Precision vs might these days

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by ThisGuy89, May 31, 2022.

  1. ThisGuy89 New Player

    So first off lets say this comparison is between 2 experienced dps. 1 being might and 1 being prec. Has anyone else noticed might hitting extra hard? Lets also say they are both using 200 trans, strat, grim with both having 500sp. I mean from what i have found the crit chances might sees is much more of a prec user. That could be part of it but i feel like there is more. I also realize that some people hate prec which i don't understand because it is a viable option for a rage or electric or whoever when it comes to single target but i still can't shake the feeling that might is riding a buff at the moment. Productive comments only please.
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  2. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Prec is far more situational than might. Prec has to have the ideal setting and then it’s beastly. That ideal setting is multiple green eogs and multiple orange eogs and a buff troll. Might gets to use those also but not to the extent that prec does since most might users can’t load a second bar with 4 or 5 supers.

    I look at it like this:
    Solos/ duos: pet builds>might builds> prec builds
    Alerts: same
    Raids without buff trolls and EoG: AoE is might> prec> pet builds/ st is pet> might> prec
    Raids with buff trolls and eogs: prec>>might>>>pet builds.

    Just my opinion but it’s what I’ve seen first hand thru the years. The only way prec can ever be buffed is if EoG and buff troll meta goes away. Without that, making prec better in those other scenarios makes it way too strong in the meta scenarios.
  3. ThisGuy89 New Player

    Yeah i respect your opinion and agree but what i dont understand is why does prec have to have a buff? It wasn't like that until the beginning of the last dlc from what i have seen that prec has been falling behind in holding its own in just straight up damage comparisons. Also its crazy to me how gridlocked prec is considering we have many artifacts to choose from. At the end of the day as a prec user if your not using grim,trans,strat without the obvious eog buff then your wasting time.
  4. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I’m thinking a lot of it has to do with the recent trinket removal and the cast power changes. Shouldn’t have effected all prec users with the cast time changes but the trinket removal messed with a lot of players. Prec is a copy/ paste build. Everyone just learns from another and does the exact same since there’s only really one way to play according to YouTube/ build vids. Some have figured out new builds that are actually doing better but they haven’t shared with the community that I’ve seen yet.

    Power in general seems different this dlc but we may just be at a weird place with stats and gear early on. I’ve never had power issues before but have lately on some lower geared toons vs my higher/ maxed geared ones. So it seems to go away once you’ve geared up from my own experience. Gadgets losing turret clip (well didn’t lose but now has power cost) hurt them but that just means they need to run cyborg passive and now can add the new Batman ally to make up for it. If they choose.

    I don’t think prec has gotten any weaker, I just think there’s more players finally figuring out might builds. Might is much harder to figure out a good rotation for but there seems to be more knowledge being shared lately. The only prec players I’ve noticed that are dropping down the scoreboard are the ones that go into a raid without the “prec meta” setup. Put them back in that setup and they’re good to go generally. Munitions and electric might have spammable supers too tho so players have started adjusting to the prec meta to use it to their advantage. I’m not even sure I’d consider prec elec st on par with might elec st anymore. Electric might AoE is nasty in that same scenario too. It’s a decent balance imo, the preccers just need to be more selective with who they run with if they’re all about the scoreboard.

    Buff trolls being the other part of the prec meta scenario can also be a pain for them. Almost every buff troll runs claw/ tetra/ amulet and then starts working on cog, maybe they never do cog. So it’s easier to get buffed as might which will again even the playing field a bit even if there’s a lot of EoG spam happening. I’ve been in groups healing doing 3 greenies with a 2nd healer doing 1 and the electric might guy I run with never stops using circuit breaker. Literally pops one after another after another. Prec can do the same obviously but if that might guy is getting all the buffs and the preccer is only getting some, might guy is “winning”
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  5. ThisGuy89 New Player

    Yeah honestly i have always laughed at the clipping into random items on prec to get extra precision ticks in, nor have i been a youtube enthusiast. Those guys loadouts you see are meh at best. Idk you may be onto something with the types of trolls buffing either or. I guess i was just wondering if anyone had noticed the crit differences between the 2 because precision is much lower than might from what i have found. Which if purposely or not would make a huge difference in damage.
  6. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I’m told the omac trinket increases weapon crit chance. No clue if true since I’ve never bothered to try. I’m fairly sweaty on my main but don’t really go after my alts output too much so they’re all might based. Main is pet build. No prec toons for me. I run open world and duos and alerts daily so I just want them strong without needing buff trolls and greenies. 2 of them even run tetra and like 200sp into health just to boost the randoms I play with and speed things up. When they go into raids, they’re usually doing their support roles anyway. (Troll/ healer/ tank for them, main usually dps’s)
  7. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Might can be very strong in the right hands. A lot of it does come down to both the controller (buffing precision and might) and healer spamming Eye of Gemini.

    Especially for Source Wall there are plenty of situations where you can hit multiple bosses. This can also factor in with might splash damage.

    Take Ice Might DPS for example. It recently had an update where you can now use MM/Iconic abilities while in Ice Elemental form. Sure, its base parsers for ST are fairly average, but if you use SC effectively and have enough SC to play with Ice Might can be very competent for both ST and AOE. Sometimes with Might DPS you just need to think a little harder and work with different situations. I have at least 4 different Celestial Might boss rotations depending on the situation.

    There are some controllers that only exclusively buff precision so Might DPS here can't reach their potential if they are competent.

