NEW Hero & Villain shared HQ

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lovora Liaht, Jul 11, 2021.

  1. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    Will it have restrooms, dorms, cafeteria, and showers?
  2. Eve YouTuber

    I doubt it. I think they mentioned it won't be as big as Hall of Doom\Watch Tower, either. But a new hub is nice nonetheless, with or without all of these additions.
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  3. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Just take a bath at the Metropolis water supply.
  4. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I just hope it has a bar.
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  5. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Lmao .
  6. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    as odd as it sounds, the one base item I want more than any other is a simple door that I can pop somewhere in my base & say "that's the khazi." it doesn't have to have anything on it, just a simple straight forward bog standard door.
  7. Jurandyr Ross Well-Known Player

    Your character stinks because you chose so!!! We have shower base items that can be interacted with!