I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Not debating anything else in here, but yeah...if the clamp were removed, it would take less time. I mean if the other side is to be believed and everything is '1 shot' in a run, how could it not take less time? I mean except the runs that would glitch out of course...
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It only takes less time now if you believe 3 things without question. 1) it was impossible to get into old content previous to the clamp and 2) omni runs pop fast and are always completed in a reasonable amount of time, 3) you can assemble a competent group from LFG at any time you want within a reasonable amount of time.

    If you take those 3 things as facts, Proxy is correct....however those are not 'facts', they are subjective or maybe even wishful thinking.

    While It's still an opinion, I can tell you it was easy enough to build groups (USPC-Hero side at least) for most easy feats or obscure runs....as most could be done quickly and assuredly. Omni runs sometimes take a long time to pop...can fail...or if they succeed, it might be after great effort to fill and re-form the group (and that's only for 'counter/checklist' feats). With the added difficulty of some otherwise easy feats, finding people to volunteer now may be a struggle. Previous to the clamp, you'd see weekly groups for things like 'ultimate victory'...with many helping who didn't even need it....good luck getting 8 for that now. Not undoable, but it won't be happening every week....not that I've seen in LFG.
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    The length of time it takes to obtain SP is dependent entirely on the effort put in by the participant. It isn't 3x longer.
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    Prove they're not facts.

    How many more videos have I made than you demonstrating completion of omnibus instances - have you made any at all? lol

    We both know number 1 is a fact, not impossible but close to, given how abandoned it was, but you'll no doubt deny it, I expect you will deny it.

    I've proven at least number 2 is reasonably correct, I'll wait for you to provide the evidence then we'll talk, I'm not sure why I keep having to be the one putting up all the actual evidence, while you continue to just type, type, type - It's time for you to front up with something actually tangible Reinheld ;)
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  5. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    Couldn't have put it better myself.

    The bit i've highlighted is quite important IMO. The gameplay loop before clamp was horrendous. Once a week, you had an opportunity to run 'money raids.' Just once, and it was boring being stuck in that loop. I had to nag constantly to get my league to go into any other older stuff.

    There was literally no thought process, just queue up, pew pew and collect. That's not a game. And it's why I will argue blind on how the clamp is beneficial.
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  6. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    Omni bounty reward would be great, most EEG bounties don't even need the full 8 anymore.
  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Hmmm...I ground out most of those feats on multiple PS accounts way before I had all the PC alts, during the unclamped period...so maybe not as much 'fact' as 'conjecture'? Many of those runs I just needed to request fillers, or some other low toons would come along for the ride. And I'd get them. Would they pop if queued solo then faster than today? No....that's true....but if you are talking about something that would take 10 or 20 runs, yeah....by the time your queue pops and you'd complete it via omni 10 or 20 times, I'd have put a group together to run it 10 or 20 times straight up and every one would be complete...no muss no fuss, done in an hour or so. Worst case, I'd have to backfill a few spots a few times.

    And having evidence of something I'm trying to prove doesn't exist? Sure...I'll put that up right after you put up proof that bigfoot doesn't exist. Not to mention I really have no way of videoing putting a group together with the clamp not active....unless you want to lobby for it to come off for a few weeks so I can do that?

    I'm not going to spend hours on end trying to form a group for 'artifact finder' repeat spams when the evidence is in LFG every day. No one is running old feats except maybe bounty spams or elite....and even elite is few and far between. There are 50x more groups forming for necro/US marks spam than any old feat runs outside of bounties.

    PS.. I love how all the old runs were abandoned...and yet so populated with high cr players+7 noobs in every group, that the noobs took so much 'damage' to their playstyle that we are still feeling the repercussions today. That sure is a LOT of fully populated, abandoned...runs.
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  8. khunjuice New Player

    I think stat clamp is good for the game but max CR need to be rise to make it more fair and remove FOMO.

    let said new Episode (Black Adam) come out and rotate out the lock Episode (World of Flashpoint)

    Today max CR is 378 the cap of rotate out lock Episode (World of Flashpoint) CR should be 378 not enemy CR +15 (which is 354).

    this remove the unfair advantage of time lock and remove FOMO.

    every player should be able to play as same playfield at any time and not I need to finish the feat before new Episode drop because the feat will be a lot harder and create FOMO.

