DCUO Development Update - January 2023

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 11, 2023.

  1. Dene Devoted Player

    time vs money

    simple as that.. some are ALLL time.. some are NOOOO time and AAALLL money

    my guess is 95%+++ are shades of gray from one extreme another
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  2. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    A lot of people seem to think that if they just ask enough times, it'll happen, despite the clear statements for years that "there are no current plans for new powers."

    Which is as close to absolute they'll come since they don't want to 100% exclude any possibilities. But they've been consistent about 97% excluding new powers, and explained why many times (huge efforts involved, the need to rebalance all powers then, and only 2% of so of players end up adopting the new power, in short,
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  3. GabeKnowBest Level 30

    All I heard was the devs don't need accountability that is exactly why we have not had change in years because of post like this.
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  4. Eve YouTuber

    So they still interact but It's not enough for you, good to know. Keep complaining I guess.
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  5. Swamarian Committed Player

    I'd like to make some comments about emotes. If my memory serves, the way emotes are implemented goes back to the PS3, and was designed to save memory. It's also kinda odd. I'd look at emotes not so much as "woo! new feature," so much as them finally paying off a technical debt from a decade ago. It's a nice QoL thing to have.
    I remember back when housing was released, a ton of people were upset because it was resources not spent on missions. Not all content has to be missions.
    And since people are bragging on their artifacts, I got 4 up to 120 (woo hoo!) logging in less that half of the days for the past 5 years (I take long breaks), and not spending any money.
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Yes 3 whole artifacts in about a year of casual play. But guess what? I dont need to be on the bleeding edge of progression. I dont need them to be 200. It would be nice to get them to 200, but what's the rush?

    Yea i went through like 10 seals of preservation getting to 140. But those are free granted ones, and i have a bunch more left.

    No not currently a memeber.

    Never used a Seal on Completion, Only the granted Seals of preservation.

    Nope, ive been dumping my nth metals into them as soon as i got them like coal in the fire. But after seeing proxy mention something about that, i decided to start stockpiling them until the 2x hits. I mean 3x 140 artfacts work just fine for my needs.
  7. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player


    Good luck.
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  8. Brit Loyal Player

    The glorified half-expansions (one raid, plus 4 bounties, instead of 2 raids and, you know, 3+ bounties like the majority of expansions have), those ones are just painfully boring.

    But whatever. I'm not going to complain about lack of big content, since that takes money and development work. Cancelling subs because they aren't releasing enough new stuff doesn't result in more new stuff; it gives us even less.

    But there are some basic customer service issues that should be getting resolved.

    - The exclusive style piece that comes with the Legendary Sub for the month... that needs to be a NEW style. This is a dirty trick to take people's money, and then release an old style piece that they already have, offer no alternative compensation, and then pretend like it's doing the customers a favor. It's not. When you take my money on the promise of a new style piece, you cannot wait until AFTER you have taken my money, and then announce "We were lying! It's an old style piece that you already have instead! Bwa-ha-ha!" That should NEVER happen again. It honestly feels like Theft from the customers.

    - Name Purge. This is a general game maintenance that should have been happening all along. It has been over 7 years since the last one. We are way past time to clear names from all those Brainiac Ship characters on dead accounts.

    - Switch Merger. It is unplayable on Switch. Both of the players on the Switch agree; it's time for the Switch to be merged into a server that has enough players to run some form of content.

    - PVP 102 suit. I'm not asking for a revamp of PvP. I'm not asking for re-balancing. I'm not asking for major changes or new maps or alternative gameplay modes. I'm asking for, once a year, the players to get a new PvP suit of gear released, so that those of us who are capped on gear and capped on marks can actually play again and receive rewards.

    - Update to the Collections Menu similar to what you did with the Feats menu, where completed Collections get sent to the bottom and the stuff you're making progress on gets shuffled to the top. I don't want to keep scrolling through 200 lines of completed collections in order to find the set for the new time capsule. This is a small, simple change. Make it happen.

