Premium Freemium Unlimited Escrow Access! Yay! Happy Fun Time!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Epic Wins, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. Zeikial Committed Player

    7 days of unlimited escrow 1000 station cash or 9.99, yes there is a sale but its only good for 5 days its not going to last forever, so my point still stands 10 dollars for unlimited escrow or 15 dollars for unlimited everything
  2. TrueMarvel New Player

  3. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I told you even Jens has said freemiums before, don't take it so seriously.... LOL
  4. ZEUSofGODS Dedicated Player

    Marvel, I hope u realize... This was ur idea....
  5. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Great, give him an even bigger head.... LOL
  6. Zeikial Committed Player

  7. TrueMarvel New Player

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  8. ZEUSofGODS Dedicated Player

    Got to give credit where credit is due....
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  9. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I know, I just like giving him a hard time... He knows it already. LOL
  10. Zeikial Committed Player

    so here it says 9.99 but that link you gave says 4.99, which is it?
  11. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    It's $5. I just checked for you:).
  12. jaiden New Player

    I tried to buy the Unlimited Escrow and it would not let me. I'm a Legendary Member Unlimited Escrow why can't buy Unlimited Escrow. Plus when I wanted to post in the announcement forum, and this what it said at the bottom.
    (You have insufficient privileges to post here.) . 1) If I'm a Legendary Member, why would it say that? 2) Why can't I buy the Unlimited Escrow? If I'm a Legendary Member don't I have all access? So why did say the 1 thing and 2 why can't I buy Unlimited Escrow? I hope some can answer or explain why I can't do the 2 things I want to buy? If i'm Legendary don't I have the right to buy the things I need. I hope someone can explain. Thanks
  13. The Kitsune New Player

    Not sure if this is real but I will explain anyhow.
    If you are legendary you do not have Escrow so you do not need to buy it. Only Premium and free to play players have escrow as they cave a cash cap and anything over the cash cap is put into escrow. F2P have a $1500 cash cap and premium have a $2000 cash cap, so if a premium player get $2500 in cash they can access $2000 and $500 goes into escrow. Legendary players do not have this limitation. I hope this helps.
  14. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    You have no use for Unlimited Escrow as Legendary. That is why it is unavailable to you.
    EDIT: Beat to the punch by Kit. /shakefist ;)
  15. Lamar New Player

    your kidding right, your legendary which means you dont have escrow, so why would you be tryin to buy unlimitied escrow, its for prem and f2p.
    o man 3rd in line
  16. CheckmateEnjoi New Player

    So ... Legendary for three months is 34,99 USD if I am not mistaken, which is about three dollars a week. Or, if you are stupid enough, you can get nine dollars a week for one aspect of legendary. Money hungry dev level +9000
  17. freeloaders101 New Player


    Rejoice for your temp gain that you just about paid 1 month access for which is the same thing but for like a week. suckers soe are going KA CHING right about now.
  18. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    It is 500 SC/4.99. We'll get the ad corrected.
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  19. Volaron New Player

    I'm legendary. So yeah.
  20. The Kitsune New Player

    I don't know. I think it is a good idea. For those people who cannot afford 15 per month 35 for 3 month for 120 for a year it is a nice compromise. Think about it this way. You cannot afford legendary on a regular basis. so once a month or every couple month you can afford 5.00. Some people cannot afford the legendary sub all the time. The could sub for a month but that is 15. IT is easier to squeeze out 5 than 15. I am glad SOE did this for the non legendary players. It gives then access to large amounts of cash when they have need of it.
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