DCUO Development Update - October 2021

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Panderus, Oct 8, 2021.

  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I honestly think the idea was abandoned to a degree a long time ago. They didnt have the resources and time to do it anymore. To create 2 of each instance, and try to make them unique for both worked as a launch concept. But was it sustainable on a 3 month content release cycle?
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  2. Sword- New Player

    Can we have the ability to queue quickly as we do when using the new on duty menu for custom content, instead of having to use the old queue system? That would be a nice little quality of life feature.
  3. Miss Martian Well-Known Player

    Heroes beware! I'm expecting to see a lot of correspondents in front of the Hall fo Justice!!
    Byw, very glad to see Giganta and Cheetah around again, missed kicking their butt.
    Hope this new open world has some real adventures since has a lot of potential.
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  4. zNot Loyal Player

    This is what im hoping for aswell (for Elite) but i would definetly like to know if the raid is a arena style or a longer type of raid. I personally like both
  5. Dephyre Committed Player

    With all these changes....you brought this guy out of retirement. Thank you!
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  6. BumblingB I got better.

    Finally had a chance to really look at your conversation and definitely appreciate the added transparency you've done in the recent changes. Including Charon talking about Allies and other additions added.

    Since the players are in the thick of it (and I know some of you devs play religiously as us.) I wanted to talk about this particular adjustments. As this has been the most impactful change to the game's longevity.

    For the most part, EEG's clamp has been good, but there definitely was a disparity between high end players and players at or below the level. (IE boosted up, not clamped down.) Which is great that you are addressing it, but I feel that there is still problems with the content itself that should be looked at. This game has gone through several changes and, as one would expect, has problems with different content got different changes. Some are still way too much and no matter how much "boost" you give the players, will still give a tough time, while others are down right trivial at best. Which lead to loot piñatas that players will flock to.

    I understand it, I do, going back and balancing content that if not all, but the majority of the developers never touched, means that there would be a time sink that a lot of your company may not want to tackle, but it really should be addressed. As it is, players can and will either decline an instance or just queue custom exclusively. Which puts the Omnibus rather useless for end players in enticement and no matter how much rewards you try to throw at us to use it, will still change a players view unless content has some sort of balance.

    Of course the alternative would be the rewards be distributed out by other features, like you have with older styles in level agnostic gear, but that is another conversation altogether.

    Yeah... There needs to be better messaging about the team roleless buffs. You need to lead the horse to water before you make the water into wine. I do appreciate this and can help, but my experience is that attempting to explain that you can block to heal confuses them more. Especially when, ever since the roleless buffs were introduced WAY BACK WHEN, players never really understood what they were. Block to heal, power over time when below a certain effect, always have defense buff if no tank. These were never really communicated well. There have been benefits to a lot of players, but this needs to be addressed with in game communication other than the chat text from loading screens.

    Stat piercing will help, but it doesn't change the core problem with elite content. Skill points, artifacts, league buffs, buff soders, etc all have a finite amount of gain. Yes, it might give a slight improvement, but when the majority of our progression is the gear we get and waiting 1-3 years later to finally be able to accomplish certain elite raids was the only means to overcome some of the gear checks that elite content has. One can understand the mechanics just fine, but when one slip or random spawn hit means a one shot to any non tank player, piercing helps nothing. The only way to successfully beat most elite content is to just not get hit, and that is where the above average players are having the difficulty. Some are older, have not so great computers, have a disability, etc and it happens. They can run content fine and no real challenge, but when it comes to elite, the core of what makes it elite is the one hit deaths to non tanks that really makes healers go a specific route for their healing.

    Don't get me wrong, I do understand the core idea of "elite" content, but this is a game to have fun, but there is no middle area for the above average, but below super excel players.
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  7. NotMeMaybe Active Player

    Thats enough with that, don't you think the game need some focus on elite content now, enough endgame players have left this game now this is just enough. The devd need to focus on the long time players too.

    Instead of always asking for elite raids to be nerfed etc, ask for normal raids to be buffed and let elite content alone.

    Its already not elite content at all its a faceroll.

    You guys need to stop finding excuses on the forum evrytime, we're getting pathetic elite raids that are done in 15 minutes.
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  8. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Maybe, we can get Cheetah as an ally! Meow!
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  9. Aren Sul Committed Player

    All of this is exciting and encouraging. The changes you accomplished this entire year show the effort you've made to both listen to your base and attract new players (a tightrope walk in many cases).