    That's just my two cent as long time casual player.
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  9. Dene Devoted Player

    Yes.. for certain feats I 100% agree but not all feats require fast runs, most take time, communication, following mechanics etc and the speed in those situations is almost irrelevant
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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    You really don't seem to get it, do you...

    The content was abandoned by any objective measurement, but that doesn't mean it wasn't still run infrequently and when it was run infrequently it was all but ruined. This is why deity said to you previously that you seem to work in "either, ors' but don't accept that both can be true at the same time.

    When EEG content was previously run it was routinely destroyed by literally anyone that had a high enough CR to trivialize it and that didn't take much, it resulted in numerous, numerous complaint threads where new players would come in asking for something to to be done about it.

    How do I know that you might ask? Because Reinheld, every single time the thread went up I'd be in there telling them to harden up, because I was on the other side of the argument, so let's not pretend for a moment that I'm making this up somehow, it was utterly the reality and I would not tolerate at all the prospect of a clamp. Which ultimately would have been the solution back then even, I was involved every step of the way and the complaints were numerous over the years.

    I asked you for proof because you said "2) omni runs pop fast and are always completed in a reasonable amount of time"

    I've posted numerous videos demonstrating that omni runs can be completed within reasonable time and can assert also having done so that custom queuing content also results in a pop within reasonable time. You've posted literally nothing, zero, not a single shred of evidence to the contrary, so again remind, exactly why we should take anything you say with respect to that point seriously? Where is all your evidence?

    With respect to your third point 3) you can assemble a competent group from LFG at any time you want within a reasonable amount of time.

    You absolutely can assemble a competent group within LFG, but you also know that the timing in which you do that is determined by various factors such as time zones and player availability, you've attached that condition because you think it makes that point unreasonable and thus furthers your position.

    In reality it doesn't because sometimes targeted feats need to be organised in advance, may or may not happen depending on timing, it doesn't justify removing the clamp it simply means you need to keep trying to find the people that you need to help you.

    The same applies even with end game feats where you complete them within relevancy and need to co-ordinate with other people when they're online to get it done, that doesn't change because content becomes EEG.

    With respect to your 10-20 run argument at the very start of your post, that's true, perhaps, if you can find the people, but you're ironically arguing against yourself with respect to that also because if you could do that before, you certainly accepting that point 3) as highlighted is not only in fact true, but a reasonable approach.

    All omnibus does is allows players to not need to co-ordinate such an activity and instead just custom queue and get it done casually at their own pace or still form the group - that's not a disadvantage unless of course you're upset that the instance itself now takes 15 minutes instead of 5, if that's your only complaint about it, then respectfully, boo-hoo, that's balance and compromise to ensure the experience is balanced for all. ;)
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  11. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    Don't exaggerate, it's 5x longer. :)

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  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

    New players dont have the previous system as a reference point to compare, so the system they have now is the only system they would have ever known about.
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  13. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    ehhh, i actually think the Open World Bounty outliers should be brought UP to 8 marks, add loot boxes, et cetera. If you wanna get people in there, make it meaningful but also profitable.
  14. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    You mean difficulty? Yeah there are a few that feel quite squishy tbh
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I've said the same thing, yet some make it like ALL feats only depend on moar burn. Yeah...it would not be all, but many...sure. And most of the ones that would be made faster, really only depend on completion...making them 'easy' just makes them faster is the essential difference.
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  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well, 'abandoned' does kind of imply empty or unused...maybe try 'less used than endgame' if you want to portray it that way minus the hyperbole. Yes, that does allow for SOME runs in there, but you guys make it like EVERY run was popping all day, exposing ALL of our new players to all this one-shottery...while at the same time ignoring that most of those same players would have been running SOLEY in the oldest content where they would not be exposed to proper gameplay or later game EEG AT ALL. Sorry....but that does not sound 'abandoned' to me. These perfect storm scenarios seem kind of convenient for your hypothesis. And who's speaking in absolutes? You and Deity seem to believe random queueing into old content was the ONLY way to get there. It wasn't.

