DCUO population is bleeding off after EG7 announcement

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mᴏrph, Oct 20, 2023.

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  1. Multiverse Creator League

    And if it continues 2 years and 1 day..... what do we win??

  2. Miserable Dedicated Player

    I understand what you're saying. They did not announce a plan to release 6 episodes over the course of 2022-2023. And had history been different and they released 3 episodes in 2022, we can't say for sure that they would have announced 3 for 2023 as well.

    What can be said is that they were unable to deliver planned episodes in each of two consecutive calendar years. Can you at least admit that?

    Arguing that they never promised to deliver 3 episodes per year for the rest of the game's life is kind of trivial and misses the point of the observation Lorax was making. He was pointing out the recent decrease in the rate of episode releases after it had been pretty constant for several years.

    I get it. You take issue with the claim that "we're 2 episodes behind." While that may not be strictly true according to any explicit promise they've made, it's not an unreasonable criticism to make based both on the expectations they've set us up with and their intention to continue to meet those expectations. It's not like they announced that we're going to be getting 2 episodes a year from now on. The fact that they've announced 3 episodes in each of the past 2 years and haven't said anything about slowing down indicates that, despite not having been able to do so the last couple years, their intention is to continue delivering 3 per year. And based on that extremely reasonable assumption, we are 2 behind.
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  3. Lvl 30 New Player

    Ummm...Tin foil hat.
    • Like x 5
  4. Proxystar #Perception


    The Lorax is right.
    • Like x 4
  5. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

  6. Lvl 30 New Player

    If the game is on life support, what's the point of them holding on too it?. o_O
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  7. kallader Committed Player

    I start to think the goal is just to keep game alive so they can use the fact they are running a game almost 13 years old like The Simpsons still running just to get world record for longest show running but produce really bad episodes
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  8. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    *shrug* The point is the same, as when the game was made - to make money off of nerds cosplaying as superheroes. What did you think this was?
  9. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    43, 44, 45, 45, 46, 47

    How many episodes do we see here kids?
  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The only person counting episode 45 twice is you. Shock to the System did not get pushed back twice.

    -> 1. Sins of Black Adam had a delayed release, that pushed Shock to the System from its announced 2022 release to a 2023 release. That also pushed back the timeline for all subsequent episodes that the devs had planned.

    -> 2. Justice League Dark Cursed also had a delayed release, further pushing back the announced Episode 47 and all other subsequent episodes that the devs had planned.
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  11. WнуѕOѕєяιoυ5 Well-Known Player

    RIP This game, THIS TIME fr. :oops:

    DGC what have you done?? What have this game become. :confused:
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  12. Miserable Dedicated Player

    You flat out ignore all the solid arguments being made in favor of conjuring up strawmen by deliberately misrepresenting people's words. Your intellectual honesty is truly admirable.
    • Like x 4
  13. BƖack Dedicated Player

    DCUO Is Dying? Oh Felicia...It is SAD, It is SO SAD
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  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Maybe I should pull out the abacus to help you.

    If you have 3 episodes in 2022 and was pushed back to 2023 does it mean that they would now be qued to have 4 episodes in 2023 or would they still have 3 qued in 2023?

    I’ll give you a hint. They would still only have 3 planned for 2023.

    So when 2023 comes and they announce 3 episodes and only deliver 2 how many total episodes did they under deliver on?

    Your whole argument of 2 episodes is only accurate if they had already had all 6 qued for 2022-2023. But that isn’t how things work. No matter how you try to grasp at your delusional straws, it’s now how it works. Just because they do 3 in one year does not mean they already have multiple years worth of content lined up.
  15. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    The only ignoring arguments is you. Do you believe they have the next 6+ dlcs currently planned? If not how can you push back something that doesn’t exist?
  16. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Since your posts scream "I have zero knowledge about gaming companies", I will elucidate some things:

    - No, this game won"t die in 2 years tops. It will last for much longer
    > There is no direct competition. DCUO would only be at risk if there was another DC MMORPG in the market, which is not the case. Even so, well established games will always take priority for the big crowd. Example: Super Smash Bros. Even with Nintendo locking online behind a paid subscription, many "smash-killers" came out for free and they all still fail to hold a candle to SSBU. There was even one made by Warner Bros itself, and it still failed.

    - There is no point on murdering what is not costing.
    > A product that generates no revenue will not go to waste, because it can generate it at some point. If the monthly balance is NOT negative, then it shall remain, for it can bring money here and there. This is exactly why Champions Online remains up for an average of 40 players per day - and diminishing: they don't spend one cent to keep CO servers up.
  17. zNot Loyal Player

    We are on a 4-5 year streak of bad episodes can we hit 10? If the game lasts that long ofcourse :)
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  18. Miserable Dedicated Player

    Sounds like you missed my entire previous reply.
  19. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    No ****. Absolutely no where did I say or expect them to push out four episodes this year or any year. That's what happens when a project gets delayed and releases late: all subsequent projects get pushed further back. Your assumption is that they don't begin planning episodes ahead in advance. That is a false assumption because we know they plan episodes out ahead in advance. They have told us they plan episodes out in advance. You know why they have to plan episodes out in advance. It takes them over six months to put one episode together.

    My argument is not about failure to deliver. My argument is they were late to deliver not once but twice and this has affected whatever future content they plan to release, announced or unannounced. They were late to deliver Sins of Black Adam on time in 2022 which ****** Shock to the System releasing on time and every future episode after that. Then they were late again to deliver JLD Cursed on time which further ****** whatever Episode 47 was going to be and any future episode planned or unplanned after that.

    So what you're saying is that they had three episodes planned for 2022 and not a damn thing planned for this year or the future? You are delusional.
    • Like x 2
  20. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Yeah, hence my GIF in signature XD
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