160 artifact on test

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrPlumberman, Jun 9, 2018.

  1. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Everyone would be better off taking a step back and taking a deep breath. I do admit that the exp for the 160 is kind of way out there but it's you guys that have to have it now that are causing this.

    How many on this thread complaining have more than one maxed out artifact?
    I have maxed out zero and do not plan on maxing out any of them.
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  2. piohh Well-Known Player

    ·Its·Me· -> 3 Artifact Level 120
    ·Its·He·² -> 2 Artifacts Level 120, 3 is Level 117

    ·Its·She·¹ -> 2 Artifacts Level 100
    ·Its·She·² -> 2 Artifacts Level 100

    so it will be nice to give me time to up my Heros but I think he need to wait ^^
  3. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

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  4. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    That's what I thought when I saw the 160 artifact. xD
  5. MrPlumberman Active Player

    To me, this is too much. I'm hoping devs see all this and review their decision or pop on here and say someone accidently let this go live with wrong numbers. If not, oh well but I wouldn't bother past 120 on any of my toons. Just hope this isn't the direction of augmentation... My friends list can't take much more of these types of decisions.
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  6. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Wait so how did people level them so fast on test?
  7. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    To your first point. I do not think thats the case at all. Its calling them out on the BS on how they scaled this. Its looking at the numbers. calculating how long to bring one to max level for one toon. Then there are those with alts that actively switch to play regularly. Tedious, not fun, too much effort involved for the reward that might was well be what the dog left in the yard and is on the bottom of a shoe, or between the toes . The time, how long long one plays daily, the effort, the cost both in game and real money from either replay badges farm new catalysts, if chosen to. Hawking the broker to buy them off the AH from people who dont give a **** about new catalysts by a) giving up on the rat race and the monotony of it all, b) make quick easy cash, or c) just dont care about artifacts either way.

    The example I posted was playing every day, 2 to 3 hours, averaging 1000 nth metal daily for 530 days. You're looking at 1.4 years to go from 120 to 160 on one artifact. Its 1.9 years if starting one artifact from scratch to 160 based on a 1000 nth metal a day average. One artifact out of currently eight. Plus more to be introduced in the future. Any based on the Teen Titans yet on test coming?

    To you second point.

    One at 120. One at 100 and four at 80. All were brought up to that during the last double nth metal xp. I will always want to max out at least one and bring the others in line to how i level them up. Since were at 160 now. I would bring one up to max, another to 120 - maybe 140 - the possibly ones at 80 up to 100. If doing that takes me, I dont know, up to four or six months of doing that... id be content with that seeing how insignificant the boosts are.

    To me thats kind of reasonable but I would have to play more than I am now. There will be more artifacts to be had with other bonuses then that changes to how or what ones I want to bring up to at least 80 or the first set of bonuses.

    But does this really need to be that unnecessarily tedious in every aspect from nth amount needed over 500k / 530k, (120 to 160) any in game money costs to market place costs and is it worth the time playing involved?

    If they want people to play the game, if they want people to enjoy the artifact system they put in place and enjoy its progression, be it very very minor... The way the Einsteiners nth metal xp scaling increments model is not the way to do it.
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  8. MrPlumberman Active Player

    They're only on test server atm. They give caches of nth metal and catalyst from the vendor. Also unlimited seals...
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  9. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    So many good points all around but for my main toon his are at 120 each. My heal one is 120 the other is 115 atm . My atls I'm only going for 100 well for my troll the rest don't care.

    If they are going to keep these as is, well can they increase metal xp drops or bonus weekend's they should remain permanent but either way this is madness lol but I will just take my sweet time for 140 for my main I'm not gonna get stressed over that 160 .
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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    To provide some generalized perspective.

    Lets say you play 5 hours per day and get 100 nth metal per 10 minutes, which is probably being generous but I'm not counting vault and stab event drops so let's leave it there for now.

    That's 600 nth metal per hour, so if you're playing 5 hours per day, every day that's 3000 nth metal per day.

    If you need circa 600,000 nth metal to get to 160 that's 200 days of farming for 1 artifact to 160.

