Didn't want to jump on the bandwagon but.........

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Psyanyde1, Aug 29, 2021.

  1. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Make a premade group for what?
    Brand new ppl can use LFG same as anyone.
    Im simply saying no one with sense is using omnibus or at least no ne who knows better. If they, say tripple source drops n an omnibus Q then yes, theres incentive to do it. I would pre-make a group in the sense i would LFG an join one or build one.
    Not sure what you mean? U think im one of them elitist who only group up with certain people then talk down to those who cant complete instances? Lol i work 3rd shift, i am generally the only one in my league on when im on, im the king of pugging my friend. I Q up or shout and thats it lol
  2. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Alot of people make “pre-made groups”
    You say it as if its somehow wrong lol
    Also, im the king of pugging my friend, havent done a pre-made group in over a year lol so no idea what ur on about.

    New people and old can use LFG an build a group. Nothing is stopping anyone from making a group. If ppl Q up blind, they get what they get. Make your own group and bam, your now part of a pre-made group :)

    None of this matters w/out rewards to make any of it worthwhile tho.
    Thats the point. We will always find the path of least resistance unless ALL paths are removed. At that point literally no one would play so we will always “win” in that reguard but make it worth our while an we would use omnibus. Simple as that
  3. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    All correct except where u get to omnibus (system deciding what we get to run).
    Glaring flaw, we dont use it. Rewards dont remotely come close to making the headache an time worth the effort so we find the path of least resistance.
    Omnibus is a trainwreck of an ide. Who, how, or why anyone could have presented an idea so i ept an not been laughd out of the room much less got the group to go along with it is beyond me.
    I mean seriously, do the devs think we r so stupid as to use it and subject ourselves to it for little to no return on time invested.
    Please…… just please
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  4. nawanda Loyal Player

    Wait, what problem?

    As an endgame player, I had very little issue, old content wasn’t really something that was part of my regular game play.

    My point is about what players asked for being ignored, and something they didn’t ask for being imposed upon them.
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  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    My problem with the stat clamp is how weak I feel in the clamped instances contrary to what I have been told I should feel. Also I have never once complained about needing a 5 second run, my only complaint was that it took me 101 minutes to complete Throne of the Dead. Very broken gear, and several repair bots were used. I do not understand why I am being painted as something that I am not, I have never argued for one shot ability as I have been accused of, I have never advocated for 5 seconds runs or anything like that.

    Please stop with the arguing.
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  6. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    So for once the "elitists" are the ones that didn't ask for things to be more difficult and the "pugs" did by asking for clamp. The world is upside down. Now the pugs need to become elitists to finish regular raids but elites were always (and even more now) challenging. So the pugs wanted elitists to stop running old easy content or to be weak again and now they are so they're staying out of it and the pugs want them back to finish the same raids they wanted elitists to stay out of. Did I sum up the changes correctly??
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  7. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Also, who wants to run fos3 48 times with me tonight? Heard it helps new players

    Not thru omnibus tho because that's still broken
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  8. Bipolar Diva Well-Known Player

    Ouch. Hug it out you two.
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  9. Ntwydimela Active Player

    The arguments will continue because of the nature of the positions taken. Pro-clampers seem to obsess over several focal points repeatedly; the clamp will make new players learn the game while at the same time they despise the idea of PUGS which contain new players that don't listen! This is a moment for all OG players to step up and teach their newer counterparts the ; as if these Pro- clampers are teaching anyone, their responses are not about who/how many they've helped but rather how THEY have performed in stat clamped instances. The real winners of this debate are the Devs themselves who have managed to split the community even further due to the sloppy WAY this change occurred. Poor dialogue to an already Toxic community won't pave the way for anything but disaster, allowing Sycophants to paint their fellow gamers as liars, crybabies, weak players,etc. How is a Hot fix going to heal anything? The community manager issues a rather passive-aggressive statement that doubled down on the problems as if they can afford to lose customers with a brand new owner. The changes proposed are make or break, so the level of communication needs to be on point it's not the customers responsibility to step up, we control the opening and closing of our wallets it's the Devs responsibility to sell the community on the vision.
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  10. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    I like pugs but go on..
  11. Ntwydimela Active Player

    That's 1 dollar would you like to go for 2?
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  12. C3alix Committed Player

    Yes, and this is what the devs have been dealing with. The community is very bipplar.
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  13. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    It sure is. Seems like it's getting much worse much faster now tho. I just need an actual new dlc that rewards source like it did last week so I don't have to care about what is going on and get back to enjoying the game. But day 1 of just logging in to only do solo was a giant success. I didn't hate playing for 20mins and I got to spend more time outside playing with the dog instead. Blessing in disguise I guess.
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  14. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Or how about you just get better at the game instead of being inherently lazy with your own development to the point where you expect the game to cater completely to your needs with content that can be completely without the need to understand mechanics or your own powerset or the foundation of the game at all. Just hit random buttons and tap your weapons and be /granted any reward you want.

    I find it absolutely sickening that players expect everything to be continually handed to them on a silver platter in the game
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  15. Ntwydimela Active Player

    My initial post on these boards were about the Toxicity on the boards and throughout the community, that remains my focus how that is handled will define success or defeat. I find it funny that a place where dialogue should be as honest and exploratory as possible becomes petty with a keyboard stroke
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  16. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    Actually I think that is an elegant solution!
  17. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    No.... please no.

    Already people are all confused with the loot locks.

    Why some content is lootlocked but not other?? I spend to omuch time already explaining to people about the lootlock.

    Adding more confusion on top of that??? Please.... no. :eek:
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  18. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Maybe my idea wasn't the greatest but you all need to realize that it is the only way to squash what we are seeing. Players are used to weekly lock outs on raids. Everything goes back to how it was or it doesn't work. If you put them on a 20min cooldown then you will have the same groups run fos3 then dox then either back to fos3 and repeat or add in like Trigons prison or something else short and instead of spamming 1 raid, they spam 2 or 3.

    My solution may not be loved but it would stop what is coming/ already happening. Players would still have way too many options to get source but at least it would shift it around some. Any other option you all think of, I will find a hole. It's what the player base does.

    My real wish tho: make omni content cycle. Double rewards or cut the source in half in everything else and keep the large payouts in specific content and change it often. Do something lol anything but what we have now because it is dumb dumb dumbbbb
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  19. Gothkid1972 New Player

    Do you have any stuff left...Ill take some
  20. Gothkid1972 New Player

    Childish is someone deleting a character over a change in a Game (it is a game right?) because they dont like it...

    If he doesnt like it, its choice to leave...and as he stated he was giving stuff away, why not ask for it.

    As for Stat Clamping...can you name me one MMO that doesnt do it?

    Out of the 7 I play...all do it
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