Sorry but DCUO is a dying game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FrankZappa, Aug 7, 2021.

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  1. FrankZappa Well-Known Player

    I will ask this again because no one will answer.
    why did they combine shout chats?
    why did they have to make heros and vills do the same alerts to make Qs pop faster?
    why is lfg and trade so slow?
    why is it devs only get around 600-2000 views on youtube when they use to get over 20k?

    I do not trust the devs statistics. they have a reason to inflate the numbers to look good to management. I would not trust a government investigating it's own corruption either. better to have a unbiased third party do it.

  2. TheSuperPhantomBoy Level 30

    I am playing DCUO since 2015, I honestly love the pvp of before, since there was more honesty and more creativity at the time of the fights and I identified with my character, for me personally pvp was damaged with the appearance of the ARTIFACTS I feel that the only thing they did was pay to be able to win in a fight OSEA MONEY AND MORE MONEY , I must admit that I have seen videos of DCUO since its inception 2011 and honestly was very creative in the fights, population and was recommended by many youtubers and there was too much population , it is more there was enough population that to enter DCUO you had to wait in a row, I have adapted to do feats , missions and investigations because I do not tolerate paying to improve something or pay to win since the talent in combats it is owned by the player and not by MONEY.

    I must admit that several friends of mine and leagues were destroyed by the appearance of the artifacts. People who loved fights of heroes and villains gave the game the cheerful energy. Many comments on other forums and YouTube that before the game was much better in pvp than currently due to the HONESTY, TALENT AND CREATIVITY of the player in pvp battles and not of ADDING ARTIFACTS.

    They should have improved powers and rotations, enabling more than 15 points and adding the entire branch of powers since before pvp was played in combos and all the old players are witnesses, but they added ARTIFACTS (IN CONCLUSION, FOR ME THE PVP WAS DAMAGED DUE TO SO MUCH ARTIFACT.)
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  3. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    DCUO created the problems with queue times with Marks Relevancy. Now they are trying to fix that issue with this new update.
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  4. TheSuperPhantomBoy Level 30

    And please for the people who are insulting my friend , if you don't like his forum I invite you to retire, he has all the freedom to express himself, if you don't like what he says then what they do here?
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  5. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Why has it been over ten years since I’ve met somebody from France despite living in L.A. where there’s a huge multi-national population?

    Conclusion: French people are extinct

    …except they’re not. Logic doesn’t work that way. In criminal law, the kinds of points you just made are considered in the circumstantial evidence category meaning that by themselves logical conclusions cannot be drawn.
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  6. Shalayah Committed Player

    No I don’t think the devs have done a poor job on the game at all to be honest. Is the game perfect? Far from it. Does the game have its issues? Yeah. All games are the same.

    If you have your demands and recommendations on how to improve the game there’s nothing wrong with it, but when you keep pestering for change that the current devs can’t handle nor have any intentions on fixing that doesn’t reflect poorly on them. You’re asking these devs to take significant time away from their moneymaker to improve a mode that brings nothing to the game. And it’s not just as simple as pressing a button. They have to sift through years worth of code that none of them wrote and you’re asking them to just fix it. Nobody wants to do it hence why it hasn’t been done, and there’s no guarantee that all that effort spent will pay off at all. The DCUO community is not only toxic asf, but y’all don’t even know what y’all want. You just want PVP to be in a better state. It’s not gonna happen and the devs themselves have already communicated that it won’t happen. That leaves the ball in your court.

    Are you gonna quit and play something else? Are you gonna Switch to being Full time PVE? Or are you gonna suffer through the current state of PVP. That’s your choice.
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  7. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    DCUO created the problems with queue times and how long players stick around with Marks Relevancy. Now they are trying to fix that issue with this new update.

    As far as youtube or anything else goes. They've never pushed/sold their brand very well at all.
  8. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    If daybreak provided falsified data to EG7 before the acquisition that would be a financial crime punishable by incarceration as well as a slam dunk lawsuit finding them liable in corporate civil court. So I doubt that happened.

