Dcuo Gross Monthly Revenue Eg7

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ObsidianChill, Sep 28, 2023.

  1. kallader Committed Player

    They did stats clamp who made lot peoples quit then they remove all old dlc cash now no reason to return to any Dlc since you actually will drop the styles they give there at any recent content or from daily reward from Dr Fate and now they are like mmmm new players are not playing for long..ofc they are not you remove too much stuff already
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  2. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player


    1. Why wouldn't they remaster their money train to polish it up and make it more appealing?? Just doesn't make sense.. The whole community has been waiting at bare minimum for a UI revamp.. It was even in development..
    2. Why were we even teased in the first place about UI revamp but not follow up as QOL improvement??
    3. So the game is supposed to still look graphically how it looked when it first launched 10+ years ago and attract new players to stay?
    4. How can you expect players to stay around when the community demands arent even being met?
    5. Why would and should players invest in DCUO if the company doesn't want to GROW or invest back into their own product?
    6. Why doesn't DCUO value the paying customers that are investing DCUO to watch it GROW into a better game?
    7. Why should players stick around if the investors dont want to GROW the game into a better game?
    8. Does DCUO value the QOL improvements that will help sustain the games longetivity? If so, then why havent MOST QOL improvements been tackled yet? (SEE 1-7)
    9. Are the long time supporters criticism not valued?
    10. If the community as a whole does NOT LIKE an idea that youre forcing upon us why do you still not compromise that idea to make players stay? EXAMPLE: STAT CLAMP... Why arent there any compromises around this?
    11. Why does DCUO alienate players who have supported for so long and not have their voices heard yet?
    Sad sad sad.. The game can maintain ppls attention and become "STICKY" a player base if you graudally increase the QOL for players, communicate the needs of players to the board, continuously increasing the bar for creativity, engaging gameplay and rewarding content.. Idk why are they making this sooo difficult???

    Is there anyone that can communicate what the community desires to the CEOS and investors to make this game more enjoyable for everyone? I feel like there is a position that should be able to get the community message across to the BOARDROOM.. Thats the biggest VOID this game is missing.. The bridge that is looking to be the voice for the community to the boardroom.
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  3. myandria Item Storage

    Unfortunately, when quarterly presentations are made, most plans that are presented are already in place or they have been agreed upon. Budgets are usually determined ahead of time, so I highly doubt DCUO will receive any more money than it was already allotted for this year, and I doesn't look like DCUO will be allotted any "extra" money for future improvements.

    DCUO will need a fair to large investment if it is to be "remastered"; the Unreal software engine is not cheap to obtain/upgrade/maintain. Maintaining WB/DC licenses isn't free, either. In comparison, Everquest and H1Z1 are not tied to any major IP's and use less expensive software engines that other Daybreak games are already using; therefore, according to EG7, investing in those games is the direction the company is heading.

    Any and all projections about improvements made by the devs were said "before" this presentation. This is why I stated earlier that the devs may need to update their last dev development announcement to reflect what will happen going forward. Will the devs work on certain QoL improvements while creating new content or will they have to choose one over the other?

    I highly doubt the "investors" will be interested in hearing our point of view of how to make DCUO better; what they want to hear is how EG7 can make the investors "more" stable money without large investments from them.

    Answer to question number 5: "Why would and should players invest in DCUO if the company doesn't want to GROW or invest back into their own product?" This question is a test for the player base in general. Everquests' player base answered that question years ago and now has a very stable, loyal player base. Will DCUOs' player base be able to do the same? Only time will tell.
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  4. jamvaru New Player

    mmo genre effectively dead, maybe mobile killed it, maybe fortnite, whatever
    let's see some improvements if you aren't going to remake it
    like extra buttons, button flip, ala eso, or ctrl-buttons, like poe
    prolly more stagnation, shrug... it is what it is
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  5. FlyingFingers Well-Known Player

    Well said and imo This games Future looks bleek and Grim probably more then ever before because this is coming from the top. They won't invest and staying this current course is failure at best. This upcoming DLC JLD cursed has one Solo, Alert and raid and open world dailys and weeklys lol and this is supposed to keep players satisfied for months till the next Dlc drops and who knows when that is and how many we will get next year. It's the same pattern and bluntly this game is F***K if something doesn't happen to keep people focused on DCUO and players invested because vets we can only do so much running the same dlc and small ones at that for months on end until a new small one drops again smh.
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  6. Solarbound Committed Player

  7. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Is there any emphasis on the "gross" part of gross revenue? I didn't watch the video yet lol

    Edit: watched some.

    "We didn't put any numbers here because we do believe that's a little sensitive." Sensitive, huh? :p

    Well, according to that chart, it's proof implementation of a certain something didn't specifically cause loss in revenue, but it certainly didn't help, either. Hmm.

