New Ally Coming Soon - John Stewart!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kikumod, May 7, 2024.

  1. Kikumod Daybreak Games

    Dive back into the Justice League Dark Cursed Episode with new content coming soon!


    New Ally: Call upon a leader of the Green Lantern Corps, John Stewart!
    • Utilize his Hardlight Turret Barrage to summon a turret that rains hardlight projectiles on any enemies in front of it, dazing them in the process.
    • Activate his Corps Combo ability to increase your Might and reduce cost when using power set combo abilities.
    • Use Enduring Will to replace any Group Power Shield abilities with a stronger Green Lantern shield, and increase your Vitality based on how many allies you've shielded!

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  2. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    New content in JLDC soon? Huh maybe the Ally was pushed back a bit and that means weeks ago but what?
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  3. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

  4. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    The question I have is .. is the power back good enough that I can drop cyborg ? I’m atomic and I use the combos … right now I use Batman who laughs and cyborg for my aoe load out for hallways and open world stuff … but without cyborg and no troll my power bar just gets ate right through … preferably id like to run zod and js but i am guessing this will not be easy with out a troll in the group
  5. The Fairy Well-Known Player

    How alluring. More spending, if not money then so much marks it will run you dry just for an ally.
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  6. Cypharr Committed Player

    As a preference supremacist aka Black Supreme lmfao.... Rock Hard Pass, not my cuppa

  7. Doctor Impossible Level 30

    Play the broker. People give away,millions. Billions actually,if you know where to look.
  8. EconoKnight XIII Legion


    Three weeks left in May
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  9. Dirty Paw New Player

    Yeaaa.... No thx
  10. CGEMINI Committed Player

    Too bad this ally is weak not worth it. Told them multiple times to buff it accordingly if they gonna make people use tons of resources just to level it up. So do how y’all please atp.
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  11. KidKretz Committed Player

    yeah, should just be a purple ally in its current form imo
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  12. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    That's a fascinating choice of words.

    Does "content" just mean additional rewards and an Ally?

    It certainly would be unprecedented if you opened up more of Gotham to Justice League Cursed, or added a new instance. (Which is what "content" could be read to mean, though I'd be highly surprised if that was intended.)

    My first guess would be the very precedented, but unexciting, addition of a new open world bounty in JLC.
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  13. Ingrando Well-Known Player

    That is old content sir…
  14. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Yeah I was surprised we only got two bounties for how long this episode went for. I’m guessing it’ll go somewhere in between the Gorgon and Gentleman Ghost in that space in the graveyard.
  15. Sollace Well-Known Player

    Are you selling this as a bonus week?

    What about the DLC you announced for this month?
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  16. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Probably New Ally and more missions in JLDC is the “bonus” this week.
  17. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    Forgot we were getting a new ally, was too busy banging my head against the wall repeating the same content for about 4-6 months.
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  18. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    Hopefully this announcement isnt considered the "Bonus Week", that would be a new low
  19. Icon Active Player

    This content is actually about 7 months old now...this is the absolute longest gap between DLC's ever

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  20. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

    Working as intended. o_O