Survival Mode Rewards

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TwilightsInferno1701, Apr 18, 2024.

  1. TwilightsInferno1701 Level 30

    So... i feel like I'm walking into a mind field with this one lol but is there any way to get Survival Mode rewards? Like those old suit styles being available now? I missed the boat on Survival mode back in the day and would love the Source Lightning Uplink Device but I'm not sure if it's even in the game anymore. Any ideas?
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  2. Korlick Loyal Player

    Unfortunately, at the moment the only way to get it is to find someone who still has some left for sale.
    But it might cost you a lot of cash.
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  3. Shn275 Well-Known Player

    The Fortress of Solitude toy pets are currently dropping in the Superman Event missions. I received a "Mini Sunstone Assassin" on an alt, and a "Tiny Sunstone Domineer" on my main. Unfortunately, they're not tradable or sharable. There's a possibility the styles are also in the loot pool.
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  4. Shn275 Well-Known Player

    The FoS Survival Mode pets are dropping in the Event. I received 1 on 2 separate toons today.
  5. Korlick Loyal Player

    Yes i know. I was talking about the Orbital Strike he mentioned in particular.
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  6. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I got plenty of rewards from old SM's and more recent ones and can't really give a damn about making all rewards available for those that couldnt get them back then - if the challenge stays roughly the same as back then.
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  7. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Im in the same boat. On my PS account (i quit that in 2019) i had 2016 Fortress title, most the styles/pets etc. Wave 14 i think i managed with my league on a weekly basis.
    I wish they would bring them back with roughly the same difficulty because then its not about exclusivity, its much more about the principle about how they were gotten. the type of content if you will.
    One day we could hope. Hey, if the game has no more DLCs planned in the next few years after the announced ones, they should just bring back all the survival modes and just let players enjoy the entire game at THEIR pace
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  8. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I've been hoping they bring back older survival modes to dabble with and/or have a possible chance to earn the rewards again:

    Previous Survival Modes

    Either way, would be nice if they returned, rewards or not.