Pamphlet: The False King of Atlantis (deluge collection)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by fm0987, Feb 2, 2024.

  1. fm0987 Committed Player

    Can anyone confirm where this drops? One post says last boss of the duo. Just want to make sure. Another says Dr. Fate specifically so idk (theres 4 different versions I think?). I checked broker multiple times, it's never in there. Last one I need to complete it I believe, it's a 3* feat.
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Starro duo, final boss.
  3. fm0987 Committed Player

    Ok so it's not specific to any one boss I take it?
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    No, that would be cruel to hide an RNG collection behind an RNG boss. If I recall correctly that particular collection is rare but not the super rare.
  5. fm0987 Committed Player

    Wiki says deluge: large treasure boxes. I don't think the duo even drops those ?
  6. fm0987 Committed Player

    Maybe that's old info, idk
  7. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Information on the wiki is inaccurate. Torikumu made a guide for Deluge when it was on test and updated it when it went live.
  8. fm0987 Committed Player

    Yeah wouldn't be the first time, anyhow thanks
  9. fm0987 Committed Player

    Ok so apparently I was wrong I need the other one from the raid. Pamphlet: threat of the dry-landers. I suppose that might be kinda hard to q
  10. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Yes, that one is very rare. Took me a year and a half to find one on broker on EUPC/PS. I believe it drops from Spindrift Station raid, where most PUGs disband within 5 min of starting, after failing to do the bombs mechanics on the first boss a couple of times. Those that make it past that usually disband after failing the puzzle room. Consequently, if that raid pops in Omnibus, it's most likely that someone will decline it.
  11. fm0987 Committed Player

    I mean, it's not a guaranteed drop either is it? Idk I assume it's not I mean I've run that raid before obviously, not for a long time tho
  12. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Yeah it's a roll of the dice.
  13. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Definitely not guaranteed. Over the past year I ran both normal and elite versions enough times to get all the feats and never saw it. Still, I'm convinced that's where it drops, because I farmed all the rest of Deluge content a whole lot more. There's also this guide on the forum, that says the same thing.
  14. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    What server are u on? Omnibus alert cache just gave me it and honestly I don’t need it, so if u are on us ps/pc, let me know
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  15. fm0987 Committed Player

    USPS but I don't have legendary so I can't trade cash I don't think? I mean I could pay you for it at the very least. Idk what a fair price is but I have like 50-60m ish at the moment
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  16. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    I’m not concerned about cash at least, so I’m happy to mail it your way
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  17. fm0987 Committed Player

    Ok well that would be sweet lol, my psn is same as here or ign is Urtwen. If you want we could coordinate and put it in the broker and I could buy it that way too. For whatever you think is fair I have like 58.6m rn
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  18. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    Will send it to Urtwen :)
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