150 cr 80 sp...bad?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Marvel117, Dec 30, 2016.

  1. Marvel117 New Player

    I know the answer will probably yes, it's bad. Here's the thing. I just started playing about 2 months ago. Not knowing really about the game, but after doing a lot of research lately, I have really been trying to do a lot of feets for these skill points. It al started when I see in chat that leagues wanted people with 180 cr and 160 sp. when I saw these messages, I even had to google what sp meant for short lol. Now that I have a more understanding of the game, is 80 sp really bad?

    I am working on it. I have done all the exploration, races, kiosks, solo stuff, raid section and have a lot of many others. Now do the other stuff like R&D just come with time? Or how about collections and briefings? Do these come with time or do I just spend a day to get these? People with 150+ sp, do you have like almost all feats? That seems like you would have to pretty much have all of them to have that many sp.

    I just wish I knew about this stuff before I rushed through and tried to get my cr has high as possible. So should I just keep grinding? What's the best way here?
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  2. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Yes and no. According to the overzealous community standards, yes it's low. Considering you've only been playing for about 2 months, that's a fairly decent amount. Don't beat yourself up for having chased cr instead of skill points at first. The fact that you did the research and understand a little more is good. By all means continue to get your cr up. Also go right ahead and tackle the easier to get feats. Go after anything Solo and Duo related, as well as Episode feats that require no more than 4 people to get. Work your way up. The R&D feats are long grind feats, so don't kill yourself trying to get them all so quickly....otherwise you risk serious burnout and frustration. Keep worling on CR & SPs and you'll get there in no time.

    I will tell you to also get used to using LFG and forming you own groups, as well as playing your support role. It'll make your life easier as far as running content and putting feat groups together for raid feats.
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  3. Marvel117 New Player

    Thank you for the reply. Yes and that is my goal right now to try and tackle the easier feats. Like I said in my op, I have done all the exploration, races, booster gold kiosk, solo stuff like hideouts, iconic fights...etc, did all the easy raid feats like beat em all in under a hour, same with alerts.

    I'm just trying to find the next thing I should go after. I have a page saved for all the collections and briefings, but that just seems like it will take some time but I'm sure it needs to be done. I guess I just shouldn't want to race to get these all done and just let them happen and work on a section at a time.

    People with 150+ sp, do they have pretty much all feats done? I'm just trying to get a gauge on how many feats I need to get close to that number
  4. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    It's not bad, your new. My main has 260sp, but a few of my alts are about where you are at. Starting outx your SP are fine. Eventually, I would try and get your SP around the same as your CR. But don't burn yourself out. There are lots of easy feats and lots of grindy feats. Right now CR is the most important stat, down the road, more skill points will help, but shouldn't break your game if your still low.

    I know our pvp community overall has low SP, and they are just fine. It's a matter of choice. Just don't advertise when you shout in LFG. People are butts. Form your own groups. Have fun. People miss out on the fun part alot.
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  5. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    There's somewhere around 290+ skill points from what i've read here. I'm not sure if that number includes the long grind LPvE feats or just the basic ones. I'm pretty sure it does include PvP feats for sure. I myself have 269, and i'm slowly working my way to 270. I still have lots of episode feats to get through and a few PvP ones (i'm leaving the long grind LPvE feats alone for now).

    The collections and briefings aren't that hard to get through...you'll want to Google where they are so you can knock them out easily. As for others, just look them over from time to time, and while doing whatever keep an eye on LFG. A lot of people are now putting feat hunting groups together. I've closed out a few Episodes that way recently.
  6. The peoples Badguy Committed Player

    The Bad One says with stats like that he will never been seen with you. The People have an image to protect. The Bad guy says start grinding the skill points and one day you will half as cool as he is.
  7. Marvel117 New Player

    Wow 269 sp, nice! Yeah you must have a lot of feats done! Now that I thought about it, I don't even think I checked the episode section in feats. Yeah I'll have to for sure get into those
  8. AberrantAngel Committed Player

    As stated above. Yes it is low for top cr but you are new to the game and ate doing the right thing. Cr is king for now. First and foremost enjoy the game you want to. It's your game. But yes I would suggest doing your daily routine then work on sp or your feasts. But don't focus manly on feats cause you will get burned out. Start with some easy feats and maybe throw in the bottle duos t2. Those will work on a few feats at once as long as you activate everything.
    Good luck to you.
    Also find a good league or players that will help you become a better player or better rounded. One that will answer your questions and help you grow. That is important in this game.
    Just keep the game fun for you.
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  9. ChillCat Loyal Player

    It's low but not terrible. Given how long you've been playing, you're fine for the time being. As a general rule of thumb, many players have adopted the goal of getting your SP up to match your cr (i.e. 180cr should have ~180sp). It's not a hard and fast rule but it should ensure your performance is within reason.
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  10. Backseid Devoted Player

    Just a quick note, before I read the responses.

