Downtime Server Downtime - May 13, 2021 - Game Update 113

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 12, 2021.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Game Update 113

    All worlds will be taken offline at 5:30AM PT on May 13, 2021, to launch Game Update 113 and the spring seasonal event. Downtime may last up to 8 hours.

    The full update notes will be posted in the Live Update Notes subforum when available.

    Update: All worlds are now online.
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  2. nawanda Loyal Player

    I normally never complain about downtime, but I do hope that GU113 contains updates of sufficient gravity and urgency to justify taking the game offline again in such a short space of time.
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  3. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    While you're at it, 'Gyroscope' not 'Gryoscope.'
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  4. CommanderOfPain94 New Player

    What is the Bonus Week you said bonus week every single week what is it the start of a seasonal does not count as no bonus I want double nth metal XP week
  5. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    When there is a downtime most of the times they announce the bonus week during it for some reason, that said, there might not be one because of the event, although I doubt it.
  6. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    While we're waiting...

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  7. Raikam New Player

    Will spring sale come ? Give info please :(
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  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    When do the patch notes usually go up? The game is down for the update but there are not update notes on what in it other than it includes the seasonal
  9. Jaelia Committed Player

    Haha sure I’m down for a round or 2 :D
  10. Ryll Committed Player

    These threads are my favorite. Always brings out the entitled players to the max.

    The games offline for a few hours. Big deal. Get out of the house and don't forget the sunblock. I wouldn't want anyone to get upset at the sun for existing.
  11. AruEdu Well-Known Player

    there are not live update notes about day 13 =_= it is a joke?
  12. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Joke’s on you, it’s raining heavily where I live. :p
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  13. AruEdu Well-Known Player

    Intento ser respetuoso pero esto parece una tomadura de pelo... son las 16:33 en Europa... POR FAVOR !!!! LAS ACTUALIZACIONES DE NOCHE O DE MADRUGADA! estaba muy contento con el servicio... pero ya han hecho lo mismo 4 veces en 1 mes... un poco de respeto a los jugadores europeos... LA PROXIMA UPDATE que sea en horario nocturno europeo por favor... ya va siendo hora de que el server US y el EU esten en igualdad de condiciones... ahora entiendo porque el US esta lleno de gente y el EU vacio.. el horario de actualizacion es un punto importante a tener en cuenta.
    Pregunto... piensan hacer lo mismo siempre ?? porque si es asi me cambio de server.. el server US esta siempre lleno incluso cuando los americanos estan en horario nocturno... o supuestamente durmiendo.
    una respuesta rapida por favor...
    para hacer esto seria mejor agarrar mi idea de HACER UN SERVER INTERNACIONAL. tendrian un server mas... mas gente jugando... mas CASH en su bolsillo... up to you.
    Y en el FORO no hay ninguna nota de esta ultima actualizacion... Si alguien quiere saber el horario... el server estara OFF desde las 17:30 Hora del pacifico... estara OFFLINE durante 8 Horas de actualizacion, Esto significa que en Europa el server estara online a las 1:00 o 2:00 de la MADRUGADA. UNA TOMADURA DE PELO VAMOS!! al server Americano no se atreven a hacerle eso =_=.
    Actuan como los mancos que entran a una instancia y van solos corriendo sin esperar a nadie... a ganar Puntos en la puntuacion de la instancia... sin explicar nada a los nuevos jugadores... Tenia en mente comprar muchos espacios de inventario y bank.. + Sistema de guaridas + cinturon multiusos +una segunda armeria + algun capitulo con Gear UP PACK. Esto era antes de ver como funciona el server EU... cada vez que tienen una update... me entran mas dudas. Asi no, yo creo que asi no.
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  14. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Not only that but players would have been up in the morning before server downtime doing dailies/weeklies. Usually after server restarts if there is a bonus week established it will have been activated by then on EU server.

    Usually when a seasonal goes up there isn't a bonus week with downtime? Although it is 4 weeks into Flashpoint and it is common to have first bonus marks of a new episode 4 weeks in.
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  15. NIckNock Well-Known Player

    Frank Cady i love this guy This guy at was on five sitcoms at the same time
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  16. NaturesRemedyxX New Player

    Sorry if someone else answered already. I don't think the full patch notes will be released until it's live. I think the reason is in case something messes up or they need to make a last minute change. I hope this was somewhat helpful. If this is wrong I'm sorry but I think it's correct.
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  17. NaturesRemedyxX New Player

    The full update notes will be posted in the Live Update Notes subforum when available.
  18. AruEdu Well-Known Player

    on the EU Server i tried many times... but the TASK in Central City about to take a POWER borrowed from Flash.. in PC with FLY movement.. not worth... OK ?? fix it please... in PlayStation and Wii and XBOX appear on the screen "Use this button and this one button to use the temporally Power taked from Flash" ... but in PC not appear nothing.. and you press Shift or Control or Alt and the character never do anything... please fix it .
  19. John Sierra New Player

    Da gebe ich dir recht. Ich spiele jetzt vielleicht seit gut einer Woche und meine das die Server schon 3 mal wegen Wartung oder so nicht verfügbar waren. Und das tolle dabei, mitten unter dem Tag. Also das macht doch langsam keinen spass mehr. Das Spiel scheint ja ganz nett zu sein, aber wenn das die Normalität hier ist, bin ich auch bald wieder weg und suche ein anderes MMO.
  20. Berza Committed Player

    5:30 a.m. is not 17:30. 17:30 is 5:30 p.m. Game is expected to be up maximum at 22:30 Central Europe Time.
    And closing the game at this time would be a daily thing if they merge the servers, so please stop asking for it.