Skill Points: a real issue.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Pale Rage, Nov 28, 2021.

  1. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    I didn't say exceptional lol, just a raised eyebrow: all the considered.

    I still have to use my remorseless recover to mitigate, which isn't an issue. With higher sp, the person's heals would have been sufficient. The individual performed well though, and made good use of the things they had.
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  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    SEE! This is what I was talking about! I was called “trash” because I was on my new alt ( CR 425 with a max art of 119 ). I AM NOT TRASH. The insolence of that presumptions pleb that he would dare call me trash.

    There is a discrimination present and when new players run into this attitude, it very much will dishearten them from playing when they look at the monumental task of getting 3 arts to 200, getting SP at or above 500 and leveling everything else up.

    I would hate to thing I had to start anew in this game, and it is only because there is so much history from which we have all been through. The CR skip is a solution, I will agree with that but it does not address the SP disparity expected by other players even if the game itself does not require it. We are having to face preconceived notions other players have about low SP players either rightly or wrongly. The only solution I can fathom is to make SP more easily earned by divorcing it from Feats.
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  3. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    The developers need to realize that kids play this game and sometimes cannot read mechanics let alone master the combat system/powersets/weapons. Stats revamp/clamp now means kids who can't read or know how to play the game will wipe the group or make things takes 30mins to beat. This is why ppl make groups or stay at end game. Stat revamp wasn't a very great idea however it has made a killing with income but also lost alot of player base along the way. Nobody wants to buy their stats back or be punished for someone e in the group who can't read or got stuck or stunned and had zero time to react to a mechanic that could one shot him or the qhole group. It's a very dumb revamp absolutely disgusting and many people will agree the fact of the matter is kids play dcuo to and some can't read and new player have long way to go before understand the combat system let alone a mechanics matter revamp
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  4. Plowed In Loyal Player

    What do you think the overal EEG completion rate is for instances?
  5. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    The Rage Quit is definitely higher than the completion rate I can almost guarantee you that much been there and experience it quite often. I refuse to be maxed out with artifacts allies and almost 800 skill points and wipe because the group sucks or being in content for 30 minutes stats revamp and this clamp is an absolutely ridiculous idea
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  6. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    We, the players, are unable to truly know the answer to that question since we are not privy to the data. All we have to rely on are our own personal experiences and those told to us by others.

    It has been my experience the rage quits & uncompleted instances occur in Tiers 4-6. With the exception of NGN, my own personal rage quits have been in T5 or T6, Source Wall being one of the most dreaded. I'm just not going to spend over an hour wiping on the first bosses. That is the opposite of fun.
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  7. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    They literally told me there was just too many things to have to keep up with, grind, and too many feats. Amongst other reasons. Heck, players can get overwhelmed just by missing an episode let alone being new and not having done anything. Even further, I personally have even felt overwhelmed even when keeping up with it all and a new episode comes out!

    The game feels more like a job for a lot of us, I couldn't imagine what it feels like for someone starting fresh.

    Xbox community is small enough that most new players definitely feel they need to push and step the grind up to reach others ASAP. Since the youknowwhat, that definitely makes things take longer PLUS veterans no longer want to bother helping them because of it as well. Alongside the risk of it being for nothing because they just give up.

    Edit: to merely even participate with the "cool kids", one would have to have at least purple artifacts and a reasonable amount of SP or will be kicked if literally anything goes wrong in an instance (someone farts and the "noob" is immediately blamed).

    I've actually had them all before on Xbox (oh those were the days). I logged in every day and loved helping others. It felt really good knowing what I accomplished and was able to put it into good use.
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  8. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    I would rather see them remove the diminished percentages and make each SP earned a flat stat to make them matter more.
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  9. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    They aren't coming through with their promises of targeted adjustments, so naturally people are going to take the same route they did... One-size-fits-all bandaid fix.

    Disclaimer: I'm not arguing or picking sides, you already know I'm Team Targeted Adjustments. Just stating that I'm not surprised people go this direction with theirs.
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  10. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Having a high amount of SP (at least 100 - or more?- less than current max SP) definitely shows that the player has at least basic understanding of mechanics, otherwise they would not get them or reach that amount.

    Like, obviously disregarding the amount from TCs, styles, and easy ones, after a certain # the only way they could be higher is through elite raids. I'm not sure the current Max SP #, but I think it's safe to say that someone with 700+ has "done some time".

    ...unless they bought their account, naturally. But this isn't talking about those wankers.
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  11. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Although I mostly agree, I do not however completely agree with the whole "kids" part. These type of MMOs have never really been "kid friendly" in the long run (some feel kids shouldn't even participate in content at all LOL but we won't talk about those type of folks).

    However, the devs/higher-ups could take notice that the MMO times/community have drastically changed, and adjust accordingly. I wouldn't think going the route of dumbing down the game so much that blind kids could play it, though. Star Wars Galaxies took that route, and I really don't want to talk about it.... Or how much of an abysmal catastrophic fail it was...
  12. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    When I'm in an alert, it's a %100 completion rate lol.
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