Can we have a 4th artifact slot now?

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Mr.W, Apr 5, 2023.

  1. zNot Loyal Player

    We do not need a 4th slot. Stop trying to break the game because thats the only way for you to be good at this game.
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  2. Mr.W Committed Player

    Who said I wasn't a good player lol? As far as I can tell we both run Elites & we both get Elite feats.

    A fourth artifact slot is not breaking the game lol. Especially with changes to EOG. The factual truth is artifacts all serve as a bridge the short comings of every powerset. They were introduced b/c it was easier & allocated less resources from the devs to allow you combinations of abilities & effects than to spend another 2yrs revamping all the powers & all the weapon attacks & rebalancing the damage in, out, health, & defense of every enemy in the game AGAIN just to normalize the stats of all the stats across the board.

    It only makes sense from both a business perspective & a player base perspective.
  3. zNot Loyal Player

    Getting Elite feats means nothing the game has been broken easy for the past few years due to the meta.people are quitting this game because its so underwhelmingly easy and you know exactly if you are actually at topend how almost everyone there thinks dcuo is way too easy. Lets stop pretending that a 4th slot will help the situation.
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  4. Mr.W Committed Player

    I never had to use excessive gem spamming nor hackers to get feats. Also a lot of ppls perspectives on difficulty has been slightly skewed because of it. That's (one of) the reasons so many ppl (including yourself) made remarks against how high Aries health pool & defense were in one of the recent save the universe event.

    Again that's why I said it'll be easier for the devs to give a fourth slot than to recalculate the values of every ability in the game AGAIN. That's why I also said it'll be easier to address any outliners individually.
  5. Mr.W Committed Player

    Ppl are quitting b/c of a lack of content in a fast enough rotation. Others quit b/c they feel betrayed by the company nerfing things they spent a lot of time or money on.

    This is a completely different argument that doesn't need to be brought up in this thread.
  6. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Threads like these let the devs off the hook for the lazy/lacklustre content they’ve been giving us. We should be talking about taking away artifact slots not adding them imo
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  7. Mr.W Committed Player

    The artifacts don't really have anything to do with the creative design of content. That's more for a creative vision thread, but I respect your perspective. Thank you for being polite.