Tanks that fight until death in raids

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cyclonic, Jan 25, 2022.

  1. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    There's a kick option.
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  2. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Get guuuuud and you wouldn’t die.
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  3. ColdFuzion Well-Known Player

    On a regular occasion in LFG i see groups desperate for tanks and they get treated like this for helping the group? Key components have faded from this game including your OWN survivability - If you die during the raid look at yourself first before blaming other roles.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Depends on the situation. I was in TSDR the other day and we were about 90% done with Anti-Monitor when some DPS douchewad decided to orbital and wipe 6 people. The healer was the only one besides me left standing and he got clipped while we were both going for pickups. So I finished it....BTW, I was told to 'just wipe' and didn't as likely the same guy would drop another orbital because hes...as I said...a douchewad. I was told later that a kick vote was started, but I was spared by the group...the guy who wanted the wipe, initiated the kick (and subsequent 'disband' vote that also failed) left before the boss dropped....and he did drop.

    If the situation was not self inflicted OR if the boss was not so near death, I'd have wiped, and most times would wipe. As fun as it is to finish something solo and 'save' a failing run, it's a lot of time mostly....and I'd rather wipe and get out faster. I have other fish to fry.

    BTW....there are 1380 min in 23 hours.....so MAX that's as long as you could watch it because of the maint reboot. There....saved you 182482 minutes already....you're welcome.
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  5. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Leaning towards the dps fault more than the tank as there are more incompetent players than they are support roles such as tanks. Who are the ones to initiate the kick, and cause the party to wipe? DPS!!!!! It’s a cancer in this game…
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

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  7. L T Devoted Player

    Literally anyone who's ever played a Tank half-decently has had to make this decision. Sometimes a wipe is called for. Sometimes you just need to carry the group. And sometimes you're focused on the adds and the boss and don't even realize that it's just you left standing.

    How much you want to bet he's the one who used the orbital?
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'd almost guarantee it. I asked someone else if they inspected him to see if he had it equipped...no one had or didn't respond. I'd still assume so.

    I see it in almost every TSD run. At the last 5% or so, people love to drop that orbital. Not sure if it's a 'heh...this will be funny' or they really are so insecure that they NEED that blast of damage to cement their spot on the scoreboard.
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  9. Jcal Dedicated Player

    I salute you all, my fellow tanks!

    Never compromise your tank spirit... your tank honor!! ;__;
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  10. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Fghting tank here.

    I won't stop because you don't know how to block.

    Git gud.
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  11. BYSIS Well-Known Player

    As a tank, I am the one who leads the group, as I'm the one to first start the battle.
    If it's like the first time with a boss, and everyone gets KOd, I may wipe, and try again with the group. But if this is like the 4th or 5th time we fight this boss and everyone is out, and I'm doing fine....
    Yup, there's an Ol' saying. "If you want something done Right, Do It Yourself". I won't care if the boss is at 10% or 50%. Y'all didn't stay alive, and I'm already sick of replaying, so I either get this done myself, or leave.
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  12. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I'm not killing myself for anyone else's ego. I'll die for MINE all day, but hey - that's the core of stick-to-it-iveness.
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  13. Dry Cleaning Well-Known Player

    imo there's a diff between staying to kill a boss that has 5% and one that has a 3rd or more of its health

    one is helpful for the team and another is obnoxious. i've been on both ends of this and i'm not gonna wipe if it's a few orbitals away but if it's me hacking away for 15 minutes it's just a waste of ppl's time
  14. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    I fight until death as a tank and many others should as well. I even have a rage battle tank build for the very purpose of finishing a fight. It is dps in everything but gear. Tanks lead the group. Anyone who kicks a good tank that can finish the fight, does not deserve them. Plain and simple.
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  15. Max Maximus Well-Known Player

    About the thread: I play tank so Git Gud or kick him.

    But I want to replay about your comment, catplaysxoxo. If there was no DPS role, players would create it. I find it fun to play as a DPS. It's not the role that's bad, it's the players. I've seen a lot of bad Healer, bad Troll and Tank too. But ok, most bad players are DPS. :)
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  16. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    Did you run the legion elite alert much as a dps? I think at least 20% of my runs was me as healer and the tank finishing cosmic boy. A couple of times the tank had to finish, and yes one was about 20 minutes. You can always walk out and group with the numerous other tanks that overload LFG every few seconds.
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  17. dannyboy01 New Player

    Sometimes it’s necessary for a tank to continue fight if only to help them learn bosses etc mechanics and moves . I have done it multiple time so when I finally do I do a wipe I’m better informed on what to expect. As we all no tanks are one of the most crucial and difficult roles to play . A better prepared tank is good for all.
  18. Berza Committed Player

    Do you know what is the most ridiculous part of this? You actually CAN drop orbital on Antimonitor, but you need to do it at the beginning of the fight, before safe zones are up. But people will do it at the end every time.
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  19. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    The funniest part of that whole fight is that no one seems to know you can drop your orbitals the second the fight starts and get no penalty at all. And it’s not going to be off cooldown in a good group in reg. In groups of friends, we drop them all the time when the pools are timing out. But we’re all on mic so we can call it out.
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  20. ObsceneBoy Committed Player

    Lie down with pugs...

    Brutal out here, are you all okay?
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