Big Belly Burger chains, Coffee Shops, Restaurants, Etc.....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lovora Liaht, Aug 24, 2021.

  1. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player


    Any plans to make these restaurant chains hourly stops for temporary buffs? Maybe items? >,>

    Stop at a Big Belly Burger during the hours of 10am, 2pm, 6pm,10pm, etc for "X" buff or "X" item?
    Happy Hour Specials?
    Stop at a Jitters Coffee shop during the hours of xxxx for a buff to "X" or "X" item?
    Stop at a xxxx during the hours of xxxx for a "X" buff or "X" item?
    Any other chains?

    I think that would be pretty neat. Just a thought.

    As always, thanks for reading! (^_^)
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  2. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    Interesting. :)
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I like the idea, but not really fond of world buffs.
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  4. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    Yeah, I think this is a really neat idea.
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  5. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    It would be cool to perhaps spend Source Marks, Seasonal currency or in game cash or whatever to a Big Belly or Jitters whatever and get a consumable buff.
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  6. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I’m always game for more environmental interactivity. Spamming drink emotes at the FP Iceberg Lounge bars just isn’t the same. :D
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  7. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    YES! Exactly!
    I believe that is what I'm trying to ask for.
    Making our open world cities feel more alive isn't so bad right?
    I'm glad you agree!

    I'm glad you ALL agree!! (^_^)

    I don't think something like this could possibly be game breaking, right?
    Just for the sake of expanding on this idea, what are some ways this idea could be implemented incorrectly?
    Also, what are MORE ways this could be implemented positively?

    Feel free to offer your opinions.
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  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    This would be interesting. Would the other retail venues be used as open world vendors for base items, weapons, accessories, etc?
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  9. AKXC Well-Known Player

    I would also love this. Not something I need to see in the next few updated but I would love to visit a coffee shop or something in gotham etc.
  10. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    I would love to be able to just sit down on my own furniture in my own lair. Or on a bench in the open world. Or go to Belly Burger and sit at an outside table. (press circle to sit).
  11. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    More ways to spend Source Marks!
    I like your idea with spending Seasonal currency.
    Maybe they could create new consumables just for the restaurants that give us new benefits?

    Spend Holiday Seasonal currency at Nora's Ice Cream shop to purchase consumables that give resistance to ice powers.
    Spend Holiday Seasonal currency at Big Belly Burger to purchase consumables that buff your ice powers.

    Of course Nora's shop doesn't have to be exclusively "Ice related". It could have a variety of things. Look at Dairy Queen. LOL
    Maybe we can MIX certain items together to create totally unique benefits that we want specifically? Like mixing to menu items that grant Dominance & Restoration respectively to create something NEW! Kinda like building your own "Combo Meal"??? LOL! XD

    Add a water/soda(soder)/energy drink to your meal for increases to your Power Heals, Power Crits, or Power Crit Magnitude? Adding ice could have a certain effect...but should NOT be necessary. Not everyone likes ICE in their drink.

    Add a salad for increases to your Healing IN/OUT, Heal Crits/Magnitude? Maybe adding veggies to your burgers can do this to an extent?

    Protein Shakes for Dominance & Health pool.

    Coffee for DPS buffs. Adding sugar gives additional effects?

    Just throwing some ideas out there. This is pretty fun! (^_^)
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  12. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I think maybe the items shouldn’t offer any kind of buff, because someone *will* figure out a way to make that snowball. Just cosmetic consumables like the halloween candy.
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  13. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    OH MY GOSH!!

    You genius.... ;)

    This would be GREAT for furniture stores!
    Allow us to directly BUY the more COMMON base item drops.

    Keep the more RARE base item drops in the instances maybe?
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  14. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I want a Big Belly Burger Jr and a chocolate shake please and meow =^_^=
  15. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    It's a cute idea. It would give us more of a purpose to be out in the open world...if there was actually more to do.
    Around the time the Dr. Fate dlc went live I remember asking for base item vendors in the open world with entrance ways located at all the furniture stores.
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  16. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    Very true.

    There would need to be a way of preventing this.
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  17. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    This is another very old suggestion from early in the game. There was a lot of support for it but it didn't get much traction from the Dev team at the time. Open word stations for soders etc. Stacy's could sell styles, the Furniture store could sell base items etc.
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  18. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    Yes! Like someone said earlier,"...a more interactive open world."

    I'm seeing some very cool ideas.

    Someone mentioned opening up the furniture stores around the cities!!
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  19. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player


    A furniture store could save us considerable time when trying to decorate a base.
    Furniture stores could just sell the BASIC more common furniture.
    As far as more exotic furniture styles...maybe keep them in instances or sell them at a higher cost? Maybe Marks/Seasonal Currency and Cash?

    Stacy's sounds GREAT!! LOL!
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  20. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I want to go shopping at Stacy’s too for all the latest fashion styles, and hair salon styles too!

    Lovora let’s go on a shopping spree!!! $$$
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