PC ban wave

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MattSuper, Jul 7, 2023.

  1. Trykz Dedicated Player

    I was told there was a certain boss that was being speed hacked and respawning from being killed too fast, but also giving loot every time they were killed.
    Unconfirmed, but that’s the rumor /shrug
  2. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    infinite loot theory seems true because i reported 212x99 mk 17 exobytes in broker those i bought after i bought another 215x99 mk 17 exobytes and that 99 mk 17 exobytes were always respawning as/like another 212×99 mk17 exobytes in Eu broker. that was 48 days ago. also there were respawning new capsule gear boxes (approximately 5500 pieces). i can confidently say we have a super customer in EU.
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Oh, goodie. How will THIS exploit 'repair' impact everyone else who didn't exploit...but leave those who did still WAAAY ahead for their efforts.
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  4. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I'm impressed at just the right level of snark in this thread.

    I've been feeling a little weak lately. Earlier in the year I had a chance to run through a bunch of elite content and I bolted then I had remorse but then relieved and then a cycle emerged between the two and now because of this I'm convinced it's a sign not to cheat in the game and the cycle is broken.
  5. MightyHornet Well-Known Player

    [Oh, goodie. How will THIS exploit 'repair' impact everyone else who didn't exploit...but leave those who did still WAAAY ahead for their efforts.[/quote]

    The real enemies in the game aren’t the villains. The real villains are the ones fighting along side you. We work hard spend a stupid amount of money on an outdated game, and people cheat left and right. No one’s using their main account to run the hacks. We all know that. If anything the devs ban these accounts so people CR skip their next one up to relevancy to hack again.

    And who loses? The honest players. We are behind on time, miney and SP.
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Isnt that unauthorized editing of their software though?
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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Return to the Waking Sands or the Beatings continue.
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  8. FoolsFire Devoted Player

  9. MightyHornet Well-Known Player

    What I’m saying is the accounts getting banned are burner accounts and not people’s mains. So they people aren’t being punished at the end of the day
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  10. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I remember the Waking Sands well....

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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Youd have to take a heavy-handed unapologetic approach to combat them, and there will be a few innocents caught in the crossfire.
  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I don't really see why. They obviously have some means of detecting people doing whatever they are banned for. So they get a perm ban, their running buddies get temp bans....hey, maybe you just landed in that run with some hacker/exploiter...maybe you didn't leave for an hour because you were dumbfounded by what was happening. So you catch a 2 week vacation and complain and whine and stomp your feet.

    However....the 2nd time it happens.... Or even the 3rd? It's no a co-incidence anymore. Enjoy your ban good sir.

    Furthermore, I'm sure there are chat or trade logs, or other things that could be brought into play that would 100% show people are not innocent bystanders....but even without that, for someone who runs with exploiters (and I'm not talking about just ending up in an OW area or queue up event run with a speedhacker), it should kind of be expected that if the one 'cheat' gets caught, you just might also be on the hook.
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    He's suggesting IP bans, you can't IP ban, because, I'll let you google what a "Dynamic IP address" is and why IP banning is entirely inappropriate not to mention ignorant of the VPN, IP and MAC spoofing that is no doubt going on with these clowns, you're simply not catching them that way anyone with half a tech clue knows this...

    Daybreak need to do better with their logging (whether they have them or whether they're analyzing them, who knows) and better with their real time anti cheat presence including just having in game GM's.

    There's also no "accidental running buddies" these clowns aren't running with accidental groups, they're doing what you're doing, but in a far less than honorable manner let's just leave it at that.

    They are without condition defined by two words; "pond scum".
  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well I've worked in IT since 93, so I know what a Dynamic IP is, however I'm not sure he was saying IP ban there. However I agree, it wouldn't work. I've heard they can ban a PS ID (I'd guess Xbox, switch have something similar), but as many exploiters are PC, obviously that wouldn't make a huge dent.

    And yes... I specifically mentioned logs. I'd guess with the right query and logging, EVERY cheat could be shaken loose. And yeah, GMs would be great. If for nothing else than to snipe a-hats in trade/shout/LFG chat.

    The accidental thing was being devils advocate. No...I'd guess most are not in a group by accident, but you couldn't 100% say that. I know I've landed in runs with a speedhack and they are all over OW. While I have an idea what was going on, I couldn't say for sure someone couldn't land in a group/area where shenanigans were going on.....once. I suppose if it's all in grouped content, and the groups are always closed....no...no accident then. Burn them all.
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  15. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    i think devs can track all when they want to reveal all.
  16. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    yeah.... but you kinda did and kinda do, because it's always the same people and it's always the same reason.

    ERMAGERD I GOT BANNED?! well al I did was (get caught on stream speed-hacking/ openly exploit a known duplication glitch/ use exobits and garbage to fortify my Arts to 200 +/ flood the market with trillions of artificially-generated in-game cash)!! I'm totally innocent!
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  17. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Well, we know they weren’t banned for willfully inflating the economy. Because if that was the case…well…this thread would have started a tad differently.
  18. MattSuper New Player

    Just wanted information or an update on the situation and i got it. Assume and believe what you want :D
  19. Forum Junkie Well-Known Player

    I really wish they could crack down on the people developing the hacking software. Hackers have ruined a few instances in the game. Whether it is pvp related or speed farming or bounty farming, there has got to be a way to put an end to it. I understand the temptation but there is no excuse for this type of exploitative behavior on a live server.
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  20. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    Probably using hacks.