3 years & got my 1st Kryptonian chunk

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Maxx_Watt, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    Is this item that rare? Of course its on a toon I hardly use anymore.
  2. RSL New Player

    what is that?
  3. evilmufasa Well-Known Player

  4. RSL New Player

    ahh the phantom zone trinket. congrats. yeah. it's rare.

    also i hate when you get this kind of stuff on alts and things. sucks.
  5. Tule New Player

    Shh, some people don't know about it. If word gets out people will ask for a Kryptonian Chunk vending machine.
  6. RSL New Player

    it's not any good though, is it? just stylin'?
  7. Gunny New Player

    Its no good, more or less nice to see one for its rarity, and because it is a legendary item.

    It will likely sit in his bank indefinitely, nice drop though.
  8. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    I got it on my third toon a few weeks ago. It's always the alts.
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  9. HeirToThaThrone Committed Player

    Got it on my alt before he was even full t4 lol.
  10. ElderX New Player

    I got it thrice in last 2 months (and already had one when I was T4), no use for main toon though xD
  11. ADG New Player

    I heard about this item and I want a Kryptonian Chunk vending machine!

    I love Kryptonian Chunk vending machines. :oops: