How much?!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by 9001BPM, Sep 3, 2021.

  1. MrWood Well-Known Player

    The ally roles are irrelevant. Idk why you even bring that up. The price point is the issue. They shouldn't have this stuff behind paywalls. You'd think they would have noticed that when they made the seals purchasable with in game currency. LOGIC, use it or look up the definition. There wouldn't be remotely the outrage if they put that ally in the game for 1k source marks, or a destiny token. Strictly having them behind a paywall is a slap in the face of dedicated players. You'll understand when you put some time into the game.
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  2. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    How strong are allies exactly? If they aren’t that strong then I don’t see a problem with this because they won’t be mandated for most things
  3. Zneeak Devoted Player

    The same was said regarding the release of Artifacts, and now they make a crucial impact on your performance.... Across all roles.

    They better learn from how they have treated Artifacts so far, that way Allies can actually become an actual, fun feature in the game and not just another implementation that make players feel further forced to "spend or fall behind".
  4. MrWood Well-Known Player

    You.... I like you. Do you play on US/PS?
  5. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    I've shared the exact same points in other threads but I'm generally met by players who want to keep their advantages gatekept behind expensive paywalls or under the pretense that it would create an unbalance.

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  6. OnlyNomad The One Above All

  7. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    I mean do you expect people not to react to your absurdly idiotic comments? It's practically comedy gold.

    How do you assume I'm a Batman role-player? Because of my forums Avatar?

    Edit: Who would insult someone about their enjoyment of Batman on a forum dedicated to a DC video game...

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  8. Liightmare dc Active Player

    This is just way to greedy. So not only does it cost a ridiculous amount to level but the only way to get the new ally’s is by paying for them. The thought behind this started with the idea of creating something to be added in game that would bring more revenue. The final product is a slap in the face to every paying member who has supported the game. This is the very definition of pay to win. This is not an item that’s for visual purposes only, this is a bad direction for this game. It feels like your trying to squeeze everything you can from us players and to make it worse it’s during a pandemic when I’m sure people are struggling to just pay membership fees. And I don’t want to think of players outside the us who are paying even more bc of the conversion rate. I will not be spending a dime on this and I’m strongly recommending players to start looking for a new game bc this is what they think of us, we’re just cash cows
  9. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    Coming from the guy who said he has a good job so he doesn’t mind paying for them in another post. You really get your rocks off arguing with people.
  10. Liightmare dc Active Player

    This might seem like a desire but wait until they buff these or create new ones that are op in dmg. And if you want to stay relevant as a dps your gonna need to buy them. And as mentioned in my previous post what about those outside the us who already pay more then they should. Or kids who’s parents pay for their subs. How can you justify this pricing knowing that this isn’t a style this is an item that will effect gameplay.
  11. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    Artifacts are optional too but you can’t perform without them.
  12. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Not sure where you're getting your Warframe pricing from. Unless you mean just the prime weapons, which is $49.99. The "ultimate" pack with all the bling costs $140 a pop.
  13. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    Good thing I'm not a minmaxer
  14. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    YOurE bRingInG EmOtIon IntO ThIS
  15. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    You absolutely can’t keep a whole raid group alive healing without 3 arts 120 or higher
  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    NGL i LoLed at this
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  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    The price tag is quite high
  18. MrWood Well-Known Player

    More irrelevant gibberish. I replied to 2 comments. So, you don't know what logic means and you can't count. Congrats!
  19. MrWood Well-Known Player

    I love how you debunk him and he just makes another excuse lol
  20. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    You heard it first here everyone! Make the entire raid group adjust to the one person who doesn’t have decent arts, Bc Demon can says arts aren’t necessary!

    What fantasyland do you live in bruv? No one is going to want to two heal a reg content. Let alone do any of the things you mentioned Bc one person holds out buying arts.

    They are 100% necessary.