The Struggle Is Real in Omnibus Lol

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by El Guapo, Oct 5, 2022.

  1. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Kiting is an acceptable survival strategy for certain boss fights but it's boring.

    This is not 'kiting'. Kiting is when a tank keeps a distance between an enemy and themselves while everyone else uses ranged attacks.

    What you're describing is just a tank showing off and trying to group as many mobs together as possible. Or an inexperienced tank that doesn't understand how damage splitting and line of sight works. Or maybe they just don't care? Usually when I am tanking if there is more than one group of mobs that are close enough I will pull them together. If there is another group of mobs but too far away I will wait until the DPS have murdered most of the current mob and then race over to the next. As a tank you have to set the pace but you also have to be efficient and not leave your group behind.

    If the tank is running too far ahead and players are not dying I say just try to keep up or ask them nicely to slow down a little. If the tank is running too far ahead and players are dying ask the tank to slow it down and then vote to kick if it continues to be an issue.
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  2. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    There have been a few threads on Omni raids to avoid, and CT is probably at the top of the list. Any raid with a mechanic that can impact the entire group based on a random player is a recipe for failure. Most raids can be completed if you have 3-4 people that know what to do, as FlexV mentioned. But some you can still be held hostage by a single player. I actually did an Atlantis Throne omni run with 4 league members and we got stuck on last boss because 1 player would not turn the cog. All the other players kept dps'ing the boss even though he was taking no damage. We kept typing in chat for about 15 minutes that you need to turn the cogs. We eventually had to wipe and restart the fight. I always get frustrated when I see Necro or Doomsday pop up and someone declines. Like you said, I just want my Omni source marks and to be done.
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  3. Staggiie Level 30

    I hate CR skips and it IS part of the problem imo. They miss out on alot of learning, experience, and growth that is gained from playing the game from the start and on up. Throwing CR skips into endgame content with low SP and low Arts is just a bad for everyone.

    I 100% agree here, well said.
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  4. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    As an End Game player with over 400+ SP, maxed out arts/augs/ and CR377, if I want to create a new character and use the CR skip on her, I should be allowed to do so.
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  5. GermanM Committed Player

    Cr skip are not part of the problem, the last one was in the anniversary event and the problems described are things from every day (Unless you´re talking about skip´s in general, but is the same thing)
    But if you ask me, I think CR skip´s should be for player´s who have reach a determinated CR or SP (at least the free ones)

    The main problem is people who think this is a game that can be beat it only attacking, and the true is this game have mechanic´s. A player with CR can make mistakes, but also a player who dont know mechanic of a determinated instance.

    P.D they are not going to stop selling CR skips by the way, so is pointless argue about this.
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  6. GermanM Committed Player

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  7. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    No one is trying to take that away from you.
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  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Ok than please explain how a cr skip affects someone’s ability to follow mechanics. Does having a cr skip prevent someone from attacking the drone in HH instead of ignoring it? Will a CR skip stop someone from reading chat and doing what they are told to do?
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  9. El Guapo Well-Known Player

    Yeah a let out a little dejected sigh when clocktower popped up in omnibus, but I was for the smoke so I hit x
  10. Sghoul Well-Known Player

    See, I disagree. The game doesn't teach you almost anything, so playing longer doesn't mean anything unless you take the time outside of the game to learn.

    My father has 6-7 characters at 374, non of them skipped. But back when doomed Washington came out I looked over his characters and found he had all kinds of speccing problems...prec AND might augs, artifacts that made no sense, etc. And it was because he just took everything at face value as the game gave it to him. "We have weapons and powers...don't I wont both to be good?" "This artifact says it makes my Supercharge do more damage, isn't that good?" The game itself doesn't tell you exactly what the stats do or why you can ignore some of them, or even teach you to use the generator and how to get henchmen and how to use mods, or why you shouldn't bother with sidekicks, or why you should get orbital strike or supply drops. And forget about clipping or combos or any of that.

    The game is largely a blank slate that punishes you for not playing well without explaining what you are doing wrong.
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  11. Staggiie Level 30

    Because they literally skip everything that TEACHES them how to do literally everything. CR skips are thrown into harder content unprepared (Arts/SP wise and knowledge wise) when they should be in lower easier content learning the ropes. I don't expect them to know mechanics when they don't even know how to do their role, maximize their DPS rotations, which arts to run, etc.

    I don't disagree about people not listening though. That happens no matter what CR.
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  12. Staggiie Level 30

    I didn't say to take away CR skips lol. I have 3 CR skipped toons myself.
    The topic is about why do pugs suck in omnibus. CR skips were brought up as ONE of the issues and they are imo. But there are other problems too. I never said CR skips were the ONLY reason.
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  13. Staggiie Level 30

    The problem with CR skips is they skip alot of learning and experience, thrust into endgame content they are not ready for with barely any knowledge of the game.....because they skipped it.

    And I never said they should stop selling CR skips. Like I said above, The topic is about why do pugs suck in omnibus. CR skips were brought up as ONE of the issues and they are imo. But there are other problems too. I never said CR skips were the ONLY reason.
  14. Staggiie Level 30

    I think the game does teach the basics and foundation of most things. The topic was why pugs suck in omnibus and CR skips are ONE of them, but not the only thing. I agree with you actually, some people are just dumb, so that's another reason :)
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You do understand, they don't need to listen...they don't need to complete clocktower, unless there is a feat they want, and feats aren't done in Omni by MOST players. There is no incentive to run clocktower vs Necro, or BBS vs COU, FOS2 vs FOS3. Many people don't really care to finish particular runs, especially if they just want the omni loot boxes. They can pew-pew-pew and either make it...or fail a few times and leave.

    Yes it's a population problem, but do you really think making a majority of what is being run random, and adding loot into everything, really helped with that?

    BTW....not saying that's not me. I'm one of those people that wouldn't run those 3 runs in favor of the other 3. Why would I...and I KNOW how to beat them....imagine not knowing.
  16. Sghoul Well-Known Player

    Where does the game teach any of this?
  17. Staggiie Level 30

    Yeah I know, it's not a lot of teaching. It really is a throw crap at the wall and see what sticks kinda thing. But they will definitely learn more through the leveling up process than just straight up skipping it.
  18. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I’m not saying that cr skips don’t hurt new players overall experience. But cr skips have nothing to do with their ability to listen. If a brand new player bought a cr skip and went into FF or FV they have the exact same options as a player who’s been playing the game to follow instructions. Nothing in the leveling process teaches a player to listen when someone tells them mechanics. Nothing about he leveling process shows a player to look down at group chat.

    That has nothing to do with whether someone used a cr skip or not. A brand new player who used a cr skip and listens to instructions is far more valuable then a maxed player with max arts who refuses to block during perpetuals eye beams. Cr skip doesn’t change a single thing about what the real issues are
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  19. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    every single thing I learned about this game - how my powers work, how to set up me mods, artifacts, augments, allies, any mechanics at all - every single thing I learned from either having to look it up online or asking someone in game. the game teaches you nothing.
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  20. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Where do you think they learned it?
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