A little bit of competition makes a lot of fun.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Happy Cat, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Happy Cat Well-Known Player

    My suggestion comes from an idea I had just talking trash, but I thought I should throw it out there to see who likes it.

    Global PVE/ PVP Leaderboards:

    For Tank: Damage in
    For Healer: Healing out
    For Controller: Power out
    For DPS: Damage out

    There is a lot of trash talked back in forth about who is better at what. The truth a player is not the top DPS / Tank / Troller / Healer If all a guy does is run 1 raid a and then sit around and do nothing all week but talk about how much better he "would have done better than anyone" in all the things that he didn't do. I would like to see a leader board for GLOBAL performance, so if you run an alert, duo, OP, or raid your performance will count towards your score. If your name isn't on the top of the list of what you do best, then you are not The Best. What do you win? The ability to say: 'If you want to be the man, you have to beat "THE MAN" whooooooooooooooo. Maybe put a kiosk up where people could go and check their rankings.
  2. Statman New Player

    The only problem with tank having damage in is that it's biased. Fire is about recovery, while Ice and Earth are about reducing incoming damage. Whichever way you want to look at it (high damage in, or low damage in), it's going to be biased towards one of the powers.
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  3. Old Gravyleg New Player

    I have to agree with the above poster, and add that it's not a tank's job to get damaged. It's to mitigate damage.
  4. TrueMarvel New Player

  5. Peacemakaz Committed Player

  6. Black House New Player

    The important part of the phrase "trash talking" is the "trash" its meant to be throwaway, fact is we did gates the other day 29 mins (someone dc'd) me and my leaguemate healed for 500k between us, now thats nothing in gates, if you are in a fail group a healer can top 1mil by the time you get to Circe, its not how much healing its does the group wipe and can you finish the raid, same goes for trolls, if we mix our dps's right our troll can just drop pot and the occasional instant and keep the raid topped up, numbers are not a judgement of worth.
  7. TrueMarvel New Player

    He mentioned the scoreboard and DPS.

    Plus I'm a shameless self-promoter
  8. Mad9 New Player