2500sc iconic or movement mode power for prec users?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by gemii, Dec 14, 2019.

  1. gemii Dedicated Player

    Should those who play prec have a 2500 sc as well to choose from? nothing game breaking of course, Something similar to the movment/iconic supercharges. If you play precision all you have at your disposal is going to be the 5000 sc neo venom boost.

    Depending on your movement mode might players have different options like speed drain, vacuum bubble etc etc from the movement tree and pheromone bloom from the iconic tree. Prec players have just neo venom.

  2. L T Devoted Player

    A 2500 supercharge pet could be interesring. Iconic lantern construct?

    Or a 2500 crit buff maybe. Some kind of movement overload "one with the speed force" "Lord of the air" "perfect agile strikes"
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