    So for 'proof' all you need to see is a bad Omni run? Then you can shut up on it? Ok. I'll have to work on that this week...although Virality already did one in HH...granted it was the 3rd of 3 runs...but again, some feats take 10, 20 or more even, so every 3rd run sounds kind of bad.

    No, it's not aguing against myself because previous to the clamp, to get those 8 players you needed 2 or 3 (maybe even 1) capable person. The rest could be bodies to queue, or semi-capable just wanting to do the run or work on the feat. That's not the case anymore.

    So....if someone plays at whatever time you feel is not the optimal time to form one of these easy to find 'competent' groups...they are apparently lazy? Or they are 'unreasonable' to assume they could do so? F them I guess.

    SIDE NOTE: Last night....I watched LFG as a guy was shouting for a duo partner for some old feats. I ran my outside seasonal...I ran my inside seasonal...I ran my dailies in DK...I applied some Nth metal and did some inventory cleanup. He was still shouting in LFG. I asked 'what feats...which duo' and found he was doing the speed and 'play on' feats in the Flash duo...A run I don't like and don't need anything from. However I decided I'd help him out. Ran the runs, got the feats...even AFTER he broke the last device on the first attempt AND after the speed tunnel glitched on the 2nd attempt (Guess we musta been too strong for it at our 88CR...it glitched out). We did end up getting the feats after a few runs, he thanked me and we moved on. But he was trying to find 1 guy for 2 easy feats that should have taken 15 min max at what I would consider a good time, a few hours before reset on wed night...when people are bored and have nothing to do. He was shouting for 30+ min with no takers. Sure...getting 7 people to run 20 runs in a harder raid is easy peasie. I think you were on...maybe you saw him shouting too? But you might have gotten on later....I only saw you log out after the fact.

    And 15 vs 5? Thought all the runs were done in seconds? 1 shotting your way through everything? 5 min....more like 1 according to reports we've heard here (whaaa...was that an exaggeration?). You changing your tune now? Tell you what, I'll queue up MoM tonight or tomorrow...I have a toon that needs the 'robins gift' anyway, and getting that requires NO co-ordination...just completion. I should be out in 15 min...right? Nothing to boo-hoo about. Be ready to change the 'proof' parameter though...just in case it's not great or doesn't complete in any semblance of 'reasonable' time.
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  17. shoegazer Well-Known Player

    the +200 was the difference in the example given by the devs which was quoted by the person I was replying to
  18. shoegazer Well-Known Player

    Yeah..I call ******** on +20 breaking things..

    I don't see how that's possible unless they've made a complete ******* mess
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  19. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    Oh man, I'm sure I could get a large handful of examples in a short amount of time. Just turn on "instances in progress", queue, and get ready to start taking screenshots and/or video. They always resort to saying the group was "bad" though, so it won't matter anyway.

    This was posted in one of the buried pages now, but I queued for NGN not so long ago and it was a disaster, had to disband after over a full hour. The group was just bad, I'm sure.


    Also, the Happiness Home raid you mentioned, 63 total deaths:

    Now, in all fairness, there are times when the run goes 'smoothly'. Not gonna sit here and say there aren't any runs that go well to just fit a narrative. So there's that. Especially if you run with people you know. Proxy has a handful in his thread of random runs, granted, he himself is a very large determining factor in those.

    If the devs are looking at the numbers, and 90%+ of runs are successful in a reasonable amount of time, then I really don't have much else to say. I get a funny feeling that isn't the case, because there is A LOT of just anecdotal evidence from players that prove otherwise.
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Of course showing that there are bad groups is kind of the point....but, Nah....his examples are always true and accurate, while anyone else's will be filled with caveats or will be outright lies. I know I've been here before....but you?
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