Why do people come back?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cristoffer, Nov 6, 2022.

  1. Cristoffer New Player

    I'm really struggling to enjoying the game after quiting.
    Havent played for few years but the game content is the same.
    Just same farm quest over and over. Npc have difrent skin but the quest is all the same.
    The graphic is a joke.
    Same holiday events.
    Pvp is dead so alot of gameplay not even there any more.

    Really loved the combat system and was really fun in pvp.
    But the dev dont seem to care about that part at all.
    Getting any kind of respond from the dev team is like none existing. Took a quick look on the threads

    Alot of people is doing post of what we like to get or see in the game. But seems that new auro or something minor is what we get.

    This is not a rage thread, just like the game to get back on track. Or perhaps is time for dcuo part2?
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  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Soooo don’t play? No one is forcing you to play. Some people like it some don’t. Just like literally every single game in the world. Some will like something that others don’t. Some play because it’s a comic book MMO. Some for the unique combat style. Some because of friends. Some because of nostalgia. Not really sure what you’re trying to figure about with what some like. It’s personal preference
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  3. STsource Well-Known Player

    Two main reason for a lot of players; Nostalgia and investment.

    That's it.
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  4. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Regarding the OP's question...

    To put it simply, there is NO other game out there like DC Universe Online.

    Whether it is friends you have made through the game, the fully customisable superhero or supervillain you can make, the content, the powers. The customisation of your base or hideout or league hall.

    Yes there may be times where I will take a break for a few weeks or months. But something will encourage me to come back to this game.

    Sure there are many things the game could do better. And there have even been times where DCUO has really shot itself in the foot with its potential. But DC Universe Online is unique in the gaming world at the moment and until we get a superhero MMORPG with success comparable to the likes of Final Fantasy XIV, DCUO will still thrive.
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  5. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    For me, it's the comic book aspect and the combat system. I've tried other MMOs and only liked a couple that had similar combat mechanics, but those turned me away because they lacked some aspects this game has or were too PVP-centric.
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  6. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    I left in 2016 and came back in 2020 and the fact is there just isn't another game out there like this one and believe me i looked while i was gone. Champions online was good when it came to character creation and movement styles but the cell shaded world got old fast and the combat system in that game was awful. dcuo is way better than CO. I feel like the break was good for me though because i have a new appreciation of the game now, i just wish i had came back soon enough to get the classic batman emblem though cause missing out on that still hurts.
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  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I've never left the game, although I have come close due to either toxic players or certain decisions made by the Company which affected my game play in a manner I did not enjoy. I can tell you what keeps me here. It is firstly my friends and league mates. They are really awesome, talented people with diverse backgrounds, I am truly blessed to know them and be apart of Thunder_Cats_Only (hero side) and Justice Girls Dark (ebil side).

    Secondly, just as The LQ-DCUO has stated for reason there is no other game out there like DCUO. I also play Final Fantasy XIV, I can assure you the combat style for DCUO is the better between the two.

    Are there things Daybreak / Dimensional Ink can do to improve the game? Absolutely. I hope they will.

    DCUO is my first MMO I ever played. The only time I really nearly quit playing DCUO was back in 2017 when Stats Revamp came out. That mistake was rectified so I stayed on to this day.
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  8. Cristoffer New Player

    Well i like to get back and enjoy the game like i did before.
    But alot of the people i played dont play any more.
    The game it self haven't got any thing new to it.
    Not trying to get people to rage quit. Just trying to find what people still find fun. Tried difrent Mmos and alot of them have done major changes to keep up and going forward.
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  9. Cristoffer New Player

    Also have alot on good memories. Just hard to get them back when alot of people stop playing.
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  10. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    It's a game. You can come and go as you please.
  11. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Boredom or curiosity mostly. I've personally been looking forward to taking another break from the game again in February.
  12. Cristoffer New Player

    Well no athor games that have this iconic charters and combat mechanics I can agree on. But Evrey thing ells Dc is lacking behind on. in my opinion. But I'm not complaining just to complain. I really like to get back, Just saying in a Mmorpg the pvp and pve most be fun and productive.
    Maby restart the pvp with season 1 every one can buy it with game cash? After that you need to progress with emblem etc?
  13. Cristoffer New Player

    Yeah love the combat system and the iconic characters.
    That's why I hope they really start to listen and get people back.
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  14. Cristoffer New Player

    It's nice when you find people to play with.
    But also not okey that people play the game because of league m8ts and not because of the content and what the game offer.
  15. Cristoffer New Player

    Good to know. Was worried that people didn't have a choice
  16. Cristoffer New Player

    I'm not trying to make a hate thread.

    I also like to get back and play this game without felling alone. That I need friends to play with to enjoy the game.
    Played difrent Mmos and all of them have changes that maby Dcuo also should do.
  17. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    When you break it down every MMO is the same. New dlc comes out people do things and wait for new dlc. Some do the same thing just different based on their system/set up. For example. Some game have story based progressions when players play through said story and then do other smaller things. Some handle things the way dcuo does with raid focused progression. You’re asking for them to switch back and forth between different styles which no MMO does for good reason.
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  18. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    My friends and league mates are an important aspect for me but not the only aspect for sure. I still find enjoyment from playing the end game DLCs. DCUO is still entertaining to me. I am also content with the new DLC, although I wouldn't mind if they added some sub-quests to it retroactively. I really love the Black Adam / Isis story line. Plus I am really enjoying leveling up my characters up to be as strong as they can possibly be, it gives me a sense of satisfaction.

    Sure there are lots of things that need improving. There are lots of things they are doing to bring about improvements which we will see the results of in the near future and later on in the next year. Improvements takes time, resources, and man-power. They have just so much of those to draw upon. I am not making any excuses for the Company nor am I being an apologist for them, far from it! I just recognize there are limitations they are facing. Hopefully there will be a major re-investment in DCUO.
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  19. ErydisTheLucario New Player

    I keep playing for one simple reason. I watch a series on YouTube called "Death of a game" and one day when it's time to sunset the game, I hope to see dcuo there so I can say I use to play that. But I do still enjoy the game, I'm not playing because I hope it dies. Is it stupid? Well yes it is. Is it a waste of money? Probably, but I can do what I want with my money and I'm having fun anyway. As for the actual question, it honestly sounds like you still force yourself to pick up the game. Why keep trying to play a game you don't like anymore? And is it really so bad that other people enjoy it? I want some changes too. Graphics and cutscenes look...a bit half *****, and the gameplay honestly is par for the course for an mmo, there just needs to be more to do than just login, do your daily dungeons and missions, and then log out. You're just burnt out or something. Or maybe you're just not having fun anymore. Either way it sounds like your time with the game has come and gone. Pushing yourself to play doesn't help you.
  20. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I enjoy the style of the game and gameplay and their isn't anything else out here like it. I will say I pulled back on running more of my characters I only run three or two now. I play for my friends it's always fun but more importantly For me I want to see this next gen update probably won't be special probably will who knows .

    There is much that needs to be improved within this game because imo duo has a lot of potential will it ever reach it who knows. I will one day hang up my cape and weapons for dcuo for good but until then I'll have fun with my loony toon characters lol.
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