move over to CHinatown, and collect the blues and greens there, (2 sets each). That should get you, your exploration feats. Then move to Suicide SLums and do Steelworks greens and the two sets of blues (to morrow, and steel)., and the aquaman blues and greens. From there, go to strykers island and do the greens and two sets of blues there also. That should put you at level 9 or 10. From there, go to the tomorrow district, collect the two sets of blue there, and star labs blues 3/4. Then go back to little Bohemia, and do the hive. From there, go to the watchtower do the mission there, collecting the greens and getting the exploration feat. From there, go back to chinatown, and do WW lvl 1 mission, and then trigon mission. After that, do the lvl 12 in tomorrow district, and then go back to little bohemia, and do that lvl12, and then the lvl 15 two part mission. ONce done with that, go to chinatown, and do that lvl 15 mission. By this time, you should be lvl 17 or 18. After all this, finish exploring Metropolis, and collect the blues and greens that you can. By that time. you should be lvl 20 and not even had to go to Gotham. If your a WW mentor, just flip it around.
  4. Zado New Player

    I will gladly add it to the first post, but explain why would someone do this route instead of a direct, faster one like the one I posted. I just got my first alt in less than week doing my route. I see you aim for feats, but please, explain it so I can add to the main post
  5. OCRanger117 New Player

    The reason I use this method, is because, by doing the blues and greens first, you level up without having to do a mission. Therefore because of the weapon you have at lower levels, youll be able to survive longer with more health and gear from the drops you get from doing them. I just did a new quantum power alt, and right now im lvl 17. The only missions i have done are WW and Superman up to lvl 12, all side missions for them, and the Brainiac lvl 5 mission. I havent even finished exploring Metropolis yet and get all the remaining blues and greens there. When im done with all of it. I should be lvl 20, and still have yet to go to Gotham. Also I should have stated that you should search for the Fanboy, and More than you can chew feats also. The more feat points you get at lower levels the less you have to worry about at higher levels.
  6. Brasel New Player

    If you start in Gotham (if playing as a hero and have Batman as mentor) and you get out of the police station leave the spawn immediately. I've found that villians like to camp near there and pick people off. Also, don't get dicrouaged if you're running through a mission and you get killed by a villian a few times. Just skirt around the mission area and keep an eye on your radar. Keep doing the mission but run if the enemy character comes after you again. Once you get further on in levels and you have more abilities, then you'll be able to take some (SOME) of them on, but don't get discouraged by interference.
  7. slaychandimslaychandim New Player

    What do you mean by "blues and greens" I'm kinda new to this Game and am trying to figure it all out. So far I'm loving it though. I may got to level 12 and got my base.