Question for the community....why not do what the imp says?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Reinheld, Jan 26, 2022.

  1. The Con Dedicated Player

    Musta been in the same raid as you... unless this is a weird, new, epidemic. :eek:

    I was just watching the guy stand there doing nothing.... and I thought, for a second, that maybe there was a fear for not complying in any way... but, nope.... just a "Eff you, anyone one who doesn't have the 'doing it perfect' feat."

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  2. HooLeeCow Well-Known Player

    or you can say what i say from long time no more social justice feats !!!!!!
  3. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Because players weren't expecting their loadout to be changed, as it has never happened in an instance before. Personally, my first few rounds (blowing through it fast), I never even looked at my hotbar, but elsewhere on the screen and in my emote list (simply because he's asking you to an emote). Also, I have a large TV and it's still tough to see the small icons on the hotbar to see which one matches best. I got used to the order though.
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  4. FullMetalTitan Committed Player

    I get a lot of ppl troll or do not care to press anything but lately I’ve run into ppl who genuinely don’t know how to do this part. I tell them that the symbol is right above his head or it says in chat and they get shocked lol. Also occasionally I press the right one and still get hit so now I wait a bit and not use the ability right away.
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'm assuming you mean feats where ALL must do something vs individual ones (like the Hard Knocks ones in the same run)? I'd go for that for ones that 1 person can purposefully biff something...cause you know...'reasons'.
  6. Emoney Dedicated Player

    I've noticed times where one or two players dont emote and just stand there.....but when times up, watching the health bars, no one took damage. So in those cases, I guess they did emote correctly, but the animations didnt show up on my end.
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  7. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    Yeah, in elite it only 1 shots the person that misses. If you mess up the turrets it 1 shots everyone. But I honestly feel like that people might just wait to get picked up each time since there is no limit in regular.
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  8. useless Well-Known Player

    I dont jk but seen ppl write that in chat lol
  9. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    So you can pay attention to that level of detail yet still couldnt match them?
    Alrighty then…….
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  10. HooLeeCow Well-Known Player

    Feats where people got punish ( dont get feat ) for someone alse mistakes ( purposefully or not ) those feats are not fair and bring tons of toxic in to the game . I saw players who run a lot together and becouse of it now they enemies ignoring each other and many other not nice situation . I screw feat one time as well and i know how it is since then im not doing it if it pop its ok if not well maybe next time i just dont see good side of this kind of feat all negatives .
  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'm ok with feats that require the whole group to work on something when that something will actually take some effort (burning bosses death...speed feats...etc). I'm NOT for feats which are 100% 'easy' but 1 person can purposely f it up by just NOT doing something they should be doing anyway...or DOING something they should not do. Most of the time these come down to a button push or avoiding one and the outcome is no different either why not do it so it would possibly benefit someone? These Mxy feats are some of those...another current one is the one for the last boss in SFF. The 'sucker' feat to NOT get hit by the big tentacles...why would you WANT to get hit? Roll out...should be a stupid easy feat, yet in most groups someone just stands there...sometime even being killed by the smash....I'll roll out because A) why not? And B) I'd feel like a dope getting killed in 'event' content if it would happen to kill me...even if I'm on a farmer toon. I don't really care if someone needs it or not...I'd try not to get hit by any boss's 'big''s good practice.

    There are a ton of feats that can be biffed by one person for no reason....annoying.
  12. Siramez Well-Known Player

    i just memorise them and spam the emote shown. it isnt that hard tbh
  13. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    You have to be on something to not be able to function to the point you can’t read or look at the picture the imp is telling you lol
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  14. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I'd like the Mr. Mxy jig dance for our emotes. Or a Mr. Mxy trinket that changes us into him. Then I can just jig in the cutscenes from now on.
  15. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Some weed be like that...
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  16. Kestral Committed Player

    Legitimate reasons other then the standard didn't want to.
    1. If you click the emote your character will do the motion but you won't get credit for it and get hit anyways. The icon also immediately shows you can reselect it so if you are paying attention you know to double tap.
    2. I've had the Icon over Mxys head not show up more then a few times. And while the wording of the order can also be found in chat logs or you can watch the other players it's messed up my timing more than once.

    In general though. I find most people are unwilling for whatever reason to select beg or cower as emotes when they will select others. Also other then some minor damage it doesn't really cause any harm to not do the emotes at all so some people thing why bother.

    Honestly I would have expected this mechanic to be if everyone gets it right it moves right on to the next command without the pause to fight adds. This would have incentivized not messing up in order to finish the alert quicker. Instead we fight the same amount of adds no matter what.
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  17. HooLeeCow Well-Known Player

    So make up yours mind you are againts or not becouse when you saying "100 % easy" for some everything is easy for other not .
    For me its idiotic being punish for other people mistakes as a rule but you saying some idiotic feats are ok but not this 100 % easy .
    Look at soviet russia or mao china they love social justice and 200 milion people died maybe thats why i hate social justice in any shape or form .
    In this game its not giving anything good as well just make people mad ,angry , its not fun at all .
  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Hitting the button on the Mxy part should be a no brainer feat but it's also 100% easy for one jag to biff it on purpose. It should NOT require a group or teamwork because everyone can hit the right button every time...past maybe the initial time in there when they might not know what's happening. It's a basically a participation trophy that 1 person can mess up for the rest and I'd be fine if it were removed. The feat in the BWL fight that requires no one to get hit with the smoke actually takes some effort. Not going in the smoke is against the mechanics of the fight and actually makes it a bit tougher, so yeah...there should be a group effort to do it. I'm fine with this kind of feat and would NOT expect to get it just by going in. I've gotten it with several groups because someone said 'can we do the goo gone feat'. I would however expect a feat like the Mxy one to work almost every time because it goes along with what we should be doing anyway. If you can't see the difference between those 2 feats...well, you can't. If you are arguing it's hard to press an action button when prompted....other than maybe the first time you see it when you MIGHT be confused...well, I guess it's not easy for you. I know I've never pressed the wrong button in there and only ever missed it before I knew there was a 1 sec delay glitch issue.

    Still not sure what 'social justice' or deaths in Russia or China have to do with any of it though. I get there will always be easy 'participation' type feats like 'exploration' ones or equipping gear, collection drops, briefs or investigations....None of those can be biffed by someone else choosing to ignore what they should be doing anyway. Feats that SHOULD take 0 extra effort should either not be group based or should not exist. I'd be fine with either option.
  19. HooLeeCow Well-Known Player

    Mao and Stalin had this idea you with us or you againts us and if any member of family is againts whole family go to work camp where they work hard till they die from hunger . Thats social justice but its also you die i dont get feat or i dont hit correct button you dont get feat . It should be like this you died you dont get feat i didnt i got feat thats justice .
  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    This is a game not life. There is no real comparison. In the game we are supposed to perform actions because it's part of the content. Hit, block, run...whatever. Some things are based you doing that 'task''s not a with or against thing. If everyone did what they are supposed to do it wouldn't be an issue for something like this. If the only reason you are NOT doing what you are supposed to do is because you don't feel like it, go play something else. Why are you running the mission?