Top Bug - Fixed Lightbringer Feat in Act of Defiance 4-player operation

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Miahztwin, Nov 2, 2020.

  1. KillshotX Well-Known Player

    This is a very old feat which many new players are unable to get, since we are getting a whole removal of cr relevance for instances, lets try to get old bugs like this fixed so that players revisiting or going back to older content can achieve feats which are an essential part of the game.
  2. AriesWar247 New Player

  3. AriesWar247 New Player

    Update - the feat worked after 1 person stayed back with the statue and waited till we killed the second boss and then we all returned to the portal, had the player near the statue hit it again and come through the portal. All of us but 1 had the aura at that point and then we were able to light all the fires
  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I've tried this a few times with people who need the feat. Did the 'leave one behind' and even only sent 1 guy into the 2nd boss fight to do it solo so he was the only non aura person. Sent all 3 back to the portal, stood at various points of the room and had the 1 guy press the button multiple times. No aura replacement. Where exactly were you standing back at spawn/portal? Again, we tried multiple corners of the room, stood in the center, flew/clung up to the top...nothing got us a new aura on the one guy who needed it.

    Also, if you are missing 1 aura, how did you light all 4 fires? You should need 4.
  5. Jaden Law Well-Known Player

    Lightbringer feat in Act of Defiance is bugged.

    For this feat need transport light from 1st part of alert to the room before last boss and lights up vessels in 2nd part of alert. But after cutscene on 2nd boss light aura disappear from players everytime. Last night we tried every possible variants for complete this feat(1 skip cutscenes and 3 wait and then transporting light etc.), but anything not working. This feat broken since stat revamp, it's something like 3 years... Maybe it's time to fix it already?!
  6. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    • Like x 1
  7. Jaden Law Well-Known Player

  8. Lantern Walters New Player

    please fix this problem
  9. Thedoctor041280 New Player

    Have recently got feat on xbox using the trick of leaving one person at statue n only tank does second boss n enemies in corridor. Then they run back to portal, n guy next to statue then activates statue n comes thru portal n passes aura to tank. I can confirm that this still works on xbox as it popped the feat for my group. Hope this helps. If not add me furrenstein n I can help u get feat
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    See I've tried this and it seems sporatic. Tried standing on the portal, in the corners, hanging on the wall, floating in the air. Just about everywhere 'by the portal' you can think and have had no luck.

    In any case, seems like it should be easy enough to fix. Just figure out what is triggering the removal of the used to work, so obviously something changed....or remove the cutscene that wipes the light off.
  11. Otaku New Player

  12. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    If anyone has a workaround, please show it with a video! I've tried this today and nothing worked.

    The trigger of cutscenes in general is broken. This bug can affect the sword feat in Monsters of Metal too, but at least there it's still possible for the sword holder to stay out of the cutscene entirely. We know it's triggering that's the issue since when the sword holder is within cutscene range, Robin immediately throws out the "you dummy" line.
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  13. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Still broken...
  14. Stranger Committed Player

    I've found a workaround for this bug. You need a group of 5 people tho.
    Follow those steps:
    • Enter the Act of Defiance Alert
    • Fight until Last Boss (don't kill last boss) then everyone leave the instance beside 1 person!! Important!
    • Open another Act of Defiance Map, kill first boss.
    • Take the aura, leave the instance.
    • Get invited back to the old instance by the 1 person.
    • Now you can activate the fire. You should have 3/4.
    • Unless the 1 person stood in the 1st map while you went to the last boss. Then you should directly have 4/4.
    Hope the point is kinda understandable.
  15. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Or. Better way... Have the devs fix it?
  16. Stranger Committed Player

    Indeed. But it's been 4 years... i doubt that this will be fixed anytime soon.
  17. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Doubt anything will be fixed soon given the current direction things are going lol. Its a mess over there and the community isnt happy
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  18. Puppette New Player

    You lose the aura you get from the statue in the cutscene after getting it
  19. AerynDC Developer

    This issue should be fixed with the next hotfix on live.
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  20. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Praise the lord! Thank you