I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Exactly. And don’t get me wrong I also believe the clamp isn’t perfect. Especially until the devs finally decide to look into outliers. But glitching happened very frequently since anyone with any role could do it with any skill level as long as they had the gear.
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I don't mean 'shoulda' like I regret something. I mean I might have...like I did. I can't join his pre clamp run now...as it's post clamp. I joined and ran EEG 100x more than I have since the clamp and MOST of those runs I'd help with a feat if it was not a massive time consuming one (totem masters in ToTD for example). It was a fun distraction from the grind and maybe a few marks. I can't even count how many times I'd ask 'anyone need anything in here' before starting a run. I'd join someone's run, and would sometimes use the alts to get them in if I saw them shouting for a bit like the guy the other night 'Need 3....'. I might stay, or if they didn't need the assist, I'd go...depending on what else I was doing. I WILL still throw my hat in for 'need 1 to queue and leave' runs, (more are EG than EEG) as I think it's idiotic that is even a thing anyone still needs to do (I normally do at least 1 a night), but 2, or 3 fillers? Nah.... To actually join and stay for an hour so they can repeat fail a feat? Double Nah. Prior to the clamp a fail meant 2 seconds (heh)....or more likely 3-6 min wasted, so a re-try wasn't a big issue. Now? Most older raids take 2x as long as an Elite endgame run.... unless the feat is in 1st boss...or 1st room, I've got better things to do with my time. Why would anyone bother unless they are directly benefiting? And yeah....10 source marks is not really a great attractor.

    You say EEG was a 'ghost town' prior to the clamp, yet 1000s or 10s of 1000s of players were exposed to SOOOOO many of these non existent runs that they were forever damaged and unable to still jump over WW's purple circle 2 years later. Man....amazing that something can be so full...and so empty at the same time.

    Or is that just your hat I'm talking about?
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  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Seems like you'd have figured out how to punch Scarecrow in the face vs max'd prec rocket grenading him then. They taught us that on the Braniac ship back in the day after all...back when the tutorial taught something.
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  4. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Not really..... You didn't "prove" anything... You just listed instances... and we have to take your word that you indeed glitched them.

    Nor can you prove that YOU glitched them.... as opposed to the instance just failing, as some do.

    We have proof that Diety was wrong in his accusation... There's the difference.
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    Any sort of group content left you absolutely and utterly at the mercy of the other people on the instance and how much they cared about your involvement in the instance or whether you deserved to be there more than they did.
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    TA DA...and no apology for saying I flat out made something up. Thanks for proving me right....yet again. Double down on also calling me a liar while doing the thing I said you'd do.

    I probably don't read your responses to Tiffany all that much....which is why I might have missed it IF you've ever apologized. I'd guess though that it was back handed vs direct. Your accusation was pretty direct....as was my response showing the proof.

    No worries though, I'm not that thin skinned. I didn't actually expect you to apologize....again, thanks for proving me correct.
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I thought we both tapped out on this one. I feel shame for both of us....but I am having fun.;)
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Yeah, cause I'm a veteran that's been here since the very beginning with no break from the game, so yes, everyone should take "GhostRyder3000's" word over mine, lol

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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    I'm just here to pass a bit of time :D you're right though I should refrain :D
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  11. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    The truth hurts so much ya gotta take ta drinkin', Mister Lahey?

    That's sad.
  12. Entrust Committed Player

    So I was thinking about all the different instances that were breakable due to over CR/Powering them. I even opened the On-Duty menu to jog my memory. (Spoiler, it was a LOT)

    However, as I was reading through all the instances, there were several I remembered fondly. Others I still loath, and a great many I really don't remember all that well. Stuff I'd run daily, and even liked running, almost completely forgotten.

    Which is kinda sad, given how many of the instances are really good.

    Personally, it's not the clamp or even a lack thereof that keeps me from running more EEG. It's the perceived value of those instances. Currently I only really have time to run the EG stuff daily. That's what "needs" to get run. Often times I don't even get to run Omnibus stuff. Which is a shame bc I usually enjoy them.
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Yeah I really wish they'd up the source marks on the longer instances.
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  14. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    It's not about who's word "over" who's?

    It's just a simple fact that all you provided was a list of instances by name.

    It was nothing.


    You proved nothing.

  15. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player


    Get rid of the clamp so they wouldn't take so long... after you earned the ability to make them shorter.

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  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Now this I'll agree with. Besides the chance for some nimrod messing things up, some squatter sitting at spawn, 5 staffing changes as people leave and new ones come, 'role' players who won't switch out of DPS....even good clamped runs can take too long for the 'value' of the payment.

    Example. Why would anyone EVER accept the Catwoman solo? It's hideously long, has very annoying segments with the dopey lion cubs and the gas hallway, and the 9 waves 'boss' at the end is maybe the most repetitive thing I've seen in this game....and I did 500 CC bounties on 6 toons.:mad: Make it worth 5 source marks and MAYBE it would be worth running.....maybe. Many others...same story.

    I'd likely still not run Catwoman...or DWF...or some others....but I'd pause a sec before denying the queue...or ignoring that 'need 1 for...' run.
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

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  18. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    The clamp has essentially locked out a lot of feats for a lot of players, because older areas, nobody goes to them anymore. So those bounty feats are pretty much undoable. A lot of content, if it's long, people refuse it when it pops up in que so you never get in. At least before the clamp you could convince people to join long enough to cue you in, and then you could go solo it and get the feats but now you can't do that so those feats are gone for most people. This is why the clamp should have always been optional and open world areas never should have been clamped at all.
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  19. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You are normally reasonable but for some reason when it has to do with the clamp you throw logic and facts out the window. Yes it was a ghost town in content that was out of relevance. That doesn’t mean no one ever played it. Being a ghost town does not mean no one EVER ran anything. Facts can be looked up. Whether you choose to do so is another matter. Plenty of hotfixes have been done due to players getting glitched bosses. Similar to your “well I haven’t seen bosses glitch so there must not be more than the 2 I know off”.
  20. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Except there is proof. I know you don’t like facts but there is proof. You can easily look for the hot fixes that showed these. But we all know you’d never do actual research. Your go to is ignoring facts in order to cry