$10 worth of vault tickets=terrible drops

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Vigilante, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. The Vigilante Committed Player

    So I bought $10 worth of vault tickets (I have bought many more than that since I began playing) and all I got that I didn't have this time was a (lame) Batman hoodie, a (lame) Steel cap and some (lame) pumpkins base item.

    Bought vault tickets should have a substantially higher percentage to drop rare items and should always drop one style that you need per ticket bought or at worst per 5 tickets bought.

    Do not bother with buying vault tickets until they adjust their drop rate. The drops are terrible.
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  2. IIJetfire New Player

    indeed, i get egyptian and shielded robot almost everytime.
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  3. Liongale Dedicated Player

    The first one to say Joker's vault quote gets 100 beatings
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  4. Enickma Dedicated Player

    Pay your money, and take your chances :D
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  5. The Vigilante Committed Player

    Yeah the daily vault trip is really bad and I get the same things nearly every time also friend, but if you are actually paying for tickets you should get much better drops than the daily in my opinion..
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  6. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    you pays your moneys you take... errr....wait! woops i didn't say anything, please don't beat me!!!! :oops:
  7. C3alix Committed Player

    ...have you ever gone to a casino before? I've watched people slip $1 in a penny slot and get $1,000 after 100 spins. I've watched other people spend $100 and only come out $10 over after 100 spins. This is the EXACT same scenario because they're both based on luck. The community is already upset because sometimes you're paying to win, and your post shows an example of it.
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  8. DivineSire Dedicated Player

    This thread should not exist because you should have never bought vault tickets lol and especially with the hopes of getting things you want!! Take the loss and never do that again!! lol
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  9. Liongale Dedicated Player

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  10. The Vigilante Committed Player

    This is not a casino it is a MMO and the drop rates for the vault have been adjusted to where they are abyssmal.

    There is nothing that drops in the vault that is a pay to win item, they are all simply cosmetic except for the one or 2 feat points worth of styles in the vault and if you cannot beat someone within 2 skill points of your character then it is not the SP's fault it is your own skill, ability, experience etc.

    If you do not think the vault drops should be adjusted then that is your right. It is an inane position in my opinion, but the right to it is yours nevertheless. You would probably argue that water is not wet if you saw a thread stating that it is.
  11. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    They should just remove the vault and let us by the styles. Some people want more iconic styles, well there's a bunch in the vault, you just can't get them. Other styles people need for feats. The idea of the fault is a flawed one.
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  12. The Vigilante Committed Player

    I did it to test the vault drop rates on bought tickets at this stage in the game. Now I am simply warning others to stay away from purchasing them. That is why this thread exists.
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  13. Statman New Player

    I thought this was already common sense based on the number of times it's been stated in other 'vault tickets are a waste of money' threads we've seen over the past year and a half, lol. Mind you... those people who posted those threads had alllllllllways bought vault tickets, haha.
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  14. The Vigilante Committed Player

    Overly dramatic, superfluous words and letters notwithstanding, there are new people coming to the game all the time and they may not know how terrible bought vault ticket drops are. You do not know what those people who posted those threads always did, don't pretend that do.

    I realize that your condescending response is simply an attempt to draw me into a long, drawn out argument but I am afraid I will have to disappoint you as this will be my last reply to you concerning the matter. I know your modus operandi quite well: you sift through forums to find anything to ridicule. Goodbye.
  15. Vulmyss Dedicated Player

    Can't.... Believe.... You bought vault tickets. It's like throwing money away :( the vault resets for levendaries once a day. It's a lot. Get replay badges, they help a lot more.
  16. The Vigilante Committed Player

    As I stated earlier I bought them to see where the drop rate for bought tickets stood at this stage in the game. I am and have been legendary since launch with a few breaks here and there. I am as well versed in nearly everything about the game as a player can be.
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  17. Statman New Player

    Wow.. that's one way to misinterpret, lol. Was just having a little joke, sorry if you don't appreciate it. Next time I shall refrain.
  18. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    I never wasted my time spending money on it.:D I already bought many other things, but I think it useless. But I understand your frustration. And the same for all players of DC.:p
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  19. Lanternius New Player

    I understand why you did this, but you should of listed every single thing you gained in each run (since this was a pre-meditative test). Doing so would have been a more dramatic look at the futility of the vault, no matter how tedious it would've been for you to list everything. Otherwise, good post.
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  20. colonelbondo Well-Known Player

    i don't know why anyone would spend money on vault tickets. just be legendary
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