Same crap every day

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Savior Prime, Aug 13, 2023.

  1. Captain Catalunya Active Player

    When I say "new DCUO" I don't mean turning it into a shooter or FIFA. I mean give it some content for advanced players. We talk that the content of each DLC is for 6 months, when in reality it is 2-hour content to repeat for 120 days. I understand that the company must think about the new players, but...The same Anniversary/Halloween event, I have plenty of marks to buy the 4 nonsense that they put without doing it
    Total, I make 1 or 2 alters, or 20, because I like the game. And I do it with everyone It's not 120 anymore, it's 240, 360 times, do you think I'm going to come back after the "new DLC"?
    Ohh yes, you put the x2 or Omnibus (great idea, i like, but), it doesn't matter, I'm not going to enter, I have all the styles and 15,000 SM.

    I'm not interested in Blue Beetle or Static, I have enough to go up to the main ones; I'm not interested in new artifacts, I still have to upload the ones from the alter. AND, REPEAT 15.000 MARKS, HOW MANY HOURS IS THIS? that do not help me to achieve it?
    I farm every day to make some money and get the capsule collections. But I'm bad at playing than speculating. I still have 25 to go :(

    So yeah, my ridiculous claim is that the people I've been playing with since 2012 or 15/17 are leaving. And the new ones, they start very motivated, and there will be who if they reach the "end", but when they know the game in depth, most of them leave.

    I would pay for the original content again, it was dynamic, entertaining, exciting... The DLCs are rubbish.
    Not only because in the Spanish version there is no sound (how hard is it to put the voices in English and subtitles in Spanish?), Do this duo/alert/raid/ in 6 months or pay to do it in 6 weeks.

    If your perception of the game is good, I'm happy for you. Mine is bad, but not ridiculous.
    I have been playing for many years and a lot of money, and I would spend it again, but not for this
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  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Not exactly sure where I was crying lol. I personally do not care what you think of me. Makes absolutely no difference to me at all. Truth is that you just have no comprehension on how these matters actually work. Trying to simplify it in way for you to understand is just not worth it. It’s like trying to explain how engines work to toddlers.
  3. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

  4. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    The exact part I claimed was utter Bs was the claim that for every new player that joins 5 old players leave. That is utter nonsense with absolutely no data to back up such claims. If that were even remotely true then dcuo would’ve shutdown already. Players YOU know left. That is no indication at all of the overall population. I know players that left too. I’ve also met players who have either returned or joined for the first time. Making such a claim requires actual data to back up your claims or it’s just BS.

    Going back to the “dcuo never changes”. Once a game finds a niche that works they don’t change. They add on to the system but overall style remains the same. Making too many changes will lead to players leaving. A lot of players in the MMO community talk about how power creep can hurt games. But system creeps can also do that if not more. Just look at the lvl 30 grind to Cr grind. Players get used to the storyline missions to then go into a CR grind style. If a new player were to join they would go from one style to another back to a different style. It would be all over the place. If you look at warframe you have an MMO who has such a diversity of game modes but it ends up hurting the game.
  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    If you say so. There’s a saying about not arguing with certain type of people. So I’ll just let you be and continue to type in all caps and self censorship since you lack the ability to speak like an adult. Sooo… see you around little fan :)
  6. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

  7. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player


    Nice to see another argument about how you don't argue...

    You reply to posts to say that you don't actually reply to posts that you admit that you don't really read.....

    And that's what makes you an *....
    If you think that makes me a fan... You'd be wrong about that, too.... We'll just throw that on the pile of all the stupid things you say in the name of touting your own farts as intellect and shillings.
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  8. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    Hey, I only quoted this b/c for some reason, it shows Mepps edited your post... so we don't know what you actually said. This was post 25 in this thread, look... He censored your post somehow.... Not even getting freedom of speech in the formus.
  9. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    Yes I am comparing it... it's in alpha and there are already a variety of things to do to keep your attention, and it's only in alpha... this game is just get the mission that you don't even have to really read cause it's just gonna be load an instance and beat everyone and leave and repeat.
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  10. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

  11. zNot Loyal Player

    fully agreed here i dont think the episodes should continue they way they have been its Honestly disturbing to serve us these low quality content things after waiting 6 months i also wonder if making episodes free made the devs less interested in putting any meaningfull effort into them maybe they need to rethink their stance on this but the devs need to improve on this urgently.
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  12. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    Sorry, I am in full agreement with you, but please, use punctuation? The only period in that short paragraph was at the end. Made it alittle difficult to follow.
  13. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    That’s still not a fair comparison at all. What indications do you have that they will be adding new things for 5+ years? Absolutely none. You are saying that a game in alpha is giving you a lot of new and different things to do. Obviously… it’s a new game so obviously everything you have to do is new. What makes you think they will be doing “new” things every single dlc?
  14. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

    I am a big Raiders fan, but for years I have been disappointed in the direction of the team. The owner, GM, Coaches, seem like they just can't find a way to put together a Superbowl team. Numerous of us fans have been screaming our suggestions, along with some of the best tv experts on Football, but it seems we just keep trudging along in the same direction, occasionally getting close sometimes. If they sold the team, I would be devastated! A Superbowl seems almost improbable anytime soon (but not impossible), but I am not a fickle fan that only shows up when the Raiders are the Superbowl Champs. Yes, I still believe we will win a Superbowl again and I will always be a loyal/diehard fan of the Raiders, nothing will change that.

    This is how I feel about DCUO. Things could be better; we could be the best MMORPG online and I believe we will be one day. Why, because I love this game and want it to succeed. I do not want this game to close its doors like City of Heroes did. Again, I would be devasted! I hear everyone's opinions good and bad, and hope all of us would just show the Devs that us loyal/diehard fans of this game will be here through the good and bad times. The Devs can show their loyalty to us by delivering the best MMORPG game online and win the MMORPG game of the year award sometime.

    Peace and DCUO Forever
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  15. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Dear God, man...

    He is merely comparing a game that has already demonstrated the promise of doing things new and different to this game that has already proven that it has gone rather stale and repetitive...

    Is it really that hard for you to comprehend... or allow his opinion/view to exist?

    Believe it or not.... People are allowed to have a negative opinion of this game.. and allowed to voice that opinion... in a hope that things will change for the better... without your approval... or understanding... and/or condemnation.
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  16. kingofthebeast Active Player

    How are you not embarrassed about replying to threads you haven't actually read? No seriously, you never actually read postings you just comment things that make no sense. I sincerely question if you actually even play the game. There's no way you don't see the op point, well unless of course you didn't you know actually read it.
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  17. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

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  18. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I mean.. if that doesn’t make sense to you then that looks more like a you problem.

    It truly isn’t that complicated. Games will try to find a formula that works and once that formula works there is little to no incentive to change things up and risk things for the sake of changes sake. For all the people that are complaining not a single person seems to understand that there are only so many ways these things can change in general. If they were to change things they would need to change a lot of how things work in the game.

    Again, this is an MMO. Not a shooter or a sports game. An MMO. You have mmos that drops dlcs the same that dcuo does. You have others that have a linear story path. But guess what they don’t just flip flop between different dlc methods. They find the menthol that works best with the type of game they design and stick with it.
  19. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Aww my little fan things he has a point. How cute :)

    Maybe one day :)
  20. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Dude... Now you just sound desperate.

    Also hypocritical... as "Yew hav no poynt" is rather a pointless sentiment.