    With all of that said, a competent Gadgets Precision DPS is still going to perform very well against any other DPS for various reasons, from its Stealth LO for adding more SCs (especially 25% SCs for EOG) to pet damage, to might clips as well as 4 tick flurry shot. Especially so if you have maxed your precision/might spec. Electric Precision is also strong but dependent on EOG green spam from the healer and of course precision buff from the controller.
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  8. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    I should also add that for many might power sets (not all) it is easier just to use Brawling Weapon Mastery and have that as your main AOE build (as precision) for hallway adds and open world content in general. Then switch to Might for bosses/ST.
  9. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    What powersets were both players using?
    This is an important factor. As is whether you were comparing boss total or ad total on damage.

    A lot of this I don't agree with. As a prec or might DPS, I would argue that it comes down to the powertype and the player proficiency with said powertype.
    Raids without a troll at all is where Prec suffers, otherwise it generally outperforms Might in every other scenario. Similarly it can still keep up if Might is buffed and Prec isn't. In most pug scenarios, the troll runs tetra, claw & amulet, I still find myself topping the board more often than not. I do have a high sp bias, but to say Might outperforms Prec in most instances is not accurate.

    Another point is Might rotations with channeled moves, you could say they're far more situational as standing still often in a boss fight is generally a shortcut to taking a knee.

    Also, who are these people loading up 5 SC's on their form change/invis bars?! 3 is already plenty for gadgets & mental lol
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  10. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    all comes down to the player and all players aren't created equally
  11. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I’m speaking on pre made/ well put together groups with above average players. Pug runs are just too wacky to figure out. 90% of the time, my worst toon is double the damage of 2nd place. Yes, powersets make a difference so not going to go into them all. Muni has a lot of long cast time powers but it’s mobile the entire time. Ice also has plenty of those. I’m speaking only about what I see. I run with a bunch of sweatys and we run often. All of us have multiple toons so we get to see how it all plays out. We have crazy buff trolls that buff both and then we have some that only buff might. Yeah, prec can hang while they run with them but it’s a lot closer prec vs might than when the op troll is tac swapping. In the end, they all bow down to a rage melee toon anyway but we don’t see many of those anymore. All I’m saying is I’ve seen precs that can smoke some of us but if we run without eogs and buff trolls, they’re last place by a large margin. In spread out alerts, the same. Each instance has a different scenario tho so there will be times where that flips to the other way.

    And 5 supers was just a hint of spicy sarcasm
  12. Tilz Loyal Player

    Prec is way better with the EoG Spam Meta. Healing is so easy these days that healers can use 2-3 SCs and jsut give SC to the people spamming 2 SCs with EoG being up. Might can't do that to this extend.
  13. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    As someone who has a prec dps, might dps, and a pet might dps at endgame Id like to say a few things.

    Prec gets way to much credit for being “better with EoG”. This is not entirely true. There are specific powers that are better with EoG regardless of might or prec. It just so happens that a lot of prec players go to these powers to chase the scoreboard. So in return players assume that EoG benefits precision more.

    Electric has a 15 sec cooldown ability that is arguably the strongest SC in the game. Gadgets and mental can both use their stealth loadouts to maintain an EoG set up going without having to sacrifice 2 slots in the main loadout. Gadgets being able to do this better of course. A lot of endgame prec dps will gravitate towards electric and gadgets to chase the scoreboard but both can do the EoG set up as might as well.

    On the might side, munitions can do the same thing with mounted turret since it has a lower cooldown as well as an acceleration mod for it. Atomic can spam its 5000 sc since it has a 0.5 sec cooldown (thou it’s in the weaker end of SCs). And a properly built HL can do a full rotation for both aoe and ST with just 3 powers in the same loadout. Meaning you can have rsk and 2 SCs for an EoG set up.

    That out of the way, prec and might are actually in a good spot with a few exceptions. Taking experience and proper set up might can edge out prec when used correctly. Might gets access to more artifact choices and most buff trolls will normally build tetra before cog. However prec does have more utility (especially after the introduction of clarion). And precision can maintain a single armory set up easier than might can.
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  14. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    I mean... why not? lol, I'm all for it
  15. HooLeeCow Well-Known Player

    Its not looking pretty for prec you got only DW for single target and brawling for aoe but you also need to clip it in right time and Devs trying to remove cliping becouse of some people who cant learn it so they crying prec is OP ,with might you dont have this problem becoue 3 years old can press 123456 .
    Fact is might is way easyer and its same good if not better then prec specialy when you can swap artifacts and might got better options like Scrap of the Soul Cloak ,or Dead King's Scepter 3 % might + might stats and 0 prec so when you swaping for few sec to use SC or orbital you not loosing stats .

    People always gona keep crying becouse its easyer to cry then learn how to play !
  16. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I think you may be over exaggerating. I don’t recall any dev saying they were going to remove clipping unless I missed something. Mepps said he didn’t like clipping and feels it was a mistake. He is allowed to have his opinions. That doesn’t mean it will be getting removed.
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  17. Godtr0n Active Player

    Just remove ******* total damage columns and have 8 people play as a group instead of trying to break the game by cheesing broken crap and making stupid numbers doing stupid $h!t. Stupid questions always get stupid answers and this whole game is friggin stupid tbh...
  18. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    If you feel the whole game is stupid than why play? You are making yourself angry for no reason. Regardless of how you feel about the scoreboard, it is an important tool. If someone is sitting in the corner not doing anything than we deserve to see and decide if they deserve to be kicked.
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  19. Godtr0n Active Player

    I dont play is the simplest answer. I just check all games forums now and then to remind people why.
  20. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    That’s very sad if you to do. I’m sure others will know to avoid your feedback just from that one comment
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