    Remember that people have had YEARS worth of time to get high amounts if SP's.

    Yes, you can grind out a lot in a relatively short time, but that time is relative itself. It all depends on how much of your time you want to put into the game. How easily you can get into older content AND have people willing to do the necessary steps involed, etc. etc.
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  11. xD25x Dedicated Player

    That's the difficult part right there. Where as its not tough to get the necro or fos speed feats it's hard to find a group to go for 4 corners or no medics or anything not directly related to being over geared and burning everything fast.
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  12. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Keep in mind that they intentionally opened the flood gates to allow players to gear up extremely fast. The reasoning was so 'players could catch up with their friends', but it was really more about groups of players working together, clearing content, and then moving together to the next paywall. When you have multiple people you know who you play with, it's an easier decision for everybody to go ahead and invest in the next DLC and tackle it as a group.

    Unfortunately too much was sacrificed in the process, and a plethora of other issues came of it. The classic game's pacing was slow and steady, required dedicated effort, and evened ot the worth of membership much more clearly, where as now you can get to top tier in under a week. If the classic game's model persisted, and the SP changes planned for the revamp were implemented then (stat SP being removed to their own section), it would have made for far better balance. In current DCUO it would not be uncommon to have a player hit tier 8 and only have an average 70sp, especially if using the pet powers. In the classic game, it took some doing to get 75-80sp before Tier 3, so where you're at now ain't bad. Get as many SP as you can before the rebalance kicks in. With access to the content, you can net 100sp in a few days.
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  13. Backseid Devoted Player


    But, there's soooo many feats in the game right now. You could never do some if those, and it wouldn't really matter.

    Just don't obsess about it, or it'll ruin your enjoyment.

    You'll see people freak out over some feats being too hard, or especially too long, to achieve. So what? No one needs to have every single feat.

    And besides, there's an big decline in their value past a certain point anyway, where they just don't add enough to your stats to notice any difference.

    Aim for around the 150 mark. Past that is all fluff. And that's not likely going to ever change.

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  14. Voaxghost Well-Known Player

    Mathematically yes, but as long as you know what you are doing it doesn't matter.
  15. Marvel117 New Player

    Thank you all for the replies and help, much appreciated. This is why I love this community/game. People are so helpful. I've played WoW for a long time and let me tell you, lots of people are toxic. If you ask for help, well let's just say it's hard to find it.

    Now I just need to find a better league cause I'm usually the only one on and if others are it's all lowbies that I can't ask help from. So again, thank you!

    Now off to the grind.

    Oh one last thing, when the stats upadate hits, are all the skill points going to matter as much as they are now?
  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Depending on his powerset, getting the No Medic feat should be a breeze. He can walk in to FoS 3 solo or with a single partner and knock it out. ;) Same thing for the Scorpions lay no eggs feat in FoS 1 (that one is a little trickier as you have to burn the scorpion superfast before it borrows down or grabs you and tosses you).
  17. light FX Steadfast Player

    Its not bad, for being a fairly new player. Way ive always viewed it is CR and SP should be around the same #. At some point CR will exceed SP but we are a long way off from that happening ;) What i used to do was look at the feat list and see which feats i could do myself. Knock all those out then move on to stuff like duo feats where i only needed 1 other person and work your way up. At least you're trying and making an effort to get more. Thats a good thing.
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  18. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Uh...you do know about the stats revamp...those skill points will become much more useful than what they currently do on live. For example, speccing into power will be a thing now...a bigger power pool might be the difference between playing from the tray in solo and duo content (with that being much easier to do in an alert or raid with a troll or two), or needing to always throw weapon attacks in. Everything else I agree with.
  19. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Um...I guess i'll be the one to burst this bubble a little. Even this community has its moments...we do tend to help people in general, but yeah, toxicity is inescapable these days. It's the internet...;)

    As for the stats revamp, skill points will be more useful than they currently are (after a certain point), but it's still in the early stages, so no one can accurately say just how much more they'll do for you. It's safe to say that if you get a decent amount between now and when it drops (which won't be for some months), you'll be in a good space.
  20. Sooner Well-Known Player

    Not all leagues are like that. I know we have people at all levels, and don't specify a CR or SP. Many of the members will also help you get feats. There are good leagues out there, you just have to find one. A good one will help each other with the feat chasing.
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