¿Who's the greatest Lantern of all time?

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Ala Rebelde, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. Delta795 New Player

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  2. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    My guess is the pure awesomeness of it is too much for the game servers to handle and it would result in a catastrophic failure of the game's core engine.
  3. Lantern Landen New Player

    I feel like you may be right.
  4. Gobbler New Player

    My favorite Green Lantern is Guy Gardner because he is such an arrogant ***** you have to like him! Or else he will make fun of you until he gets beat up then ask his buddy Steel to help him out haha.
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  5. Errorcode1058 New Player

  6. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    According to year two of the injustice digital comic Sinestro is the best.


    He practically controls Hal Jordan and Superman who are now influenced by the yellow light. He directly or in directly played a role in the deaths of Kyle Raynor, CH'P, John Stewart, Guy Gardener, Mogo and Ganthet.
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  7. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    I'm an Alan Scott fan from way back, but I have to say Hal Jordan.
    So if it's a list, I'd say
    1) Hal Jordan
    2) Alan Scott

    I really have to go this route as there are people that don't even consider the ORGINAL Green Lantern to be a Green Lantern - but of course he isn't A Green Lantern; he was THE Green Lantern.
  8. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Volthoom - most power lantern...any other questions...

    Favorite Lantern - Hal Jordan...
  9. The 14th Doctor Dedicated Player

    White Lantern Kyle Rayner.
  10. Zues New Player

    John Stewart
  11. Billy Sparks Committed Player

    Volthoom was till Black Lantern Hal Jordan had something to say about it.


  12. dngnb8 Devoted Player

    The Green one
  13. Grumpy Dedicated Player

  14. Acceo Well-Known Player

    I agree with Grumpy, It's Sinestro hands down.
  15. Pharaoh Dedicated Player

    I got brought into the lantern story by Kyle Rayner. Still love the idea of an artist and comic book writer with the ring. All that imagination to use. Plus he was the main lantern during my favorite JLA run. Glad he brought me in though as I think that all the Green Lantern books have been one of the best stories ever told over the last decade.