    The new episode is pretty cool, especially going to a 'real world' location! (What's next? New York? Paris? London?)

    So big, big applause to the whole team. I feel excited that there will not only be new, interesting content, but constant UI/game mechanics improvement (love that block healing benefit idea).

    The only thing I would ask for as we head into next year, as an old-timer, is that episodes bring back having a solo and duo, to give the game back a feeling of full scope with each episode. I understood the need back then when we switched to alternating solo/duo. At the time, it seemed like a temporary restriction because we were moving from longer spaced big releases to faster smaller releases - and that put a strain on resources. But we're years passed that point and you have learned soooo much in that span of time.

    I've been trying to think of a way to do this that would keep the development effort light. One idea I had:
    • In terms of map, the solo will only be the first portion of the duo map. This also means that you maintain a unique experience for the duo (the second portion of the map and boss fights)
    • Mobs: Scale down (halve?) the number of adds for the solo. That keeps their stats, locations, etc. intact. It's a matter of number spawned.
    • That leaves only the boss fights to focus on. Admittedly, this is probably the hardest part to do, but you've been successful with the CR-agnostic versions, so maybe that logic can apply here.
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  10. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    They are attempting to address some of the complaints found in other threads about elite content difficulty as well as ability to complete older not end game elite content. The solution presented (Stat Piercing) should help address this as I understand how it will work.I'm thinking it will be more than a slight improvement. Please trust the devs. that they truly do want to make this game enjoyable for all of us. (right now not end game content is far from enjoyable to me)

    It is true, there are just some players who will not be good at elite content possibly ever. Elite content should not be dumb-downed for them. They can still participate in the Event and Regular level content to receive rewards and progress. They are not being denied anything for failing to participate in Elite. Elite should be for those who can excel and want to challenge themselves.

    Perhaps with the stat piercing implemented those players who are above average but not super excel players will have a better time enjoying past elite content?

    I'm just really happy for this Development Update, it gives me hope where as Ep. 41 crushed me. After the changes are implemented maybe, just maybe, I will consider playing some not end game content.
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  11. BumblingB I got better.

    Long time players? Hmmm... I started in 2011, do I not count? According to you, I don't. The longevity of this game needs to include EVERY player, not just what you deem worthy of playing.

    This is not the game for you then. There is a LARGE player base that is beyond your scope. Maybe, just maybe, its a you problem, not a game problem.

    Says the guy that is so insecure that they will make trivial content that he has to respond to every post that is asking for an adjustment. I don't want face rolling content. That's boring, but I would love to do content that isn't face melting either. There used to be content like that, but heck, things change and you got what you wanted with elite content.
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  12. BumblingB I got better.

    This is just a side question from my curiosity, why do you not like current EEG? Is it because you lost your strength and was clamped downward? Because there are elements of older content that doesn't work well with playing? I'm thoroughly curious.

    Why does having a conversation of adjusting elite content automatically mean "dumbed down"?! This is truthfully baffling to me. Content used to be challenging, not punishing. Where you had to pay attention to mechanics, elements, etc, but current elite content is just hit harder and avoid getting hit. I would argue the current elite content is way more dumbed down than older original elite content. (Throne of the Dead Elite) The problem we are experiencing is the fact that you can't out gear it.

    Ever since it was implemented, players were voicing their concerns with the content being a huge gate for progression. Feats and styles locked behind something that would not be able to get. So we were ALWAYS promised the ability to go back and get them as we outgear it. We bit our lips and waited. NOW WE CAN'T DO THAT?! THAT_IS_THE_PROBLEM! We are not asking for them to make it stupid and ruin elite that whatever is the actual "design" of it trivial, we just want to be able to access the whole game like we have been for a good 6+ years (when elite was added.)

    I would hope so, but that is the point of my original post. Stat piercing is basically allowing all non gear stats come through, but that doesn't change the fact that our gear, which is the primary stats, being clamped down. A percentage of a smaller number is still a small number.

