Winter Sale & Wolfpack Artifact Tokens!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Dec 21, 2023.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager


    Happy holidays! End your year right with deep discounts in the DCUO Winter Sale!

    Nth Metal (Artifact XP) and Ally Favor (Ally XP) items are 20% off, and the 40-pack of Stabilizers is back!
    PLUS most other items are 50% off, including:
    • Replay Badges
    • Respec Tokens
    • Source Marks
    • CR 333 Character Advance
    • ...and more!
    The Winter Sale is on – from Thursday, December 21, 2023, through Monday, January 1, 2024!

    Sale excludes Holly Leaves, Stabilizers, Resurgence, and Wolfpack Tokens.


    Would you like it if all of your characters could use your Rank 200 artifacts? This is now possible when you upgrade your Rank 200 artifacts with Wolfpack Tokens, now available in the marketplace for 10000 Daybreak Cash (PC) or Marketplace Cash (PlayStation, Xbox, and Switch)!

    Using this new system, every character on your account can redeem your Rank 200 artifact and use it just as if they had ranked it up themselves.

    NOTE: Only Rank 200 artifacts can be upgraded using a Wolfpack Token.

    Here's how that works:
    1. Rank up and fortify an artifact to Rank 200.
    2. Purchase a Wolfpack Token from the Marketplace.
    3. Purchase a Rank 0 Wolfpack version of your artifact from the artifact vendor, Constantine, in the House of Legends.
    4. Fortify the Rank 0 Wolfpack version of your artifact with your Rank 200 artifact.
      • All XP is transferred and this fortification cannot fail.
      • This results in a Rank 200 Wolfpack version of your artifact that is account bound.
      • Wolfpack Artifacts cannot be fortified into other artifacts.
    5. Redeem a Wolfpack Voucher for this artifact, an item that is now visible to you on Constantine in the House of Legends.
    6. Log into any or all other characters on your account.
    7. On each one, you can now redeem a Rank 200 Wolfpack version of your artifact from Constantine in the House of Legends or from your base dispenser.
    The US sale ends at 11:59PM PT on Monday, January 1, 2024.
    The EU sale ends at 11:59PM GMT on Monday, January 1, 2024.
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  2. Siramez Well-Known Player

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  3. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    10000 DBC... [IMG]
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  4. BlackGryphon Well-Known Player

    A steal! >.>
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  5. Ultimus Primus Well-Known Player

    Absolutely LOVE the "IDEA" of the wolf pack token, but 90$ US after all that was ALREADY put into the artifact (Time/Money)? That is a tough pill to swallow, and "I" WILL NEVER BUY IT at that price. But THANK YOU SO MUCH for listening at the very least.
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  6. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Well-Known Player

    I have spent close to 600 dollars in the last 2 months leveling just a couple arts to 160 this truly is a steal compared to what I just spent
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  7. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Are Wolfpack Tokens a permanent addition to the Marketplace or are they a Holiday promo?
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  8. Betleskisan New Player

    Clearly, this is just for transferring an artifact to a different toon. $100 is ridiculous, though. Nice try, but no cigar.
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  9. FlyingFingers Well-Known Player

    Same I would like to know to and hope that it's a permanent addition to the marketplace.
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  10. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    They are here to stay - not part of the holiday promo.
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  11. FlyingFingers Well-Known Player

    Awsome indeed :).
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  12. Proddy Active Player

    member price looks to be 75$ , still expensive but tempting
  13. MchaelAceHunter Well-Known Player

    Is the 40 stab pack there for a week or til Jan 1st?
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  14. WonderEU Level 30

    People have been asking for years for this and you’ve said time and again it’s not possible and now suddenly it is but costs 10k per artifact?!?! Honestly that is a ridiculous price after how much we have spent in time grinding for Nth Metal and buying deals (pre Dr Fate) this is a very bad move and I don’t know a single person that will buy this. Honestly a very very predatory move to tempt people to spent a ridiculous sum of money. You should be ashamed of yourselves DB. A new low…
    • Like x 13
  15. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I definitely agree that the price is too high. However predatory? I think people use this term without eve knowing what it means. As for them saying it’s not possible. I don’t recall them saying they’d never do it. Heck they actually stated that they would explore ways to do this (again, I think it’s to high too). But over time when new tech is implemented more things become possible.
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  16. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Really? I’d assume that the member price would be 9000 due to the 10% discount. Maybe there is a sale on top?
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  17. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Reduce the Wolfpack Artifact Token price to 1000MC (at most) and you might get more serious attention. (Considering players would have already levelled said artifacts to rank 200)

    As one token applies to just one artifact and there are several artifact types in the game currently (with more to come in the future).
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  18. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Also does this apply for characters across servers? For example if you have a PSN account and you have EU character/s with rank 200 artifact and you wanted to use a Wolfpack Artifact Token on US characters on the US version of the game?
  19. Furious Vee Well-Known Player

    I'm glad the developers have been listening, but these prices lately have been ludicrous to say the least. From the booster bundle to the resurgence capsule and now this. Is the game nearing the end of it's life cycle?
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  20. jolaksi Well-Known Player

    Not "a toon". You create a wolf pack version of artifact that you can claim whenever you want on your alts. Just like Backup henchmens. From your base dispenser or Constantine.
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