    You can carry 2 artifacts at once and generally speaking there are 2 for each role so when you multiply this by 4, it will take you 800 days of constantly farming just to get 4 under the current system.

    That is 2.19 years.

    I'm all for having a grind but the grind has to be realisticnot borderline impossible.

    And bear in mind this is only rough math, sure I haven't allowed for the weekly vault bonus or stab event daily but when you consider most people won't spend 5 hours per day in game, sustained for 2.19 years it'll likely be longer.

    I'm sorry devs but this is utterly and comprehensively unrealistic.

    My problem isn't even the breakthrough odds, I couldn't care less about buying a seal of completion I just want a grind that's more realistic in terms of time frame.

    Oh and don't get me started on that broken precision artifact you seem intent on burying your head in the sand about, that artifact needs work in comparison to any might based artifact it's simply ridiculous.
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  11. C3alix Committed Player

    So here's my question:

    Why do you guys (you players) want your artifacts maxed out so quickly? They've already stated this was going to be a long term property, so expecting to having them maxed out day one like the artifacts the first time is hilarious.

    Y'all mad cause they made something you can't max out in a week.

    Hell, half of y'all have your artifacts maxed out and still get outplayed by someone with the same powers as you with much lower leveled artifacts.

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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    Let's further the discussion

    How much do you play per day?

    What do you think is a reasonable grind?

    200 days at 5 hours per day even using my rough math cause I honestly think it'll be worse anyway for one artifact = 1,000 hours; that's acceptable to you?
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  13. MrPlumberman Active Player

    Not looking to max them out first day. I don't mind the grind but what they're asking for the improvement they're giving is a joke. Not to mention if someone runs 2-3 characters with 2 or more artifacts, then it would be impossible.

    Also, I agree that the level of the artifact doesn't make the player. I just don't like the pattern the devs are taking.
  14. TestReporter Loyal Player

    There's so much wrong with this post that i almost think you're joking.

    There's a big difference between maxing something out in 1 week/1 month and 1 year without having the possibility to use it for alts/2nd role while having the chance of having half of your effort gone because they launched a new artifact that is better than yours just to get some extra money.

    Plus, we have another problem here that is bigger than the effort needed to max out the artifacts: They made progression a cash grab. Cosmetics can be cash grabs, extra content non-related to gameplay can be a cash grab, progression just can't.

    They made it so the only way to get your artifacts to the max level is by buying seals of completion or a [expletive] amount of seals of preservation. PLEASE, don't be [expletive] and post that you can get them from the broker. First, to have something in the broker, someone has to buy it. Second, the person who bought it has total control of the pricing and disponibility of the item, a item that should be available for everyone since it affects your gameplay directly. Third, nothing that is gameplay related should be put in the marketplace, it's just one of the basics of gaming: Skill/grinding>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>money.

    If you think having items with 10-20% success rate being sold for real life money with a enormous grind that can only be decreased by, you know, spending real life money is fair, then go for it, keep spending your money in the game and thinking that every player is wrong while the devs are right for making something just to suck our money while killing the game.

    If you don't believe me and think all of us are mad, you just have to check some games forums/reddits and see by yourself. This is not the first time something like this happens in the hands of He who must not be named.
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  15. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    ^^ Stop taking the bait
  16. C3alix Committed Player

    I play about 2-4 hours a day on average. There has been times I've hit 7 total hours, but never straight. I'm never trying to get my artifacts up at max level fast if i'm able to beat an elite raid with a random group where NO ONE has an artifact. Otherwise what's the point in having them maxed out besides bragging rights?
  17. Proxystar #Perception

    You didn't answer the question, what is an acceptable grind to you in terms of hours for one artifact?
  18. C3alix Committed Player

    The way I see it, the artifacts are nothing more than bonus items in this game to make you feel like you're better than you were before they were release.

    But what I don't get is people have been constantly complaining about this game being too easy, but now they're upset because they have to take a longer time to max out their artifacts so their characters can make their gameplay easier.

  19. Knarlydude Loyal Player

  20. C3alix Committed Player

    Depends on how much improvement it'll give me. On a personal scale, however long it'll take whether it's 1 month or 1 year. But like I said before, the artifacts just make your gameplay easier, but so does higher gear...