    Even if there was a logical reason to believe the data was falsified, you STILL haven’t provided comprehensive data that either partially or conclusively proves your assertion. In which case we’re all just throwing around statements that may or may not partially prove something or nothing. Kinda pointless really…
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  9. TheSuperPhantomBoy Level 30

    Honestly it's a shame, the developers had to know that there are many who like pvp bone it is supposed that to attract an audience you must catch their attention and many love pvp. I hope you will make an attempt to fix it.
  10. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    Player retention for DCUO has always been poor to very bad. Less than 5% (I'm willing to bet closer to 1 or 2%) even when pvp was busy.
  11. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    The door is over USE it
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  12. FrankZappa Well-Known Player

    why is it the devs can not get the views on youtube they use to? why is there no more FNL?
  13. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

  14. FrankZappa Well-Known Player

    well I am in school for video game development. I do in fact plane to make a dcuo clone in the future but that won't be for years. so ya I actually am going to do something about it.
  15. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    This. ^^^^
  16. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    I started playing at launch...the day AFTER launch I started reading "the game is dying threads"....

    It's still here

    maybe it's all just wibbly, wobbly, timey, wimey stuff but my guess is that the game AND "the game is dying" threads will be here for a good long time to come :)
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  17. Outlaw Trevor Well-Known Player

    I dont think the game is dying or dead, maybe the better word to use is it's not as popular as maybe in years past. They are things the game went wrong and things the game did good I think. I been playing since 2015 I think and yes it was really popular before, I met a lot of great players and leagues but yes now it's not as active as many have moved on to other games such as those battle royal type games.

    I know a lot of the microtransactions in this game don't help but it's not the only issue in my opinion. There's a lot of loyal players on this game still and on the forums here which is a good sign, always will be. Every game will have loyal players to it
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  18. FrankZappa Well-Known Player

    can you link those threads? they should still be around right?
  19. Solarbound Committed Player

    A game like FFXIV, pretty much the number one MMO on the market right now, regularly updates their PVP. Yet, it doesn't exactly "make them money." Why can't these DEVS of DCUO do the same thing? That's proof such logic is flawed, as I'm seeing countless people in here trying to push that narrative.

    The problem I'm having is, I'm one of those exact players that the OP is talking about. Those of us who started off paying a subscription because it was the PVP aspect of this game that excited us. And, I come from the days of before this game even went "free to play." Players like us only paid to play that PVE content for the sole purpose of grinding SP to make ourselves among the most powerful or elite in PVP. Dammit, how I miss those days.

    But, what some of you are seeming to forget is how such a simple concept contributes towards indirect profits. The reasons why people spend the money that they do. That's where such an argument from each of you who are opposing becomes lost. And, as a result, we lose too much of our game's population, our community, because these DEVS weren't competent enough to realize the potential they were holding onto. Why else do you think we're seeing money grabs exist such as Time Capsules and the poorly structured Artifact System? But, you're all perfectly okay with falling for those schemes, huh? Funny.

    Point is, such neglect within this kind of business model should never be made out to be acceptable. We're the ones that pay those DEVS. They eat because of us. Because we're the ones who provide them that privilege, we're in a position to hold them accountable for where mistakes may be made. It makes me sick seeing people coming in these forums on the daily thinking they can speak for players like myself because they don't care for what a portion of the game brought to the table like I may have. We're talking about giving an appropriate address for an issue that's long overdue.

    PVP players are a part of this community, too. Or, did the rest of you forget that?
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  20. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Is anyone going to mention the fact fact that it is natural for anything to start dying after it is created. Humans start dying after birth and they do grow and change over time, but still dying underneath. Objects made have a shelf life of usage and eventually crumble, corrode, like dying. Games developed are no different, everything new will at some point end and be a memory.

    I would like to say that if a game lasts for 10yrs plus then it is still living. We all have our own perspective on the game whether it be from Lfg, Leagues, Friends list, HoD/Wt populations, etc to which we measure its life value. There are always fluctuations such as schooling, jobs, vacations, natural disasters, and more that can affect our perspectives and even the game itself.

    Technology has also advanced and the devs can now do more things that they couldn't do in the past. When this game launched, it was all separated. Now, PC and PS play together, the heroes and villains now play together, personal tells now work cross fraction, and it wasn't intended that way and they decided to change it so we can all play together. Did they do these things because the game is dying? Did they do these things because it was for the better? If the game was dying to which it was gonna be shut down, wouldn't you think that the team would let us know in advance that the situation is dire?
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