Update on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Dec 14, 2023.

  1. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I know you guys prefer to play your cards close to the chest (and for good reason) but y'all might wanna elaborate on those benefits sooner rather than later. There is some pretty rampant and wild speculation making its way through the community.
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  2. Jhaina1 New Player

    Olha só, quando esses desenvolvedores de baixo nível deixarem de criar aura de pé, orelha,nariz... Materiais inúteis, Chroma inúteis,emotes sem graça alguma,e realmente focar em nos trazer um conteúdo realmente forte e ter como objetivo o cliente e não o bolso , certamente o DC será um dos melhores jogos da atualidade.. até lá vc que lute porque a casa mês além de previsível fica absolutamente sem graça,há semanas que nem o loot do Dr fate pego, porque sei do descaso para conosco que e sempre oferecido
    DC !!! Melhore,invista,revise,renova essa quantidade absurda de itens inúteis e realmente crie ! Assim o ps5 não passará vergonha ao que nos e oferecido!
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  3. PowerNuke3x New Player

    We are all in this together, the disappointment is widespread! :(
  4. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I knew this would happen and honestly not surprised. Am I upset nah Disappointed sure but I rather they release a big update when Vacation isn't around the conner lol. If any bugs pop up nobody would be around to fix anything. I know a few friends who are PIST and besides the many other games out here they play Duco more. But I play other games faithfully but still love my Duco . I Prey 2024 we get three DLCs next year and just a better year overall because 2023 could of been better.
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  5. Some rando Active Player

    Does this include a higher FPS cap?
  6. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Since only native Ps5 games support that, yes.

    Edit: I wouldn't expect this to be the norm in crowded open worlds or maybe even animation-intense situations in raids. It will definitely drop during those times.
  7. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Are you considering updating the game appearance on the storefronts of consoles (I can only speak for Playstation but I assume it's similar everywhere else)? Something the likes of Screenshots, Trailers, or even news on new Episodes or seasonals when they drop.
    On top of that, it only says "1 player", which usually indicates single-player games. I know it's labeled as MMORPg, but some may not know the term and be either misled or simply aren't interested because of that.

    All of these things would make me not even try a new game even if it's free in this day and age.
  8. Some rando Active Player

    Yeah I am on PC, and if the PS5 gets the higher FPS then we on PC would also be getting it right?
  9. Drake_DuCaine Well-Known Player

    I don't visit the forums regularly lol. Check my post history. Your expectations are too low if you think taking 3+ years for a resolution/frame rate update at BEST is good.

    You don't put a native client update on a roadmap for 3+ years. The content level is so low if that's what they're doing. This kind of thinking is why the game is in the shape it's in. So many DCUO players are just "ok" with the shape of the game and how the devs are handling it. When I see "Next Gen Update" I don't expect it to just be a client update so instead of launching a PS4 version, I'm launching a PS5 version with no actual upgrade. It's just smoke and mirrors so they keep players interested in the game.

    Sorry I actually want to see the game succeed and am disappointed that they're not doing anything to increase the longevity of the game.
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  10. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Correct. As has been stared here in the forums by Mepps, any benefits to the game itself afforded by the new clients will also make their way to PC. That's why it's strange to see PC players in this thread comment "I'm on PC, so doesn't mean anything to me."

    It absolutely means something to PC players. Hell, y'all have the better hardware (some do). I'd figure y'all would want whatever enhancements are forthcoming more than we console players do.
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  11. DezFTW Active Player

    XB player base needs some help. There is no one on there.
  12. Eve YouTuber

    Well, I personally don't have any issues with PC graphics or gameplay, that's why it doesn't matter to me. It's cool if PC gets some new hardware but It's probably won't be something I notice anyway (?) but I appreciate the input. We'll see when it comes out. But I didn't say it to upset anyone, I did say I feel bad for console players not getting this yet. It's been 3 years and It's starting to look like a fever dream. lol
  13. Ryll Committed Player

    What does it mean for PC players?
  14. Nangaf Well-Known Player

    We dont need better graphic , we need cross play to keep the game alive, a play on xbox and many time , i stop playing from many month because im tired of waiting for player to do raid. So in my opinion developer need to focus on cross play server before graphic
  15. Jcal Dedicated Player

    We shall find out early Q1 2024... together.
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  16. Ryll Committed Player

    There isn't anything in the update statements that changes anything at all for PC players.

    Like Mepps said here...the game itself remains unchanged. The updates are clients to allow the new-ish consoles to natively run the game. Natively running the game on the consoles does nothing for players not on those platforms. Lol. Seems pretty straight forward.
  17. Ryll Committed Player

    PC already has the capability of higher framerates. Since they already allow us to toggle vsync.
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  18. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Gee, what might have happened in the past 3 years that might have slowed down work on a major project?

    I love this game, but it's 13 years old. Most (not all, I know so don't post me a list) MMO's don't make it that long. Plus we've got an IP that's in a state of flux. In between the movies shifting into another phase, rumours running wild that the comic part of things is going to be sold, to be honest, we're lucky we have the game. The developers on this game are here out of an affection for the game and it's IP. Let's cut them some slack.
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  19. Learnmoretalkless New Player

    If it’s taking this long for this there’s no hope in longevity for this game.

    The graphics in general are subpar water looks like chrome,destroyed objects vaporize,destruction and ambient lighting,npcs look horrible, in addition to lack of content,this game is literally on its last legs.
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  20. Bobby Paul Well-Known Player

    Par for the course! You guys put stupid sht in the game thats all about a money grab and can't even fix the problems or deliver what you promise. So sick of being jacked around! All you devs care about how much money you can squeeze out of the players!!!! Who else is so fing sick of their lies and antics???
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