Too old for serious playing?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Saami, Jul 2, 2023.

  1. Saami Loyal Player

    Recently i started playing DCUO again. I have always been competitive player since 80s. However now i feel old and slow. It could be lack of practice, but i wonder if there is any other older people who plays still in highest level. 45yo or older.
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  2. Limey Committed Player

    I'm fairly certain I've known a good handful of people that either used to play this or still do, that when I met them when I started at the end of 2011, they were 50+ at that time. Still playing would now be 60+.

    That being said, certain powersets and roles require better response times than others. Healers are usually the highest response time role/powersets during the current endgame because (as I understand the general consensus is) heal over time-focused healing is not super powerful for most powersets(nature bring the exception because the heals over time feed the burst heals), but quick response time is necessary if people suck at avoiding huge damage moves.

    Certain tank powers require elevated awareness and responsiveness.. rage tanking well is a lot harder than fire or ice tanking well.

    Controlling is fairly easy because it, along with DPS, are the most rudimentary roles. You use powers semi-regular to keep POT up, and keep debuffs on the boss/as many adds as possible, and if you aren't buff trolling, dump power to keep everyone else's bar full.

    And DPS just needs to know a rotation, and move or block when there's an indicator.

    So as far as "being too slow", it could be that you're just playing a role or power you're not good with, rather than being too slow in general. Everybody has at least one powerset or role they do worse than other roles and powersets.
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  3. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    41 here an still spankin most of these young try hards on the boards lol
    For me tho, thats just a byproduct of playin an havin fun.
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  4. Saami Loyal Player

    Thank you for your well thought replay. I do good in DPS role, but tanking needs more practice and PvP. I just try my best for now on and try to improve on that. On my own pace.
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  5. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Yep, 60+ player here.
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  6. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    I'm 58 and started playing this game during it's first year. It was my first multi-player online game and has remained the only one I do play. (I tried Warframe for a few days but couldn't get into it.) Hands of Fate (2012) Episode was the first time I was actually grinding for end game gear.

    During my weekdays I only do the daily stuff, maybe a few bounties and that's it. On my day off is when I do the Omnibus, more bounties, and any end game raids.

    This makes it much more enjoyable for me because there's no pressure to keep up. As for Elite stuff, I've mostly given up on those. I have a league of just one member: me. So maybe once a month I'll do a shout to try and get an invite to an Elite group. But I'm beyond caring. I've got over 650 skill points which is more than enough to get by on what I want to do. (The rule of thumb is one skill point for ever point of CR you have.)

    If you want to get caught up: Concentrate on the solos, duos, and all the feats and gear styles they offer. That's a ton of more or less easy stuff you can achieve in a short amount of time.
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  7. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    i had twin sons when i started dcuo, i was 33yo. now my sons are 13yo. waiting them to take over my account. it may last 13 more years or more.
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    50+ here (good lord), and while I'm definitely less into the grind of the game anymore, I'm still on pretty much every day, just shorter visits. I've never been a sweaty player, but do pretty well as far as least as far as I've noticed. Just finished a queue'd in USR run on a 175 SP, 120 artis, alt.... top DPS by 3m, 6 pickups and 0 I seem to be ok compared to a random sampling.

    If you are running with a bunch of art swapping, clipping, prec using, might get that 'slow' feeling. But let the sweaties do their sweaty thing.
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    I love it how everyone always jumps straight to "prec using" like might is bad.
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  10. Dene Devoted Player

    I always figured you for younger lol

    My experience is almost identical to yours.. 49 though.. but the game I tried was skyforge for a few months and I was grinding in early 2012, so before HOF
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  11. BlackGryphon Well-Known Player

    68 and counting here and, while I'm in it more to design characters and test concepts, I've smashed more than my share of pvpers that I've accidentally accepted a challenge from because they were camping in a doorway into the pavement. Do what you enjoy and damn the run of the mill.
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  12. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    I live on the other side of the planet, during year 1, when Prime was still endgame, our league usually schedules raids on a weekend afternoon (EST/PST). I used to wake up 3-4AM for those.

    Anyway, by now the youngest in our leagues are probably in the 30s.
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  13. Great Architect Loyal Player

    I'm 55, and I'm still playing at Endgame - just about to finish off my full Elite Gear.

    I've been gaming since the age of 11 (I cut my teeth on Space Invaders and never looked back) and it seems it's true what the studies say... Gaming helps you develop a broad range of improved abilities in spacial awareness and reaction time.

    DCUO was my first and mostly only MMO, first on PS3, then PC, though I also faff about in Secret World Legends when I'm more inclined to a change of pace and flavour.

    Arthritis has been setting in in my hands over the last few years, so I prefer to use a Controller rather than a Keyboard and Mouse on PC these days, but I'm still Tanking and Healing at Endgame with my Main and Alts.
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  14. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    It's mostly that more prec players tend to put in more effort by default. But Might is equally sweaty, no doubt.
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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    No...just saying....the people he would likely feel most 'slow' next to are the flippity floppity speedster, jump clipping, prec users.

    It's pretty spaztic to watch. Might users don't look quite as bad as they are using different moves vs just DW/Flurry(or whatever the current hotness is) and hopping out 3/4 of the way through to repeat on a loop before skipping down a hallway at 2x speed.
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  16. MightyHornet Well-Known Player

    Do you need a league with some guys that are all 35+ and strong but not total sweats about playing? If so, contact Riptide or Commander Sparro
  17. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    (and I've only been playing since January 2021)
  18. ¬Eternal Level 30

    A couple of hours on international tracking field will help with reaction times
  19. Proxystar #Perception

    The only type of player that feels "slow" next to a precision player is a bad player of either mastery - might is not slow.

    Also I don't know about it being spaztic to watch, given might is really no different, choose 4 powers and a supercharge or two, maybe RSK then proceed to 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4...
  20. Great Architect Loyal Player

    I think it's the jump-cancelling, and the fact that the Flurry animation is fast and furious anyway that makes it look... not fast, for me, but definitely frenetic - almost crazed :D.

    Compared to a Celestial rotation, it looks like I'm moving through molasses, even with all the clips :).
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