9 CR between normal and elite gear?! Roflmao

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by beardrive, May 25, 2023.

  1. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    Cr difference between normal and elite gear will be more and more with time, it's just simple math. At regular cr 806 the full elite will be around 832. That's how it works. % stats.
    I just feel very bad about farming all those nice and expensive elite and op gears and none of them matters in Omnibus. They are completely useless....
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  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Yes, very true! All that effort…, oh well. I’ve been running Elite (current Elite) content with a mix of blue / purple gear currently at CR 404. I just have no motivation any more to try to work harder to get better gear. All my Arts / Augments are maxed to current levels so I guess that’s all which truly matters.
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  3. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    Considering that there is no longer a CR differential, a two, three or even four CR spread at high levels seems like a whole lot of nothing to me.
  4. Limey Committed Player

    You seem to be misinformed how things work here. The stats of items are the easiest part of content creation, they likely didn't go through 4 or 5 systems during creation, more likely 1 to 2. Your biggest misunderstanding is being items, things that don't need debugging like visuals or animations, or enemy NPCs, the quality control step IS test center. And peer review? Lmao we are not the developers' peers, and nobody is going to review the stats of standardized gear on the test center, or suggest that they are too high.

    If you are worried about power creep in an MMO, you really should reconsider what games you spend your time playing.
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  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Clearly do not have an understanding of how things work. The difference in cr between elite to reg to purple to blue and to green has always been based on a formula. The difference between reg and elite has and won’t ever been to that degree because that’s not how any of it works. Maybe if you try to present something as facts you should have some level of understanding of how they actually work.
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  6. Miserable Dedicated Player

    Illumin already presented this beautifully, but I just wanted to echo that you can get to 413 CR (that's 1 less than max CR) without ever setting foot in an elite instance.

    I don't know if your post is intentionally misleading, but you can't claim that there's a 9 CR difference between regular and elite gear while including OP gear on one side of the equation but not on the other.

    Here's a breakdown for you:

    Without OP Gear
    • Regular: 408 CR
    • Elite: 410 CR
    • Difference: 2 CR
    With OP Gear
    • Regular: 413 CR
    • Elite: 414 CR
    • Difference: 1 CR
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  7. Skille Well-Known Player

    hard read
  8. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    Ok let's see then with a little example
    -Shock to the system golden head gear cr355 might 13283
    -Infernal golden head cr340 might 10783
    -Deat Metal head cr325 might 8753

    Cr.: 355/340=1,044 340/325=1,044
    Might: 13283/10783=1,231 10783/8753=1,231

    So cr is 1,044 multiplier backward and stats are 1,231. You can go back to cr1, you'll see these numbers. If not, that means you are stronger or weeker than you're supposed to be. Same with green and purple gears as weel.

    On top of that, if they follow this 'formula' the new episodes golden head gear will be cr371 (1,04616 forward multiplier) with 16360 might (1,2317 forward multiplier).

    Also you can do the math on only 1 cr different gears as well but not with these numbers. If they wouldn't use % on everything, all episodes were totally unbalanced and mess.

    You clearly don't unerstand math, so think before you talk please.
  9. Korlick Loyal Player

    There was never a big difference between elite gear and regular gear other than just a few points. And there never will.
    You can try to do all kind of math and stuff to prove your point, but thats not how it works (not saying your math is wrong, just that doesnt work that way in the game). Otherwise, we would already have that huge difference since they introduced elite gear and OP items. And we dont have it.
  10. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    There will be more and more difference, that's how % stats work. Eg. Cr10 - 30 might. If you use 1,1 (this is not what the game uses) multiplier/cr then you'll get 77,81 might on cr20. Or start wirh cr300 - 10000 might. Cr301 - 11000, cr302 - 12100, cr303 - 13310,etc,etc. This is why you could solo everything before stat clamp.
    And op gears have same stats like equal cr green, blue gears (+ support role stats). You can check them anytime. But it's devs' choice what cr they give to an op gear. That gear needs to be op in the next dlc as well, so they need to raise its cr high enough with stats ofc. This is so simple amd complicated in same time but absolutly predictable.
  11. beardrive Committed Player

    Well that was a lot of fun! Thank you for your input.

    I was not joking. I just get the feeling when you buy the gold gear it shouldn't be so low in relationship to everything else. There should be a way for you just to be a few CR off once you buy the gold gear.

    Once you add all of that stuff in it's just far too much stuff to feel like you're actually playing with other people. I wasn't posting any facts about anything, but I was posting a feeling about how after I've done a bunch of work for about a month, and I bought the standard gear that the CR was so low on it. I did have one alt that is at 408, a couple that are at 407, some that are at 406, and three or four that are 405.

    But to run anything without doing a constant rotation of the boss kills is an essay in lunacy to me. I'm not sure if anyone wants to do anything hundreds and hundreds of times. I certainly don't. It was a lot of fun in Patchwork! ... Because it was new.

    But, after that, three or four more DLCs No thanks. Thanks for the feedback everybody!

    I'm still glad there's a spring event that I can put all my alts in, and a summer event and STU to round things out. :)

    Oh, I forgot, I will be posting on how easy it is to level an alt, when I get around to it.

    Thanks again everybody!
  12. beardrive Committed Player

    I appreciate your honesty, and I will take into account your feelings with each of your future responses to anything I write.
  13. Korlick Loyal Player

    Ah my bad. I misunderstood you, thought you were only talking about CR (based on one of your earlier replies where you said the CR difference would get bigger) but you were talking about the difference in stats.
  14. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Cmon man that was toxic and unnecessary to tell them. You can state your piece with out being offensive.. and that was 100% offensive … I’ve agreed with you a lot on the post I’ve seen you write … and other interactions I’ve seen you have … you’re better than this and this guy deserves an apology.

    You can not like what someone posts about or not like someone’s opinions with out the negativity. If the poster bothers you so much just ignore him or her.
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  15. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Yes, except you're forgetting with the Elite gear you get the ABCD bonuses. That's why you should always be careful when upgrading after a new Episode is released. It might not be worth it to add that blue gear piece if you're only gaining 100 might but then losing 1% because you have less than four pieces.
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  16. Dene Devoted Player

    Very good point - it is too easy to get excited by high cr
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  17. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    I don't know why anyone would buy the regular jewelry when the elite costs the same marks + some bounty marks that are easy as pie to get. To me buying the regular jewelry is a waste of marks.
  18. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    It would certainly make more sense if that was how it worked. But it’s not. Below are three screenshots. The first is of gear item levels all being the same (as reg gear is) that calculate to 806 CR (your example). The second is with the eight standard elite gear pieces being two higher (as elite gear always is). The third is with elite face, neck and rings like we have in this episode. OP items are not included since they change every DLC and aren't even standardized in the difference between their item levels and vendor gear item level (though OP items do have their own standardized scaling formula).

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  19. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Just gotta get that 356 utility belt! lol
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  20. Dene Devoted Player

    This is coming sooner than we think :/

    Feels like only a year or so ago I was excited at being 90cr lol