    I'm happy with the Dev team and I actually like the EEG clamp, but I'm still confused why you don't like it. With the question I asked above.
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  13. DAnomalous Level 30

    Please add several in-game currency bought Allies that suit the different types of characters you are playing for example a magical hero for someone with sorcery power. The current options are lacklustre for a new feature, especially if you log in with more than 1 character because theyre all going to have the same allies and thats a very boring process to level them and all do the same thing. Whereas if you have different flavors of allies you might choose different ones based on what you're playing and that adds variety
  14. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I misunderstood your position. I thought you were advocating for elite to be made easier for greater participation and cater to those who may just not be cut out to play elite content.

    Stat clamped not end game content ... the few times I did play it when ep. 41 was first released, it is a reminder to me of what was taken away from me. Yes I KNOW I am still CR341 in end game content all my stats are there for end game content, but <gggr> Ep. 41 stat clamp is slap in the face to me as a high cr player. Others don't feel the same way but this is how I feel. It is insulting to me and I won't give Daybreak the satisfaction of playing it even if it does mean I spite myself as a cost in the end. The vitriol I have received from the pro stat clamp camp only re-enforces my stance. I lost someone I thought was a good friend in game over this.

    "increased target Combat Rating means everyone gets scaled down less, and the power difference here is quite noticeable. The adjustments to the early end game buff work complementary to the CR increase, and are designed to either encourage players to help lower levels or at least use Omnibus with the knowledge that they will become More Powerful to compensate for their less powerful group."

    Maybe I will try it AFTER this is implemented. For now I have the Halloween event to keep me busy when I' m not decorating my manor or in Flashpoint.
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  15. BumblingB I got better.

    I think there is a twitch knee jerk reaction with you and the other one above. I'm seriously talking about EEG content. There is elite content that can be completed before it goes to EEG, but suddenly not available when it does, because there are slight over gearing even within the 3 DLC bracket.

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  16. NotMeMaybe Active Player

    The game isn't for me? You are literally finding excuses in every thread, like someone said don't push yourself to do elite content if you can't do it,and ask for normal content to be buffed instead of literally complaining everytime about difficulty.
    If you play since 2011 then you know that raids were way harder than these jokes raids were getting every dlc.
    And i perfectly know your name and on wich league you were in 2011,and let me tell you all your league members werent crying and did not find excuses in the forum like you do.

    Stick to normal raids, asking for elite raids to be easier is just selfish that's all i can say, if you don't understand it hurts all the endgame crowd then it's your problem.

    Stick to normal difficulty for dcuo sake lol.
  17. TheSuperPhantomBoy Level 30

    Hello DEVS, I need to know about whether an option is going to be enabled for the character to have 2 accessories, because we have so many accessories, but we can only currently use 1, Thank you very much.
  18. BumblingB I got better.


    I think you are mistaking me for someone else. I was part of another league for a few years and they might think a little like you are talking about, but I've been with my current one since 2012 when I left my first league. Which if you are talking about them, then you are sorely mistaken.

    But yeah, this game might not be for you, considering that you have to talk in every thread that talks about elite content. It's like you want to make it your own or something. It's not your game, you just play it, like I do.

    I don't hide who I am on the forums. I own up to who I am. I don't deny who I've associated with and I for sure don't need to make a forum alt to hide who I am. So I'm not sure what you are trying to discredit with your comment. Going from your post, you seem like I have some sort of control over the devs or something. I'm voicing concerns and complaints, just like you. I have every right to do it. If you don't want to read my posts, put me on ignore.
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  19. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Washington D.C. & Hall of Justice (WORK IN PROGRESS)
    This is so beautiful. I can't wait to just explore open world Washington D.C. Just look at those clouds! Daybreak has some very gifted artists working on DCUO. I'm excited to see what else they have in store for us! I can imagine Giganta being an open world boss we can all take down a notch! Thank you Devs for this glimpse of Ep. 42. Thank you for your hard work you are all putting into this project to give us a game that we love to play.

    "Jack's Take: "I’m thrilled the DCUO team is taking one of DC’s great mega events and doing their own spin on it. Perpetua is one of the most fascinating villains to come along, and this time I'm not sure our players will be able to stop her." - Jack Emmert, CEO"

    Don't worry Jack, I going to sink my claws into Perpetua! Meow!
  20. Myoxz Well-Known Player

    Yes. Just last night I queued for an Omnibus raid and I landed on Inner Sanctum. Once I finished it I had both raids cleared, the Steve Trevor's Omnibus and the Save the Universe missions. :)