    - Fix the "Permission to Move Base Items" permission for Lairs so that it actually WORKS. It's been broken since the release of Lairs, several years ago, with no attempt of fixing it. We have it fully functionally implemented in League Halls. Now take that code, us copy/paste it to Lairs, so that the bug that makes "Permission to Move Base Items" not actually allow people to Move Base Items can be fixed.
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  9. Physique Dedicated Player

    There is no pleasing everyone, I guess. In the last year or so, a number of high placed, well-tenured members of the development team and publish team moved on. This is a seismic shift in what the development team can or can't do and because a lot of this movement is internal, aside from the departing developer themselves telling us they are leaving, we wouldn't know. In the meantime, new people have to come on board, literally hit the ground running, get caught up on where things are in development, help in the building of new things, and get settled into the company. Generally speaking, the last thing a lot of them might be thinking is having conversations on the forums.

    Something else to note is that, in speaking about accountability, it works both ways. When you talk about being accountable, what does that mean? Does it mean you expect the publish team to update us literally every day after work lets out on progress? If so, that's pretty granular and a bit over the top because that's not something that most people do in their regular job, no matter what it is unless the people running that business are micromanagers.

    I think that getting a quarterly update (which is up from the once or twice a year we used to get) is pretty solid. It gives us a roadmap view into what the developer and publish team (two separate entities) are collaborating on for us the community without overburdening us with details that we don't immediately need to know. Does it tell us everything? No. Does it give rock-solid dates? No. But I don't think the Developer Update needs to as once a date is settled, the community manager has been pretty good about letting us know when he knows.

    Like I said at the top, you can't please everyone all the time but I also feel like there's an unnecessary amount of bleating and whining even when we are told things. Could more details or contexts be added to some of what is said? Certainly. But in those cases, instead of killing the messenger, ask for those details or contexts like a normal person. Most of the time, if something more can be said, it'll be said. What kills conversation more than anything else here when it comes to our development or publish team is when people are rude or mean spirited out of hand.
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  10. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Honestly? Once I get the 351 squish feat on each character, I don't go out of my way to squish the bugs on that character anymore. Reward: New title "The Beetle Juicer." Meh.
  11. Napoleon Well-Known Player

    That would be a great question for Jack Emmert, the CEO of Daybreak at the time.
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  12. GabeKnowBest Level 30

    That's not complaining, that's holding your consumer to a higher standard. Kissing up isn't getting you anything. What interaction you seeing most players on the game don't see period.
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  13. GabeKnowBest Level 30

    Then that's pretty sad when you can look up any successful MMO and know what we receiving is bare min. And anyone who disagrees is ungrateful right. Nobody was insulted not a person here or a dev.
  14. Eve YouTuber

    It's called simple human decency. I personally don't feel like sitting here and tell other players or Devs how bad they are all the time. If I have a complaint about something, I voice my opinion repsectfully. Yeah, I don't really expect any Dev or Mepps to sit here and read anyone a bedtime story or hold their hand everytime attention is wanted. Just like I don't expect any player to sit here and either whine or support. But not all of us want to be negative all day, It's tiring asf.
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  15. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Former CEO of Dimensional Ink, not Daybreak. Ji Ham would be the CEO of Daybreak and temp CEO of EG7.
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  16. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I once got back to back op drops after posting "Champions online can suck it".
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  17. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    This should be it's own separate thread :p
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  18. myandria Item Storage

    Well yeah; since I am still taking my characters through Kandaq it just made sense to me to keep going until it was finished with at least one of my characters. Now all I have to do is unlock it on my alts.
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  19. GabeKnowBest Level 30

    You got me im dying. R.i.p Champions Online.
  20. GabeKnowBest Level 30

    I think i'm a pretty decent human ive been feeding the community content for 12 years helping them to understand the game and improve, to comment on human decency of someone you don't know because players are asking for more commutation is pretty questionable of you Zoe but i'm done speaking on you.