Khandaq 1st room is pretty much impossible

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Vashh, Sep 6, 2021.

  1. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    Remember back in the day when we piled the jugs up to protect the rock? :p Not an exploit, just good situational thinking! Those were the good old days :)
  2. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    I agree.

    While it is clear that some balancing of older content has been necessary due to changes that were made to the original instances after their initial launch, a nerffest would negate the entire purpose of the stat clamp.
  3. BumblingB I got better.

    I ran Kahndaq on my main, random queue. I switched to troll and tried to stun the Water Keepers. They break out immediately, plus, the time it takes for them to attack is very quick, but the instance isn't impossible.

    Really, this part was designed to split the 2x4 makeup. 1 tank, troll, heal, dps on each side of the little canopy divider.

    Tank and controller can stand behind the keepers and keep them occupied. It would be easy peasy, lemon squeezy...

    Unfortunately, if you got a controller you were lucky, let alone 2. So yeah, this first part is dang near impossible if you don't know how to handle it.

    I'll say this, the water keepers should be able to be hard stunned without breakouts for full stun duration. They aren't and there are way too many adds that make it even harder to target them.

    In the end, I wont be sad if they adjusted this part a little. (At least you can zerg the whole instance save Black Adam.)
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  4. El El Committed Player

    Its weird to hear stuff like this again,this was a issue 10 years ago as wel.Now the stat clamp is here we truly see how broken this game is somethines.
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  5. zNot Loyal Player

    With the way the community is these days thats just a question of time when not if they will do it. And thats sad they are spoiled to get easy content
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  6. BumblingB I got better.

    Well, in the defense of the instance, it was actually good before they started muddling around dom and controllers as well as match npcs and breaking out. The water keepers used to be able to be hard stunned for a very SHORT moment in time. Not launch, mind you, but yes, I remember running this raid quite often as my early controlling years.
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  7. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    This raid is still easy AF.
  8. Panderus Senior Producer

    This one is getting fixed, I think it might be out Thursday. That last rock is the worst.
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  9. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Interesting. We had more issues on rock number 4 than rock number 5, but getting the right group of players to get past 4 may have made 5 seem easier. I'm not sure why 2 and 3 were easier than 4. Anyway, I appreciate your team investigating.
  10. BumblingB I got better.

    I gotta agree, the first 4 were more of a problem than the last one. Probably because the water keepers aren't being blocked by a canopy divider, but if the tank and controller aren't helping, this will probably be a nightmare rock. :mad:
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  11. Proxystar #Perception

    The last one? :confused:

    I've got to agree with BumblingB (despite the fact I don't subjectively see the issue as evidenced in my video) the first 4 are by far more difficult due to the Water Keepers being split between the canopy tents.

    Curiously, what does your "fix" entail?
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  12. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    This area simply "Checks" the group's teamwork and basic knowledge of their role's responsibilities. It's a great training ground to help improve gameplay.

    I actually enjoy this part of Khandaq because it's one of the few places in the game you can't just DPS bully bulldoze through. It actually takes coordination and thought somewhat. Not saying it can't be bullied through, but you gotta be creative about it.

    Playing this area makes me feel great to be a Controller role. If this area gets turned into a DPS bulldoze...that's gonna be yet another reason to NOT have a Controller...and that's becoming very common sadly.

    Nerfing this area in anyway is like...uhhh, I don't know...ummm...

    Like making a test easier in school because too many students fail it? Is that a good example? I'm not sure. LOL
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  13. Wildcat Committed Player

    Impressive that they didn't remove this stats clamp yet, it's like quit the game we don't care, have 200 players more :D
  14. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Not going to. It's here to stay.
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  15. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    The cut and dry is focus on "Waterkeepers" and eliminate quickly.
  16. GameOnGabeYT Well-Known Player

    Thats been dc down fall for years instead of promoting others to get better when something is clearly beatable by players they lower the content and make it easier its pretty depressing.
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  17. GameOnGabeYT Well-Known Player

    Call it what it is it's pretty disrespectful to call something like this a fix when it's actually yall making content easier to appease people who refuse to take time to get better.
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  18. GameOnGabeYT Well-Known Player

    I'm glad some people are seeing this for what it is.
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  19. zNot Loyal Player

    Yes i seen so many leave the game because it had become so dam easy we cant even have ONE single difficult elite raid in a episode i havent been paying sub for months and i stopped dcuo months ago
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  20. GameOnGabeYT Well-Known Player

    They still haven't learned they devalue their content every time they lower the goal post "so somebody who isn't interested in failing to get get better" complains with the normal omg this is impossible.
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