24 hours is at 11:30PM Pacific correct?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Quantum Rising, Apr 20, 2021.

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  1. Quantum Rising Dedicated Player

    Just making sure so I know when to try logging in.
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  2. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Was waiting for this thread.

    They went down at 11:30 PM pst yesterday yes.
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  3. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I can finally log in to my forum account, I couldn't all day. I'm assuming the Daybreak servers are firing up now?
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  4. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    At this point... I'm hoping they don't male their timing for the bigger rewards.
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  5. Dubb Lantern Well-Known Player

  6. coldchilln88 Loyal Player


    You're gonna get that technical over that really.

    It was 1130 Pacific time. Smh.
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  7. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    I can't log in!

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  8. Dubb Lantern Well-Known Player

    Yes. They’re two different times, an hour apart.
  9. SarcasticGamer New Player

    I doubt they were planning on it taking EXACTLY 24 hours.

    Their IT guys probably estimated something like 20 hours best-case, 26-hours if thing go bad, or who the F knows if something goes REALLY bad. When it comes to upgrading or migrating back-end servers, it's very possible for something to go completely wrong.

    So at this point, unless you're in Europe with a day off... you might as well just go to sleep.

    It'll be ready when it's ready. And maybe you'll get more loot than originally planned.
  10. Quantum Rising Dedicated Player

    30 more min.
  11. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    Let it be reach 25 th hour . So everyone gets more rewards.
    Hopefully. Well, thank you dcuo
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  12. SarcasticGamer New Player

    At my job, we had to coordinate with team members in Switzerland and Ireland on a constant basis.

    So I got into the habit of using the major city for the timezones in my emails. Like Zurich-time or Dublin-time or NewYork-time.

    Not because *I* would get those 3-letter timezone codes mixed up. But the people I'd send it to would get it wrong all of the time. And they'd mass send a response saying "Wait, what time is that?"

    But they would tend to have the time-difference between the major company-offices memorized. Largely because they always had to know when the end-of-business was at the other sites.

    I know that's informal as hell. But it's sometimes easier for somewhat to Google "What time is it in California" if they don't know it off the top of their head.
  13. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    You're right. I dont think anyone knew what i meant.

    No one just says pst anyways. My fault for not recognizing daylight savings time...
  14. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Hawaiian time zone, Japanese time zone, Switzerland time zone for all I care. #Thankyoupack2
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  15. Dubb Lantern Well-Known Player

    Under 24 hours. Nice.
  16. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    LOL world is up. No special awards.
  17. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    My guess is after daily restart.
  18. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Probably credited after reset or morning server restart.
  19. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Mfw I wake up tomorrow at noon and DCUO still not up yet, haha amirite guys?
  20. Proxystar #Perception

    2 more minutes to $37
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