    He also specifically called DCUO "casual", perhaps there's many who could benefit from hearing that.

    I personally feel that the game has a lot of aspects many new players could feel to be a bit overwhelming at this point, in which could also turn them away.
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  8. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Looking over their chart once again, I can’t help but notice even though they say the revenue is “volatile” it still exceeds all of their other product lines combined even during the low points the revenue for DCUO is much greater than for the other products.

    It seems like, if I have product that is over performing above my other products with clear indicators for when its popularity amongst my customers decline, then shouldn’t something be done to shore up the top performer and stabilize it instead of a product that is performing consistently but at a much much lower rate.

    It also looks to me according to their own chart, that DCUO is actually a bread & butter product supporting all the other products.
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  9. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Keep in mind they’re playing with revenue and not profit. Did you catch when Ham mentioned Daybreak’s margins as “slim?” That’s with all their businesses added together…so you could have some dead weight being carried by other entities. Additionally you may have some intermittently losing and gaining month to month…it’s all in how they package the data…but we should note that they’re going to make it as pretty as possible within the confines of “whats allowed.”
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  10. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I always take proclamations like that with a massive dose of salt. Corporations love saying that they're struggling, barely keeping their heads above water, when talking to the public. In private, they pat themselves on the back for having record profits this quarter, and give themselves huge profit-sharing bonuses. Schrödinger's corporation: Simultaneously barely scraping by and making record profits.
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  11. Shazam Well-Known Player

    A lot of you are only responding to the small clip, but need to watch the EG7 investors pitch as a whole. I know its 3 hours long, but it does paint a bigger pitcher of where things are heading.

    If you are doing a pitch to investors why are you barley talking about the best game you have? Which is DCUO by about 3x. They gave no plans for it...while they did for Everquest and PS2.

    They didn't include it on their future plans slide while they did every other game they owned. They talked about Everquest 3...DCUO is pretty much paying for the other games while we get scraps.

    The whole 3 hours made it seem like DCUO is being phased out while they focus on Everyquest and PS2.

    Or could it be they are losing the DC license soon? Or maybe DCUO is going to get its own announcement? Who knows.

    No DCUO2 tho. Might as well confirm that from this investor pitch. If it costs to much money, they wont do it.

    Save your money. It isn't going to DCUO. You giving the EverQuest/PS2 players all they want.
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  12. zNot Loyal Player

    That explains the lackluster episodes they barely reinvest in the game,dcuo is the cashcow getting milked that carries the other games yet its still only kept alive on bare minimum while the money they make from dc is put into these lower performing games this is just ridicilous.
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  13. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

    I am investor and if you really want to do the research to see what direction EG7 currently plans on going under the leadership of Ji Ham (acting EG7 CEO and Daybreak CEO) EG7 | The New Way To Create (enadglobal7.com). https://www.enadglobal7.com (hopefully this link works). Their website provides a good amount of the information you would need. Shareholders and investors can question and even sway a CEO's directions or plans. Shareholders just recently tore into Bob Iger's plans for Disney during a shareholder's call.

    What I am saying is nothing is certain yet. I am not a fan of Ji Ham's direction, but anything could change.

    Peace and DCUO Forever
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  14. Moon Shinobi777 Level 30

    Why hasn't DC bought their own game and taken this to Warner Bros own game studio to be better managed on all front's?
  15. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Why would they thought

    They’d be smarter to wait out the IP contract and not renew it unless there is some stipulation where “if we meet x criteria then the contract is auto renewed for y amount of years. Which u highly doubt wb made that mistake.

    Wb could make an entire game with dceu characters it could be like dcuo or something else entirely if they wanted.
  16. Shazam Well-Known Player

    Same here. It is why I am telling people they need to watch the whole 3 hours. It paints an even worse picture for DCUO, but great picture for EverQuest and PS2.
  17. Moon Shinobi777 Level 30

    Tru about contract rules and the waiting game. Both companies can afford it and can't afford not to lose it either.
  18. IamINC Dedicated Player

    Yeah it’s basically a big F you to DCUO players , keep spending to fund our other games while you get minimal back.
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  19. Plowed In Loyal Player

    It’s really not, I know it’s hard to hear it, but that’s because of how emotionally invested a lot of us are.

    Would you drop $10K - $20K to fix a 10 year old car? Probably not…you’d just get a new car…

    …same situation here…it stinks, but it’s fair…
  20. Special Guest Level 30


    But - There are some differences:

    1) It's not just a car. A car doesn't make you money. It is a work vehicle. There is added value in that, especially if it is a one-of-kind design.

    2) It depends on the car and its human/nostalgic value. Would a person spend $20k to restore the very first car ever made?
    Probably. A car like that could bring something immeasurable to the table as it entertains the masses (in a museum or car show)

    3) If the car was Herbie.
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