Most over powered dps power now?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Offline, Jun 5, 2023.

  1. SuperEpik Well-Known Player

    Dovetail? what's that?
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Essentially it’s the bit of animation after an ability which slows down the Que of the following input command. The specific part that can’t be cut down without it being clipped entirely.

    You can test for this. If you use an ability and start moving forward (without jumping out of the animation) you’ll notice a pause while the ability finishes its full animation. However if you use the same ability and tap range as an example you’ll end the animation early but won’t stop the animation entirely. The part that can’t be skipped is the dovetail.

    It’s what’s stopping players from endlessly spamming abilities. Celestial specially actually has a number of abilities that have animations that extend past their dovetail.
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  3. SuperDepresion New Player

    Well bro sorry to hear that the power you choose isnt being as fun or efective as you wanted

    Now leaving aside the funny "skill issue lmao" jokes there are 2 powers that are generally considered as the best in overall performance of the dps side (As of 2023 i mean)

    Gadgets and Electricity

    Both of those leaning to the Precision specifically, but please be aware that as with any other powers there is a curve of learning how to execute them properly, Besides the obvious "Arts and Sp matter!" there is also the 2 most important factors in "optimizing" the dmg, animation cancel or whatever you call it and as you migth guess (dont kill me please) Artifacts swapping.

    I hope this somewhat helps a bit, have fun dude
  4. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    That's the thing, there isn't. There are powers that do better in specific scenarios. Electric is aoe king. Rage is melee king. But ST is what matters, and that isn't a specific power, but rather a "setup" of artifacts in conjunction with allies, and weapon taps.

    So, there is actually no power that is the "chart topping boss."
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  5. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Ok, we'll put a skilled celestial, a skilled water prec, a skilled gadgets prec, and an average munitions player using a YouTube loadout who uses railguns over the multinet launcher combo. Shall we also throw in a skilled nature or electric (you can pick prec or might) player using the 1-1-1-5 setup?
  6. pultinski Well-Known Player

    I see a ton of ele/ss/dw players, so my guess is that is probably one of the top combos atm. For sure it is not nature/fly/rifle precision. only try that combo if you enjoy day drinking.
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  7. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Me, im the most OP lazy dps in the game hands down
  8. Trykz Dedicated Player

    I do enjoy day drinking hmmmm
  9. Trykz Dedicated Player

    I’ll never understand the mentality of “nerf this, nerf that”
    Ranmaru said it perfectly “A rising tide lifts all boats”
    Why would you come here screaming nerf?
    If you feel your power is underperforming, then bring your parsers,
    Get some tips, make a thread about YOUR power, how it can be better.
  10. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    As a troll main since the beginning, I hope you got his name so I can send him a thank you message. Make Trolls Great Again.
  11. Roocck Committed Player

    I have played just about every power in DCUO except for gadget. Electricity, Gadgets, Ice, Cele and Munitions are all doing pretty well. Electricity and Gadgets slightly doing better. Hope that every other power get a slight buff, that being said all Powers with maxed Allies, Arts and most playing Precision based (weapon combo op) with experience are doing very well. Electricity and Gadgets might based are really doing well too. DCUO will never be perfect but can be close if the devs would take some time and do their own testing with all powers and see for themselves which powers need nerf and which ones need a buff. Depending only on the community to decide is not the best tactic when making certain decisions on power sets, due to favoritism to the powers they like to most.
  12. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Actually for the most part the testers stay relatively unbiased. There are few in particular that actually set their own views aside and give feedback based on the pure numbers. This whole “testers only give feedback they want to give” is for the most part untrue because of the cross examination from fellow testers. The issue comes when players who do not actually test try to give feedback based on their biased opinions. Luckily, for the most part, devs only use feedback that come from actual testing.
  13. Roocck Committed Player

    That is a good point, where I have my doubts is if you have powers with the same exact sp, art, Allie’s etc… Where do the testers get their numbers from, How do they compare? etc…. When released to the community’s ithere is an extremely large gap between powers. When precision based comes into the picture it is even worse (extremely op). I have never tried testing but it is easily to see enormous gap between powers after testers have supposedly done some testing. Just very confusing and extremely hard to understand…
  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    The gap comes from the skill level of those “testing”. Prec and might are actually pretty well balanced. If you take a players who are evenly skilled (and are actually skilled) then they will produce similar damage regardless of being prec vs might. The biggest difference in these situations comes from how they are specced. Better gear? Higher sp/allies/arts? Even having different arts that aren’t meta but are being used because the individual like them.

    Yes if you take evenly skilled players some powers will perform better but it’s not by as much as some are wanting to make it seem.

    The issue comes when someone who isn’t skilled (like the op) comes along and tries to make hear claims and present them as proof when the reality is that they just aren’t that skilled themselves. If 2 players use the exact same set up (same sp/arts/allies/gear/loadout/rotation) but one is skilled and one is not than the player who is skilled will make that build look op. Skill is the number one defining factor in games like dcuo.
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  15. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Precision only seems that way because it's fairly cookie cutter and pretty hard to do wrong as long as you get the finger muscle memory down. Might has ten times as many ways to perform sub optimally than ways to perform optimally. On a scale of 1-10 for damage output, precision DPS's are always 8-9. Might dps's are anywhere from 3-10 but usually 6-7.
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  16. My Burner Acc New Player

    Earth is actually a really good dps it’s probably just you no offense. And munitions isn’t THAT overpowered honestly if I had to say something is overpowered it’s rage 100% due to the current supercharge meta and berserk spam
  17. TMadness Well-Known Player

    I stopped playing way back in 2013 because Fire was the weakest of all the brought a tear to my eye with this comment. Now I need to remaster the powerset!
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